Betty Suarez is an extremely intelligent, hard-working, sweet-natured girl, who wants nothing more than to break into the fashion industry despite her looks.  She lands a job as Daniel's assisstant but her ambitions don't stop there.

Betty Suarez Quotes

[Amanda walks in on Henry and Betty about to kiss]
Amanda: Eww dorkus interruptus
Henry and Betty: Get out!
Amanda: Hey everyone, Betty is in heat!

Betty: Or when your dog eats all my food
Amanda: That was "Bad Ronald"
Betty: There is no "Bad Ronald," it's you, "Bad Amanda"

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Ugly Betty Quotes

Hilda: The test just said I had to do a manicure, it didn't say on who.
[Hilda shows off her nails]
Hilda: I wasn't gonna waste all this hotness on someone else

I smell a burrito

Wilhelmina [holding up Betty's earring]