Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop is an NSA analyst, currently on joint assignment with NCIS.

She is married and has three brothers.

Bishop has taken firearms training at the NSA.

Her style of analysis and investigation is unusual: when processing evidence, she plugs in her ear buds to listen to music, spreads her documents and laptop on the ground and free associates food with earlier moments when she's done research or investigations.

Bishop is happy to be part of a team and enthusiastic about her work, but prefers to keep her personal life to herself.

She has shown that she is adapt and devious when interrogating suspects, and has played the role of other people in order to elicit a confession.

She is a savant who has written many research papers, one of which was used in NCIS Season 11 Episode 9 - a paper in which she predicted the exact scenario being played out during the episode.

It's possible that she has an eidetic memory: having read through an autopsy manual during a weekend, she was able to recall details in it, right down to the number of pages.


Eleanor "Ellie" Bishop Quotes

Bishop: No, Daniel Coyne is a victim. Whoever else has been targeted is a victim. You're a terrorist, and you're going to serve fifty years in federal prison.
Tony: Minimum.
Pace: They're incredible, these weapons I've helped build. You sit behind a computer monitor. Point, click and thousands of miles away, total destruction. Parsa thinks it's only fair we get a taste.

Bishop: Should we go to the hospital?
Gibbs: No. No, we should find Parsa.
Bishop: How?
Gibbs: You start at the beginning, Bishop. Come on. This is what you do. Come on, come on, come on. Bishop. Come on! Get to work.
Bishop: Okay.
Gibbs: You find him. Get this son of a bitch.

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NCIS Quotes

Gibbs: You've been saving that one, Mo!
Cabot: You have no idea.

I do love a man in a bow tie.
