Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Chapter Fifteen

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Everything done in secret will always come to light. It will be dragged out if Perry Mason seeks to expose it.

Most of the puzzles developing throughout the season were solved onĀ Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7.

The identity of Brooks' killer, the reason behind his murder, why Hamilton was scared, and who leaked the information about the gun to Milligan were revealed.

L - Lydell and Camila - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7

The most immediate puzzle was who had leaked about the murder weapon. That was not a huge surprise to the audience because we already knew it was Pete.

Pete was remorseful almost immediately after he'd given Thomas that information.

Pete and Perry - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7

It didn't look like he had any hidden reasons behind the decision apart from a serious case of inferiority complex and a compulsive need to make bad decisions.

Perry: You broke into our safe.
Pete: You shouldn't have made it so easy.

The weight of his choice sank for him when Thomas paid him for the work. He wasn't looking for money. He only wanted to prove to himself that he wasn't stupid and might even be smarter than Perry.

His conscience couldn't let him rest if he didn't come clean about his misgivings.

On some level, Perry understood. He also has that nature of doing things he knows are wrong and could be the end of him -- case in point, hiding the gun.

Perry - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7

He felt betrayed by Pete, and they resolved how men knew to deal with feelings best then -- a good ol' brawl.

And then they got down to working together.

They uncovered something so wrong on very many levels. It went without saying that killing Brooks because he was ambitious was wrong.

Lydell and Camila's business dealings were not only wrong but immoral.

Secretary: May I offer something?
Perry: Yes, of course.
Secretary: Could it be possible the Japanese are using the oil for their military?

International politics are usually more complicated than they appear on the surface, but there are times that it is clear-cut. The Japanese invasion of its neighbors was one such clear-cut issue.

The other nations had decided to stop supplying the country with valuable resources, but a group of people saw that as an opportunity to enrich themselves.

Lydell - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7

How do you sleep at night knowing that you are directly responsible for the suffering and death of millions of people?

Brooks didn't care that his father was selling oil from his mines to the Japanese. His biggest problem was the lie being told to hide the illegal dealings.

The question Holcomb could never answer was answered. How was Brooks making money selling produce, yet not one farm produce supplier was supplying him directly?

Apart from the fact that he saw it as a great business opportunity, having those produce feed people was a much better use than washing ashore for birds to waste.

Perry: And Brooks' little side scam was shining a very bright light on Daddy's bigger one.
Pete: And Daddy needed to extinguish that light.

Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7

The level of immorality involved was compounded by the fact that this was during the thick of The Great Depression when people were struggling to feed their families, and many were failing at it.

Just imagine how many families one ship could have fed.

Uncovering this was a matter of life or death for Perry. He was facing charges for his previous actions, and if he was going to go down, the truth must be out.

Privilege works in mysterious ways.

Despite being a woman during those times, Camila was afforded the privilege of being rich. She had been calling shots and even called for Brooks' murder.

Lydell was prepared to go to the grave with that secret, but recent revelations about Brooks upset his entire worldview. He had hoped that Brooks' death would be pinned on the boys and the case would end just like that, but it would now follow their lives forever.

If I'm suddenly no longer around when this offer is completed, then all my research goes to the FBI and the press, telling them how you've been feeding the fish more fruits and vegetables than in your own soup kitchen. No, no, no. I can tell a whole lot more. How you illegally schemed with the Japanese to sell them oil. And how you had such little faith in your own son not to tell people about it that you paid to have him executed.


Elsewhere, it became clear why Hamilton was so scared and acted like he was reading from a script. Being Queer then was emotionally draining, and people worked hard to keep the secret. Having evidence that you are Queer out there must have felt like the end of his life.

If that information were to leak, not only would he lose his job, but also, he would lose his life's work. All the cases he had prosecuted would be questioned, some retried, or the verdict overturned.

It would be unprovable that he was not blackmailed into leaning a certain way, and a half-decent lawyer could make a case out of it.

Claire - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7

There was a truth that, up to this point, most characters had not dared think about, but time was closing in fast. And that was what would happen to the Gallardo brothers.

The fact was that someone had shot Brooks. That was an active choice, and someone needed to pay for it. Preferably the one who did it. Mateo and his mom were slowly coming alive to the fact that the brothers were guilty.

It is the moment that a sacrifice is needed. Instead of losing two brothers, they could lose one. Rafael was not doing so well in prison. He would not survive it because of the rebellious nature typically associated with artists.

Learning that he'd been accepted into art school was a game changer. He had a future ahead of him. He could make it out of the shanty town and lead a better life.

Mateo realized he had a decision to make.

Elsewhere, Paul roped his wife into chasing leads again, and they discovered something major. That was the only secret that remained and will be key in the final arguments.

Camila had been manipulating Della all along, hoping that she would undermine the defense, but the opposite happened. Backed into a corner and knowing that Della knew why Brooks was killed, it's clear that it is not above her to blackmail and murder.

What did you think of the episode and how the events unfolded?

Are you ready for the season finale?

Let us know in the comments section.

Chapter Fifteen Review

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Denis Kimathi was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on X.

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Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Perry: You broke into our safe.
Pete: You shouldn't have made it so easy.

Secretary: May I offer something?
Perry: Yes, of course.
Secretary: Could it be possible the Japanese are using the oil for their military?