Leslie Knope is played by Amy Poehler in Parks and Recreation. She's the Deputy Director of Parks and Recreation in Pawnee, Indiana.

While kinda annoying, and very awkward in social situations, Leslie has an unabashed optimism. She truly believes that her role in government is to make the city a better place for its resident.

She's trying to accomplish this task by getting a pit turned into a park. Leslie is being met with resistent, but that's never stopped her before!

Knope says: "I'm one hundred percent committed to making sure every resident has all the green space and fun activities he or she can handle."

How can anyone find fault in someone that believes in that?!?

Leslie Knope Quotes

The raccoon problem is under control. They have their part of the town and we have ours.


Leslie: Ron will show you around.
Ron: Um, right this way is the exit.

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Parks & Rec Quotes

Tom: I meet a girl at a bar. She seems kind of into me, could go either way. I get her number. It's two days later. What do I text her?
Zach: It was nice meeting you.
Tom: No, Zach. I don't text her it was nice meeting you. I wait eight weeks and I text her, "what's crackin'?"

Ron: Who the hell is 'Fwarp'?
April: I don't know. I couldn't really hear him. It sounded like his name was Fwarp.
Ron: Get his number?
April: No.
Ron: Good girl.