Detective Danny “Danno” Williams, a New Jersey detective who has transferred to Hawaii to be close to his daughter.

Danny has nearly 100 solved cases under his belt back in New Jersey. He continues to dress as he did in the states as a point of pride. He was recruited to be McGarrett’s partner.

Danny Williams Quotes

Steve: Don't trivialize my suffering.
Danny: What? I am gauging the damage to that piece of junk car.

I mean, I'm no detective... Wait a minute! Where am I? Oh, I'm a detective!

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Hawaii Five-0 Quotes

Danny: We shouldn't be doing this without backup.
Steve: You are the backup.
Danny: I am the backup. I hate him so much.

McGarrett: Tell me you know how to swim.
Danny: I know how to swim. I swim for survival, not for fun.