Dr. Lisa Cuddy is House's bosses. You can imagine how much fun that must be!

She's the Hospital Administrator and Dean of Medicine, meaning House must seek Cuddy's approval before peforming many of his crazy surgeries/theories. On a personal level, there's constant sexual tension between Cuddy and House.

He often remarks on the size of her breasts, while the pair made out about halfway through season four of the show.

Dr. Lisa Cuddy Quotes

(to House) Oh, I looked into that philosopher you quoted. Jagger. And you're right. You can't always get what you want, but as it turns out, if you try sometimes, you get what you need.

Dr. Cuddy

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy
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House Quotes

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!


[To Foreman} That'd be redundant. I've got an angry black guy waiting for me to drop the soap right here.
