Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6 Review: Chapter Fourteen

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Terrible decisions lead to terrible outcomes.

The defense got a chance to plead their case on Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6, and they did exemplary well, but a secret they had kept threatened to undo all the work they had done.

Della fell for Anita, leading to her making a significant decision while Rafael struggled to maintain his sanity in prison.

L - Della and Perry - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6

The highlight was the defense hearing, where they sought to convince the jury that someone else had the motive to kill Brooks.

When we were first introduced to Brooks on Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 1, he had just finished engaging in his favorite activity.

Mason Perry - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6

It was discernable as early as then that he was a troubled man who, apart from being overconfident in his business abilities, was deprived sexually in some way. He would engage in extramarital sex a short distance from his wife and children and then kiss them with that same mouth.

The prosecution's tactic was to paint the Gallardo brothers as killers who wanted to steal something from a man but caught the wrong one. Thomas wanted to show the jury that they were savages who deserved to rot in prison for the safety of the hardworking men of Los Angeles.

The defense already knew that the Gallardo brothers had technically committed the murders. However, they had no motive. Their first suspect was the Councilman whose sister Brooks had abused.

Perry and Della needed to instill doubt in one juror for the brothers to be found not guilty. But that was a huge gamble because jurors sway one way or the other based on the evidence presented.

Della Street - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6

Della, who had been keeping track of which way the jurors were leaning, realized they were losing them and decided to step in.

Oh, and did she knock it out of the park. Her performance was as if Perry was always calm and composed, taking the time to make sure the emotions involved in the testimonies hit the deepest parts of the jury.

It was almost unbelievable that she had never done that before. She owned the courtroom and instilled the fear of god into Thomas.

But she wasn't always that confident. She had let Perry take the lead for a long time, slowly learning his tactics and perfecting his weaknesses.

Della in court - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6

Being freshly in love gave her the courage she needed. That, coupled with a troubled drunk socialite's honest, unfiltered opinion, gave birth to the Della Street in that courtroom.

Things with Anita were progressing rapidly, and they were at a point where they moved in together. It is the natural progression of relationships, but I dread when the other shoe drops because of the times they found themselves in.

I have a lingering feeling that something is on the horizon.

Someone was tailing them on Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 5, and recent developments might complicate things. It might be the same thing that happened with Hamilton because he seemed scared to talk about anything concerning the case.

Della - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6

The session exposed Brooks. His peculiar desires would taint a person's image even during the current times.

It was so shocking even Lydell flinched when he heard the acts described and saw them dramatized. It was unclear whether that was new information for him or he was already conversant with that side of Brooks.

It made for an interesting thought that maybe Brooks's death had nothing to do with business or the Councilman's sister. What if Lydell killed him for continual infidelity that hurt his wife? It always goes back to the spouse, you know.

Gene was spooked when he was subpoenaed, but he knew he couldn't lie under oath, and there was a fair chance he might be exposed as corrupt.

Camila - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6

It led him to share with Perry his findings about the mysterious McCutcheon dealings, but they didn't make anything of it.

Elsewhere Paul was still struggling with the effects of beating a young boy. He was always on edge and anxious, failing to fall asleep most nights.

His comfort with using his family members to do dangerous work was concerning. First, it was his wife and child, and then his brother-in-law. Understandably, they needed money, but that was dangerous work that required patience, which Morris didn't seem to have.

He crossed a line going off on Morris like that when he gave him an impossible task, and also, he was living in the man's home. It was not too much to ask for some respect.

Paul and wife - Perry Mason Season 2 Episode 6

Thomas dropped a bombshell that saw Perry being marched into his office and the murder weapon found in his safe. From the word go, that was a bad decision. They should have tossed that gun in the ocean if they weren't planning on using it as evidence in court.

Their carelessness jeopardized not only the lives of their clients but also his relationship with Aimes. It is possible that Pete got to her somehow because she was quite inquisitive during the dinner but didn't start their relationship with hidden motives.

Speaking of Pete, there were suspicions that Thomas had a personal stake in this trial, and it became even more apparent that something was up with him.

He prosecuted this case with such fervor that even Hamilton was surprised.

He reeks of dishonesty with the evidence planting, witness tampering, and unlawful evidence handling. He employed tactics reserved for mobsters.

In prison, Rafael was losing his sanity. He was convinced that they were walking out of there. What a surprise it will be when he learns they are not leaving that prison without paying for their crimes.

With the season finale on the horizon, the stakes have never felt higher.

What did you think of the episode? Who called for Brooks' murder?

Let us know in the comments section.

Chapter Fourteen Review

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Denis Kimathi was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. He has watched more dramas and comedies than he cares to remember. Catch him on social media obsessing over [excellent] past, current, and upcoming shows or going off about the politics of representation on TV. Follow him on X.

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