Ann Perkins (Rashina Jones) is a beautiful nurse that finds herself at the Parks and Recreation department in Pawnee, Indian just as often as the employees.  It helps that she's now dating Mark.

Ann Perkins Quotes

[on Leslie] Smart woman. Iffy choice in men.


Leslie Knope: Dream with me for a second, Ann: doesn't this neighborhood deserve a first class park? Imagine a shiny new playground with a jungle gym; and swings; pool; tennis courts; volleyball courts; raquetball courts; basketball courts; regulation football field; we can put an ampitheater with 'Shakespeare in the Park'...
Ann Perkins: It's really not that big of a pit.
Leslie Knope: We can do some of those things.

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Parks & Rec Quotes

Tom: I meet a girl at a bar. She seems kind of into me, could go either way. I get her number. It's two days later. What do I text her?
Zach: It was nice meeting you.
Tom: No, Zach. I don't text her it was nice meeting you. I wait eight weeks and I text her, "what's crackin'?"

Ron: Who the hell is 'Fwarp'?
April: I don't know. I couldn't really hear him. It sounded like his name was Fwarp.
Ron: Get his number?
April: No.
Ron: Good girl.