Gerald Broflovski is the successful Jewish lawyer in Souith Park and the father of Kyle.  Gerald is married to a bit of a mega mega biyotch.

Mr. Broflovski Quotes

Mrs. Broflovski: How would you boys like to have a little slumber party at your friend Kenny's house tonight?
Cartman: No way, dude, Kenny's family is poor, they live in the ghetto.

Mrs. Broflovski: Are you sure you stayed over at Kenny's house?
Kyle: Yeah, dude, I told you, we had bread sandwiches for breakfast.
Mrs. Broflovski: Did you sleep in the same room?
Kyle: Yes, why?
Mrs. Broflovski: Bubbe, how would you like to spend the night at your friend Kenny's house again?
Kyle: No way, dude, it sucked ass, they don't even have cable.
Mrs. Broflovski: Well I think you need to spend more time with your friend.
Kyle: Kenny's not really my friend, Ma, I don't give a rat's ass about him.

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South Park Quotes

Cartman: I can't possibly finish this whole chocolate cake by myself. Oh yes I can.
Kyle: Shut up Cartman!

Chinpokomon Executive: You are American.
South Park Toy Store Owner: Yes.
Chinpokomon Executive: Ohhh, you must have very big penis!
South Park Toy Store Owner: Excuse me, I was just asking you what your up to with these toys.
Chinpokomon Executive: Nothing, we are very simple people with very small penis. Mr. Hosik's penis is especially small!
Mr. Hosik: So small.
Chinpokomon Executive: We cannot achieve so much with such small penis, but you American wow, penis so big, so big penis!
South Park Toy Store Owner: Well aah I guess it is pretty good size.