Days of Our Lives Spoilers For The Week of 6-19-23: Abe's Family Arrives, But Will He Get His Memory Back?

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Abe's family should have been there from the moment he landed in the hospital.

Theo e-signed the consent form, but there has been no mention of how his extended family is reacting to Abe's disappearance. Such mysteries are par for the course in Salem, but that doesn't mean the MIA person's loved ones shouldn't worry!

Fortunately, this oversight is about to be fixed! According to spoilers for Days of Our Lives during the week of 6-19-23, Theo, Eli, and Olivia all come to Salem for Abe and Paulina's first wedding anniversary.

Spoilers for the Week of 6-19-23 - Days of Our Lives

It seems strange that family would come in for an anniversary if no party has been planned -- especially if one of the people being celebrated is missing!

Still, spending time with Abe and Paulina's loved ones will be great. Marla Gibbs' Olivia is a mixed bag who is often as critical of Paulina as she is supportive, but it's always fun for Jackee Harry to reunite with her 227 co-star.

And Eli is sorely needed at the Salem PD! Jada appears to be doing everything herself while Rafe sits in his office demanding the cops under his command do something, and Shawn wanders around getting drunk and feeling guilty about shooting Bo.

Hopefully, Eli will join the search for Abe, although the spoiler video has him focusing on whether Abe has feelings for Jada.

This is the side of Eli I can do without. He and Rafe are ALWAYS gossiping about Rafe's love life on company time!

I wish Eli hadn't turned amnesiac Jack down for the Commissioner position in 2019. He'd make a far better commissioner than Rafe, who doesn't seem to do much of anything.

It would also be more interesting if Eli were attracted to Jada. He's committed to his family, but Lani's in jail, and Jadamay remind him of her.

It would be fascinating for Eli to struggle with guilt over being attracted to  Jada, even though he knows he won't act on them and probably won't see her again after he leaves Salem.

Eli seems like a stand-up guy, but he did sleep with Lani when she was dating JJ. Would he have a one-night stand, rationalizing that he's leaving town and can return to his wife and kids?

That won't happen; instead, he'll push Rafe toward Jada, which is far more predictable and boring.

Please scroll down to check out our complete list of Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 6-19-23.

Abe's Family Arrives - Days of Our Lives

Eli, Olivia, and Theo all arrive in Salem to commemorate Juneteenth and Abe and Paulina's anniversary.

Hopefully, they don't first find out that Abe is missing when they touch down in Salem!

Maybe Theo can do what Salem PD apparently can't and access the security cameras to find out how Abe left the hospital.

Eli will join the search for Abe, so there's that. Let's hope this bittersweet family reunion is the beginning of the end of Whitley messing with Abe!

Whitley Plays Along - Days of Our Lives

Abe remembers it's his anniversary, but Whitley manages to play along.

Abe is suspicious of Whitley and realizes she doesn't look like Paulina.

I'd love for him to get himself out of this mess, but unfortunately, Whitely knows precisely how to keep the game going.

Spoilers say she'll Photoshop a photo of her face over a picture from Abe and Paulina's wedding. It'll be a poor job that viewers will probably see through, but Abe won't.

Talia's Softer Side - Days of Our Lives

Chanel sees Talia's softer side.

Chanel will see Talia engaging in an act of kindness. But to whom?

If it's sympathy for Sloan over Colin's situation, that won't impress Chanel -- it'll seem like more of the same obsession with Colin that got Talia into this mess.

But if Talia is kind to someone unrelated to this story, particularly if it's not something she was obligated to do, Chanel may soften toward her.

Julie Still Hates Gabi - Days of Our Lives

Julie and Gabi re-discover their animosity.

Gabi and Julie will always hate each other. That's a given.

But why are they even talking to each other? Abigail's gone, and Gabi has nothing to do with Julie's family.

Gabi/Julie fights are always entertaining, but why can't they keep walking instead of standing in the Square exchanging insults?

Leo Confronts Megan - Days of Our Lives

Leo confronts Megan.

Leo isn't shy about confronting anyone, but this is a spectacularly bad idea!

While he may have a razor-sharp wit, Megan is far more cunning and violent than he realizes.

Leo will be lucky if the worst that happens is him being stuck in the secret room with EJ and Kristen!

Chad's New Job Offer - Days of Our Lives

Maggie offers Chad a job.

According to spoilers, Maggie is furious after Brady and Alex close a deal -- probably with the billionaire who turned her down.

I've been Team Maggie for a while, but that's ridiculous. She fired Alex for not closing the deal, but it fell through because the potential client didn't like Maggie's conservative approach.

And in any case, Maggie has no right to be angry that her former employee found success elsewhere. But Chad has worked for Titan before and has tons of business experience, so if her next move is to hire him, that's smart.

Eli Joins the Search - Days of Our Lives

Eli joins the search for Abe.

Hopefully, that'll distract Eli from his worried about Rafe's love life.

Eli is one of Salem's best cops, so if anyone can find Abe, it's him.

And any time Lamon Archey returns to Days of Our Lives is good news for viewers, so if searching for Abe leads to an extended visit, we're all for it!

Talia's History of Abuse - Days of Our Lives

Chanel tells Paulina about Talia having been abused.

I've been waiting for something like this.

While Chanel shouldn't be quick to forgive Talia -- after all, Talia ruined her business by drugging those biscuits, and people could have gotten hurt r died -- I expected Paulina would relate to Talia's history.

Will Paulina believe Chanel? And how will she react to learning that Colin played the same role in Talia's life that TR played in Paulina's? This should be interesting!

Your turn, Days of Our Lives fanatics! Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and let us know your thoughts and theories.

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Days of Our Lives streams exclusively on Peacock. New episodes drop on weekdays at 6 AM EST / 3 AM PST.

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.