Days of Our Lives Spoilers for the Week of 4-10-23: Will Drugged Biscuits Lead to a Problematic Story During Sexual Assault Awareness Month?

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Is former rapist EJ a better man than Eric Brady, who was once a sexual assault victim?

Spoilers for Days of Our Lives during the week of 4-10-23 suggest that after ingesting tainted biscuits, an under-the-influence Nicole has sex with Eric.

Let's hope it's not exactly how it seems. As someone who was drugged and sexually assaulted, Eric should know better than to take advantage of Nicole this way.

Spoilers for the Week of 4-10-23 - Days of Our Lives

When Stefan drugged Nicole, EJ held off on taking her to bed because he knew she was incapacitated. I applauded Days of Our Lives for FINALLY acknowledging the consent issues in these scenarios.

If Days of Our Lives backtracks by having Eric and Nicole sleep together while she is under the influence again, that'll be horrible on so many levels.

Not only is it poor storytelling to have the same beat twice, but it would involve Eric -- who is a survivor of the same type of sexual assault -- caring more about having sex than about whether Nicole is too incapacitated to consent.

Things aren't always what they seem in spoiler videos, especially on Days of Our Lives. So it's possible that Eric doesn't have sex with Nicole, but Sloan thinks they did it when she walks in.

That would be the best possible scenario. I don't mind Nicole rubbing it in Sloan's face that Sloan will always be Eric's second choice IF nothing untoward happens.

That still leaves us in questionable territory if Nicole and Eric are both drugged. They both cannot consent in that case. Eric wouldn't consciously be taking advantage of Nicole, but that doesn't make that situation okay.

A further spoiler says Stefan will mistake Melinda for Gabi and sleep with her.

This is problematic also. If Stefan is drugged, in one sense, it's karma for spiking EJ's drinks, not to mention Stefan taking advantage of Abigail during a dissociative episode all those years ago. Still, it's not okay if Melinda realizes Stefan is incapacitated and has sex anyway.

As the district attorney, Trask should know better, even if she is usually all about herself and what she can get out of a situation.

Airing these storylines during Sexual Assault Awareness Month seems like a terrible idea, but hopefully, Days of Our Lives will handle them better than we expect. Please scroll down to check out all eight spoilers for Days of Our Lives during the week of 4-10-23.

Tripp Has to Cancel - Days of Our Lives

Tripp cancels on Wendy.

Tripp has some family emergency, leaving Wendy high and dry.

Wendy will probably turn toward Johnny again. Ugh.

Wendy needs to pick one, and it doesn't help that Johnny may be another victim of the tainted biscuits and turn toward Chanel as a result.

Bo is Hostile - Days of Our Lives

Steve is stunned both to find Bo and by Bo's reaction.

Steve thought his old friend was dead, but his excitement at coming face-to-face with him will be short-lived.

Bo wants to be a Kiriakis and destroy all connections to his old life.

A clip in the spoiler video suggests Bo will attack Steve with a knife. But if anyone can understand, Steve spent months believing he was Stefano and doing horrible things to Kayla.

A Letter from Victor - Days of Our Lives

Kayla discovers a letter from Victor to her mother.

Days of Our Lives always excels at stories involving letters from the past.

This one will be doubly emotional because Peggy McKay and John Aniston have passed away, making this letter the only way to bring Victor and Caroline's decades-long love story into the present.

What will the letter say? Is it possible that Victor and Caroline had more children together?

Stayla Finally Reunite - Days of Our Lives

Steve and Kayla reunite!

After fighting with Steve, Bo doesn't want to kill him, so the only thing to do is imprison him with Kayla so Steve can't ruin his plans.

Bo doesn't realize the favor he's done his old friend. Steve's been weighed down with grief since Kayla's "death." Now that they're back together, he can finally think clearly.

Steve and Kayla will find a way to save Bo or at least get themselves out of this mess.

Hope and Harris In Trouble - Days of Our Lives

Hope and Harris encounter a problem at the Greek tavern.

A man at the tavern gets violent when Hope and Harris start asking questions.

It's not clear why. Does he work for Megan or Thomas Banks?

And will Hope and Harris end up locked up together somewhere? Love stories in Salem often go that way.

Chloe's New Friendship - Days of Our Lives

Brady is upset to find Chloe and Xander spending time together.

Xander and Chloe's relationship is platonic. There is nothing for anyone to be jealous of.

In this case, though, it's a good thing that Brady overreacts, as spoilers say that Chloe will use the opportunity to tell him that they don't have a romantic future unless he gets Rachel's behavior under control.

Brady may not know what to do, but it shouldn't be that hard. Disciplining his bratty daughter instead of half-heartedly telling her to cut out the rudeness and tantrums might be a good place to start.

Eric and Sloan Fight - Days of Our Lives

Eric and Sloan argue about her obsessive need for revenge.

FINALLY! Eric wakes up and realizes that Sloan's insistence on revenge isn't any better than Orpheus'.

Sloan won't take it well. She thinks she's right and that anything goes in the name of vengeance.

It would be great if Eric also pointed out that Chanel is the victim here, but that may be asking too much.

Hot, Heavy, and Drugged - Days of Our Lives

Someone drugs Chanel's new batch of biscuits.

As discussed above, this potentially problematic storyline leads to Eric and Nicole getting hot and heavy.

They may not be the only ones, either.

Leaving aside all the inappropriate sexual behavior, the question remains: who tainted the biscuits? Talia seems the most likely suspect, but why would she do that?

Your turn, Days of Our Lives fanatics. Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and tell us what you think about these spoilers.

If you'd like to chat about already-aired episodes of Days of Our Lives, check out the latest Days of Our Lives reviews and Days of Our Lives Round Table discussions.

Days of Our Lives streams exclusively on Peacock. New episodes drop on weekdays at 6 AM EST / 3 AM PST.

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.