Days of Our Lives Round Table: Should Eric Have a Baby With Sloan?

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Chad mourned the anniversary of Abigail's death, but is he really ready for a future with Stephanie?

Our TV Fanatics, Jack and Christine, are joined by Tony from MyHourglass, a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate that, if Nicole loves EJ, Sloan and Eric procreating, who can stop Megan, and more!

And which scenes do you think annoyed our round table team this week? Read on to find out if they match yours...

It was the anniversary of Abigail's death. Do you think Chad is really ready to move on with Stephanie?

Tony: He certainly seems to have, in every way that counts. Taking off the ring kind of felt like a formality, to me, at least.

Jack: I think he's too ambivalent still. He moves toward her, but then he feels guilty.

Chad Feels Awkward - Days of Our Lives

Unlike all of Salem, I don't think that his difficulty in moving on is a psychological problem that needs to be addressed. Grief has no timeline, and I wish that someone would say that during one of these conversations.

Christine: It feels like Chad got involved with Stephanie to alleviate his loneliness more than he has real feelings for her.

Although he'll probably always grieve for Abigail, it doesn't seem like he's truly ready to commit to someone else, at least not yet.

EJ professed how much he loves Nicole to Kristen. Do you believe Nicole loves him, too?

Tony: To a point. I think we're meant to think EJ is just a placeholder until Eric is available again, but I'm sure Nicole loves him on some level.

Nicole Shares News With Eric - Days of Our Lives

Jack: The thing is, when someone remarries after divorce, it doesn't necessarily mean they no longer have feelings for their ex. Realistically, Nicole could love both EJ and Eric.

It's like someone who is widowed can love their new love without it replacing their old one (like Abe loving Paulina doesn't diminish his love for Lexie, or won't once he's back in his right mind.)

But it's written like EJ is Nicole's consolation prize since she can't have Eric, which is really not cool of her. I think she loves EJ in her own way, but he's not Eric and never will be, and that's what the problem is here.

Christine: I hope she loves EJ because it's clear he really cares. And Eric and Nicole always make one another miserable and are, therefore, miserable to watch.

Will EJ Learn Nicole's Secret? - Days of Our Lives

Plus, EJ and Nicole are the better-matched couple. They're both okay with a certain amount of moral ambiguity, whereas Eric tends to be far more comfortable in a world of black and white.

EJ and Nicole have more fun, and Eric isn't as sullen and broody with Sloan, so can't we just have Nicole fall head over heels in love with EJ and move on?

Chloe described Xander as charming when defending their budding relationship to Nicole. Then Chloe encouraged Xander to turn down the job at Titan to stay at the Spectator with her. Were you surprised?

Tony: Not really. They're clearly setting up a Chloe/Xander pairing.

Chloe and Xander's Next Step - Days of Our Lives

Jack: I thought Chloe wanted to take things slowly, but this is DAYS, after all, where people always seem to end up attracted to that bad guy who tormented them.

So I can't say this is surprising, though I wish Chloe would put as much focus on her job and her child as she does on whatever man she's with at the moment.

Christine: I wanted to yell at Chloe when she said Xander was charming. Don't get me wrong, I love Xander, but serial killers can be charming. Charm shouldn't negate everything else.

I half expect Xander to make dumb decisions like turning down the job he's longed for since he was a child to work with the woman he has a crush on, but I really thought that Chloe was smarter than this.

Sloan Wants a Baby - Days of Our Lives

Do you think Sloan will get pregnant with Eric's child? Do you want her to?

Tony: I'd rather Sloan disappear and never be seen or heard from again. But yes, I'm sure she will get pregnant with Eric's child.

Jack: I think she will. I don't like Eric and Sloan as a couple, and I especially don't like that at least 95% of the reason Sloan wants this baby is so she can hold onto Eric in the event he finds out Nicole's baby is his.

Also, as much as I loved Kate's advice in general, deciding to have a baby IS a huge decision that will affect the child forever as well as the parents, so I don't think it's as simple as not being afraid to go after what you want.

Sloan Blasts Rafe - Days of Our Lives

Finally, has anyone considered what to do about the possibility that the child will inherit whatever mental illness Colin has? I know they did this (badly, in my opinion) with Ciara and. Ben, but I'd think it would at least be a consideration for both Eric and Sloan. The last thing anyone wants is to bring Colin 2.0 into the world!

Christine: I hope so. I've actually grown to like Sloan, and I like Eric more when he's with her. So, I wouldn't mind seeing this storyline play out.

What I hope doesn't happen is that Eric ends up being the father of both Sloan and Nicole's children. That might make me sick.

It's your turn, Days fans. Do you want to see Eric and Sloan have a baby?

EJ Confronts Megan - Days of Our Lives

Who do you think will finally stop Megan? Do you expect her to stay in Salem for long?

Tony: I hope Megan sticks around for a long while! We need a villain who's unapologetically evil, and Megan fits that perfectly!

In a perfect world, Bo would wake up, and Bo and Hope would return to take her down. More realistically, I think it'll be a team-up of Harris and Shawn.

Jack: This story is a huge mess. Harris and Megan are playing cat-and-mouse games with each other, so I don't expect Harris to ever succeed at taking Megan out, and Shawn is too drunk to be effective (unless he does like Hope did with Stefano. Ugh!)

Megan Surprises EJ - Days of Our Lives

You know what would be really diabolical and worthy of Megan, though? If she faked her own death and hid somewhere, watching the Salem PD scrambling to figure out who did it.

Bonus points to her if Shawn ends up in jail for a while over it.

Christine: I'm not sure anyone will stop Megan, although I'm sure many will try.

Megan's truly crazy in a villainous sort of way, and similar to Stefano, Salem may need that right now to keep things interesting and give people a common enemy.

Isolated and Confused - Days of Our Lives

Rate your enjoyment of Whitley holding Abe hostage from 1 (I hate it) to 10 (It's one of my favorite stories!)

Tony: 5. I like the soap-within-a-soap aspect of this, but I hope Whitley isn't around too long.

Jack: This one gets a 2 from me, and honestly, the only reason it gets that high a grade is that James Reynold, Kim Coles, and Jackee Harry are all doing great work with what they've been given.

But this story is silly, and Whitley is over the-top. Plus, two weeks in, we still have no clear motive for her behavior. I want it to end already.

Christine: Ugh. Maybe a 3. As Jack mentioned above, the actors are all working their hearts out, but it's just a lame storyline, and I can't wait for it to end.

Stefan Confronts Li - Days of Our Lives

Li Shin is back and conspiring with Megan. Do you care? Is this a character you want to see stick around Salem?

Tony: I can take or leave Li. If he would commit to being either good or evil, I'd probably like him more. As is, though, I don't have much time for him.

Jack: I don't mind Li -- when he's not trying to scheme his way back into Gabi's heart. He's likable in his scenes and interactions with Wendy or Johnny, so I wish they'd stick to that and not involve him with Megan's nonsense.

Christine: I'm not really a fan. He just doesn't seem to fit in anywhere, and it's frustrating to watch him get more air time despite that.

A Bizarre Proposal -  Days of Our Lives

What annoyed the heck out of you this week in Salem?

Tony: Several days of my least favorite characters: Sloan, Gwen, Leo, and Kristen. Also not a fan of drunken Shawn.

Jack: Why, why, why do we need more prisoners in the secret room? We JUST did this same story, with Kristen knocking Stefan out, not that long ago! And it's beyond me why Nicole didn't check there before anything else once she realized she hadn't heard from EJ in a while.

I also wish we'd gotten an on-screen visit with the specialist for Nicole. That would have been more interesting than a whole episode of her being upset that EJ wasn't there, only to have the appointment entirely off-screen!

Christine: Bonnie's inane talk with Xander while trying to keep Sarah's secret. It just all seems so silly.

Bonnie Blabs Sarah's News - Days of Our LIves

At some point, Sarah can't keep this child a secret forever, and simple math will tell Xander he's the father. So Sarah not dealing with this head-on just makes her look foolish. And subjecting us to Bonnie trying to cover for her is just painful.

Did Chad really have to send his kids away to Jack and Jennifer after being away from them for weeks?

And please, make this old, cliched soap opera that Abe is watching stop. It makes me want to hit the fast-forward button whenever it's on.

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline in Salem this week?

Tony: Again, I enjoyed the soap-within-a-soap. Megan had some good lines. And I liked Harris and Kate teaming up.

Kate's Captor Revealed! - Days of Our Lives

Jack: I loved Kate's advice to Eric, even though I think she's oversimplifying matters in this Days of Our Lives quote

Kate: It's no secret your girlfriend isn't my favorite person, but that is beside the point.
Eric: Which is?
Kate: Which is that you're talking about having a baby, which I know is something that is very, very important to you. So if there's a genuine offer on the table for one, why would you wait?
Eric: Because it's a serious decision. It's not something you rush right into.
Kate: Oh, blah blah blah blah blah. Boring, boring, boring. Okay, I know you're trying to do the responsible thing, but life is messy. I mean, it can be joyous, it can be thrilling, and then it can be depressing as hell. You still have to plunge in and embrace the chaos. I mean, if you're always using all your energy and time to logic through everything, opportunities are just going to pass you by, and you won't even notice because you'll be so busy trying to do everything the right way and all of a sudden you're gonna end up on a boat in the middle of the ocean, God knows where, cutting the heads off fish and wondering why you didn't do all the things you wanted to do.

Christine: I loved everything about Leo standing up for and trying to protect Gwen. Leo has many faults, but he is incredibly loyal to his bestie.

And kudos to whoever writes Leo's dialogue because it makes me chuckle every time, yet somehow never seems too much coming from Leo.

Jada Grills Leo - Days of Our Lives

Now it's your turn, Days fans. Are you rooting for or dreading Sloan getting pregnant? Do you want Nicole to be in love with EJ? And did you love or hate Gwen and Leo this week?

Hit that SHOW COMMENTS BUTTON down below to let us know.

Then check out Jack Ori's Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.