Julie Mayer is the daughter of Karl Mayer and Susan Defino and started off as a little teenager during the series premiere.  Now she's all grown up and after completing school has returned home during season six.

Julie Mayer Quotes

Julie: So, why did they send you to juvie anyway?
Austin: They didn't. My mom did.
Julie: Why?
Austin: She had this boyfriend. No job, big drunk, real catch. One night he pops her one, so I break a chair over his head, and, uh, and she calls the copson me.
Julie: But you were protecting her.
Austin: Yeah, that's what I thought. But the guy said he'd leave if she didn't press charges and, well, my mom doesn't really like to be alone.

Edie: Julie, sweetie. You're a good girl. Do yourself a favor and stay away from my nephew.
Julie: Trust me, I have no interest in swaggering, muscle-bound juvenile delinquents.
Edie: Honey, that's what every good girl says, just before she becomes a bad girl. Trust me, I know.

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Desperate Housewives Quotes

Let's find something fun-size for me to enjoy.


Preston: We don't want to get spanked.
Porter: Yeah, we promise we'll be good.
Lynette: Too late, you stole and then you lied. Even worse, you made me look bad in front of Mrs. McCluskey, who you know is mommy's sworn enemy. Time to pick your poison. How 'bout a belt? It's a classic... Well, we could go with the old hickory stick. It's a cliche, but it's pretty effective. I know, we'll go with the spatula. The holes give it less wind resistance; moves faster.
Scavo kids: No! No! No! No!
Lynette: Guys, guys, guys, hey my hands are tied. Thieves get spanked. Just the way it works. Unless...
Porter: Unless what?
Lynette: For a first time offense, if you swear, cross your heart, that you will never, never steal again, and you write Mrs. McCluskey a letter of apology, I will let it slide.
Scavo kids: Okay! Yeh! We swear! Yeh! We swear!
Lynette: Alright, start with Dear Mrs. McCluskey.
Porter: Mommy, why are you smiling?
Lynette: Do you know what physiological warfare means?
Porter: No.
Lynette: Well, too bad for you