FROM's Simon Webster Talks "More Mature" Ethan and Ethan's Ability To Stay Calm

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In a town as nightmarish as the one we see in FROM, it's tough to keep your cool when monsters abound, and home seems like such a distant memory. But young Ethan Matthews has always managed to approach the town much differently from the adults surrounding him.

Ethan's precocious and kind nature has been a blessing to the town, and as we move through FROM Season 2, we expect to continue to see Ethan grow up right before our eyes as things shift and pivot in the ever-unpredictable town.

TV Fanatic got to talk with the effortlessly sweet Simon Webster, who plays the aforementioned Ethan, about everything from Ethan's calm demeanor amongst the madness and which characters he would like to see Ethan interact with more often.

Ethan Outside Regular From Season 1 Episode 5

If the FROM Gods are listening, we would like to see some more Ethan and everyone, really!

This conversation was a treat FROM fanatics, so dig in and see what the delightful Webster told us about the series.

Talking With Jade - FROM Season 2 Episode 1

How do you think Ethan is able to stay so calm amongst everything that's going on in the town?

Ethan likes to think of the positive side of things, you know? He likes to think of things as a game, as an adventure, like he's on a quest and that the nightmare is a challenge for him. And Victor is really making the town more exciting.

Ethan is so amazed by a faraway tree because you can't have that in the overworld, the real world of FROM. Y

ou can't have a tree that teleports you anywhere. But I feel like that's what Ethan thinks of. He thinks of the positive sides, and he's very pumped that all these cool new features are in the town.

And I feel like he is a little scared, but he also hasn't seen a monster up close, so that's probably helping him a lot more to keep calm. And he has his mom, who is very comforting, and that's how he's able to be more calm.

Picture Sharing - From Season 1 Episode 4

You just brought up Victor. How would you describe the relationship between Ethan and Victor?

Their relationship is very, very strong. Ethan looks up to Victor a lot because, of course, he's been here the longest. He's been here for a very long time. When they were looking for the boy in white, how he said, "I've been here the longest."

He asks Victor questions because he looks up to him. Although Victor doesn't really like to talk about it as much because he says we shouldn't talk about that.

And the relationship is very, very strong and loving, and I feel like it's only going to get stronger as the series goes on.

Ethan Visits Victor - FROM Season 2 Episode 4

What is your favorite thing about acting in the series?

My favorite part is the people, of course.

Being in Nova Scotia. It's a great place to be filming, being near the ocean. I do miss home sometimes, but Nova Scotia is... before I booked From, that was one of the dream places I wanted to go.

And I love the cast. The cast makes it so much fun. And the directors too. I love working with Jack Bender and John [Griffin]. John's really good, too.

The hair and wardrobe people, they're very supportive, and they're so awesome. I love their work.

Jim Investigates - FROM Season 1 Episode 1

Those are some of my favorite parts of working on FROM.

You just brought up the cast, and FROM has such a large cast. There are so many of you, so many different characters. And Ethan gets to spend a lot of time with Victor, and he gets to spend a lot of time with his family.

Is there any other character on the show you wish Ethan got to spend a little bit more time with?

Yes, I have three. I actually have three, but I do have one, too.

I wanted to have more scenes with Jade because he had a very hilarious scene. I was laughing for so long. It was so funny.

Ethan & Jade Connect - FROM Season 2 Episode 1

And one with Donna, because there's an upcoming scene that's very heart-to-heart, and it was a very special scene to Ethan, I find.

And also, Boyd, because who wouldn't want to work with Harold, you know?

There was also when he and Kenny were playing baseball where he said, 'Grab a bat.' So, I think Boyd likes to. And I want Ethan to have at least a little bit of sportsmanship, like maybe play some baseball with Boyd. That would be pretty fun.


Because I do play baseball in real life.

Mother & Son - Tall - From Season 1 Episode 6

Oh, that's nice.

And that is a good segue into my next question: do you see any similarities between Ethan and yourself? Things that Ethan likes that you like?

Yes. I feel like we look a lot alike for some reason. I don't know why.

We both like to look at the positive sides. We're very passionate about stuff and put our minds to what we want. And I like doing sportsmanship, and I hope Ethan's going to get to do some. And that would be a thing that we both like to do because I love playing sports.

We're both very curious about stuff. Like, of course, Ethan goes to Victor about stuff, and I would probably go to my dad, mom, or sister.

Block Building - FROM Season 2 Episode 3

And we both have older sisters that we love.

So we do have a lot of stuff in common, which is pretty cool. And I hope as the series goes on, there's more stuff we have in common.

Oh, me too.

What can you tell fans about what we'll see from Ethan in the back half of From? Because we're about halfway through now.

More mature. He's more grown up and mature, and I feel like his parents are letting him have more freedom with his emotions. So, there's a heart-to-heart with him and Donna. And he's not being as babied. At the start, he was just kind of tattling on Julie. But he's more grown up. And I feel like Ethan's just going to get better as the series goes on.

Diner Living - Tall - The Matthews and Sheriff Boyd share a bite to eat at the local dinner on the latest From Season 1 Episode 4.


If you could describe the rest of season two in one word, what word would you use?

My word would be 'suspenseful' because it makes you go on the edge of your seat, like how there's always a cliffhanger, and you're always like, "Well, what's going to happen next?"

Whenever I watch shows, I just love when you're just so into it and you're just so excited for the next episode.

***This interview has been edited for length and clarity.***

You can watch FROM on MGM+ on Sundays at 9/8c.

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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FROM Quotes

Kenny: You think they're ready?
Boyd: Go head get the strip.

Boyd: Motherfucker. What I tell you, Frank?
Frank: It got late. And I didn't-
Boyd: You got kids. You nail the windows shut. You nail the motherfucking windows shut, Frank! Right?