When we first got to know Dr. O'Malley, he harbored a secret crush on Meredith, with whom he shares a house, from day one. George also has a host of other insecurities. His positive outlook on life, and the fact that he is more emotional than most men, often lead to conflict with other doctors.

George doesn't fit in with his own family, either. A Thanksgiving hunting trip resulted in a George unloading a lot of emotional baggage during a conversation with his blue-collar dad and brothers (one of whom later shot the dad, forcing George to operate).

A friend and confidant of Izzie, George won praise among the entire hospital staff for saving a man's life in an elevator during a power failure. With Dr. Burke talking him through it, George stopped the bleeding in a patient's heart single-handedly after Alex choked under pressure.

After great inner strife, he admitted his feelings for Meredith and slept with her in a moment of peak vulnerability for both. After some disastrous fallout, he moved out of her house and onto Dr. Burke's sofa. He remained there until Season Two came to a close - and he found a spot in bed next to his girlfriend, Callie Torres.

In the hospital basement.

Season Three was a tough one on George O'Malley. His father had a heart surgery, then succumbed to cancer. He and Callie broke up, then married in an impromptu Las Vegas ceremony. Then he drunkenly slept with his best friend, Izzie, and has doubted his future with Callie ever since. No one knows where the carousel that is George's personal life will stop, but one thing is for sure - it's a bumpy ride.

George O'Malley Quotes

"Do girls have two pairs of panties?"


[to Bex] "You just have to get through high school. High school sucks for anyone who's the least bit different. But then there's college, and then out in the real world, you'll find where you belong."

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Grey's Anatomy Quotes

It's a beautiful day to save lives.


Bailey: Are you a doctor?
Patient's father: No, a malpractice attorney.