Days of Our Lives Round Table: Should Alex Be Forgiven?

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Was what Alex did unforgivable? Is Sonny too gullible? And did Salem cremate Kate too quickly, given that she died in Salem, the world's premiere location for people returning from the dead?

Our TV Fanatics, Jack and Christine, are joined by Horizon from MyHourglass, a Days of Our Lives fan forum, to debate Stephanie and Alex's breakup, Sonny's big heart, Nicole telling off Eric, the odds that ashes can be reincarnated, and much more!

Was Alex shutting off Stephanie's phone understandable or unforgivable? Will Stephanie ever forgive him? Do you want her to give their romance another chance?

Horizon: What Alex did was unforgivable, and I don't blame Stephanie one iota for lashing out at him and telling him it's over.

Not getting a chance to say goodbye to her mother is as heartbreaking as life gets, and it results from a horny toad who was overanxious to sleep with her. I feel a bit bad for him, but in my mind, he crossed the line.

The fact that there were multiple calls only amplifies Alex's terrible decision, and while it is possible that, at some point, Stephanie will forgive him, I hope she doesn't.

Jack: I want to like Alex. He's Justin's son and is played by a talented actor. But I can't.

Misreading a Situation - Days of Our Lives

From the moment he met Stephanie, he's acted like a stalker who was "in love" after two seconds and wouldn't respect her boundaries. To me, that's what makes this unforgivable.

If it had been the first time he crossed a line, it would be understandable even though he didn't have the right to screen Stephanie's calls or turn her phone off.

He didn't know that Kayla was dying, but this is the latest in a long pattern of controlling and inappropriate behavior, and for me, it's the last straw. I hope Stephanie gets as far away from him as she can and never looks back.

Christine: Alex's actions were both understandable and unforgivable. The way Chad has been circling Stephanie and interrupting her and Alex at every turn, I can see why Alex would shut off her phone at that moment.

But it was blatantly wrong and led to Stephanie losing her chance to say goodbye to her mother. I don't see how Stephanie ever forgives Alex for this. But this being Salem, it won't surprise me if she eventually does.

Is Sonny Sleeping With Leo? - Days of Our Lives

Is Sonny wrong to see the best in people? Was Chad wrong to beat up on Sonny for believing in Alex and Leo?

Horizon: I admire people who try and see the best in people. They are often ridiculed and given a litany of "told you so" admonitions. But if wayward people don't have kind and considerate people by their side, how does one expect them to change their ways?

So, I thought Chad was being too harsh on Sonny about Alex and Leo.

Jack: There's nothing wrong with seeing the best in people, but when it crosses the line from seeing the best to denying reality, that's a problem.

Sonny can believe Leo has changed but still keep his eyes open for things that don't add up about Leo's behavior so that he doesn't get duped.

Leo and Sonny Grow Closer - Days of Our Lives

Sonny can still love and be loyal to his brother while also realizing that Alex's behavior was more than an innocent mistake.

Chad is upset because Alex deeply hurt Stephanie, but he's also right that Sonny's optimism crosses the line into gullibility.

Adrienne might have also seen the best in people, but I remember how suspicious she was of JJ when he reformed; she didn't blindly trust everyone. That's the piece that Sonny is missing.

Christine: Sonny's big heart and ability to see the good in people are some of his best qualities. It allowed him to give his marriage to Will a second chance after Will cheated on him.

Chad was angry at Alex, and he took it out on Sonny. That wasn't fair. Chad tried to disguise it as being brave enough to tell Sonny the truth, but I think he was being a lousy friend and getting rid of some frustration by using Sonny as his verbal punching bag.

Will Roman Forgive Kate? - Days of Our Lives

Roman cremated Kate almost immediately. Would you cremate your loved one so quickly if you lived in Salem?

Horizon: In Salem speak, it all depends on whether life can be revived from ashes. Gulp.

Jack: Well, Tony came back even though he was cremated, so in Salem, it's not a problem either way!

If I lived in Salem, I wouldn't be so quick to assume my loved one was dead, especially if I had returned from the dead myself.

Kate, in particular, has popped up several times after being presumed dead, so I'd be careful of thinking she's really gone if I were Roman.

Roman Proposes - Days of Our Lives

Roman also should be on top of Rafe's search for Rolf so that he can get Rolf to bring Kate back as soon as he's found. She was married to Stefano once, after all, so Rolf might be inclined to do it.

Christine: Does Roman know some 24/7 instant crematorium because that was damn fast? You'd think he could wait and have an actual funeral that her children could attend. Instead, he's talking to an urn at the pub.

And Dr. Rolf and his magic serum are certainly reasons to keep a body on ice for a while, so why Roman moved so quickly on this is a mystery.

Sparks Fly - Days of Our Lives

Eric lashed out at Nicole again for Jada having an abortion. This time, Nicole told him off. Was she right to do so?

Horizon: Good for Nicole. Jada is the one who is ultimately responsible, although I still believe Jada lied and never had the abortion. And while Eric has gone off the rails of late, Nicole is someone I consistently have problems with.

Jack: Absolutely! This is the strong Nicole I have loved for years! She was 100% right.

First, she did not force Jada to have an abortion, and Eric even told Marlena he knew it wasn't fair to blame Nicole.

Secondly, Eric is the world's biggest hypocrite by being so judgmental of Nicole and so accepting of Sloan.

Nicole's Tense Encounter - Days of Our Lives

Sloan is going after a sexual assault survivor. As a fellow survivor, Eric should 100% be on Chanel's side. Instead, he's defending the person who is continuing the abuse at every turn.

Christine: I cheered for Nicole when she finally stopped putting up with Eric's crap. Yes, she shouldn't have approached Jada about the pregnancy, but ending it was Jada's decision. If Jada wanted that baby, no one, including Nicole, would have convinced her otherwise.

And Eric was a complete hypocrite when he spouted how much he trusted Sloan. She's basically his sex buddy that he barely knows. Sloan did a great job watching Rachel, but Eric had no way of knowing how she'd react to this random kid being dropped on her doorstep.

Eric loves to feel self-righteous, but in this case, he was reckless and irresponsible, with someone else's child no less.

Brady Wants to Reconcile - Days of Our Lives

Brady kicked Kristen out of the penthouse. How do you think Rachel will react to not being able to see her mom?

Horizon: I was proud of Brady for unceremoniously dumping Kristen out on the street, but can he maintain his discipline and inform his bratty daughter the truth or a softer version of it about her mother? He should enlist John and Marlena to help explain it all to her. It is high time.

Jack: Rachel will throw a tantrum, accuse Brady of listening to Chloe, and blame everyone but Kristen for Kristen being gone. She's a spoiled brat who has been raised to act just like her mother.

Christine: Oh, Brady's in trouble. Rachel is her mother's daughter. It won't take much for her to side with Kristen and blame Brady and Chloe for killing her dream of a happy family.

And as Brady is not one of my favorites, I'm looking forward to seeing this hit the fan.

Brady Explains Everything to Chloe - Days of Our Lives

Chloe learned the truth but told Brady she couldn't go back to him because of her feelings for Stefan. What's your reaction?

Horizon: I detest the ultra-boring Brady Chloe coupling, so anything that rubs up against it, I am all in.

Jack: Chloe shouldn't go back to Brady. He lied to her and broke her heart for no reason when they could have been working together to defeat Kristen.

However, I hope she has enough self-respect to stay away from Stefan now. His feelings for her were manufactured in a lab, and she knows this. Staying with him will only lead to spectacular heartbreak when he eventually remembers his feelings for Gabi.

Chloe Under Pressure - Days of Our Lives

Ask Theo or Paul how well being with someone who had forgotten their feelings for someone else worked out.

Christine: Chloe and Brady are quite a pair. They jump from one love interest to the next so fast it's as though their hearts have a revolving door.

Brady was foolish to hide the truth from Chloe, leading to a lot of heartache. But Chloe knows that Stefan's feelings for her were likely due to being brainwashed.

Chloe shouldn't be with either Stefan or Brady. She could take some time off and visit her son, Parker. It's been so long since she's acted like his mother that I wonder if she'd even recognize him.

Li Is Upset - Days of Our Lives

What surprised or disappointed you the most this week in Salem?

Horizon: I was surprised Days decided to mine the heart of darkness with Stephanie's missed phone calls which resulted in her not having a chance to say goodbye to her dying, beloved mother. Good God that is as rough as it gets.

Most disappointing was Li, who went from a cool, sleek trickster to a pathetic, slobbering puppy who vainly tried to win back Gabi.

Jack: Ugh, Sloan, go away. She's only humiliating herself via this lawsuit and ensuring that all of Salem knows her father was a sex offender who preyed on young female students. She should be disbarred already.

Eric holding Kristen at gunpoint was also a bit much for me. I find it hard to believe the same person who did that was leading a prayer vigil for Marlena.

Sloan Ambushes Chanel - Days of Our Lives

Finally, there's too much death, destruction, and sadness in Salem right now. Even though I don't think the women who died recently are really dead, it's still too much to take.

And Sonny, go to the hospital already! Marlena is dying, and you're wasting time arguing with Chad about Alex.

Christine: That Sonny told Chad that Alex shut off Stephanie's phone. Alex confided something deeply personal and distressing to Sonny, his brother. Sonny had no right to share that with anyone, especially Chad.

And it's kind of scary to see how Li blames everyone else for the consequences of his actions. Considering how he was willing to pull the plug on Stefan when he had the chance, I'm not sure anyone, not even Wendy, is safe around him right now.

The Orchid Disappears - Days of Our Lives

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline on this week's Days of Our Lives?

Horizon: Orpheus had a funny bit when he went over the Brady/Kristen arrangement with a "let me get this straight" rant to John, which included a reference to John's dim-witted son" Brady.

But I also enjoyed Sloan's snarly put-downs of Chanel's "overpriced" sweet shop and how she intended to turn the "pathetic bakery into crumbs."

Sloan's entertaining tryst with Gwen and Leo provided some good lines as well, especially the one where Leo alluded to Xander and Gwen being "Bonnie and Clyde," with Sloan responding, "how did that turn out?"

My favorite scene was when Stephiane went over the missed phone calls with Chad and eventually mentioned she rarely turns her phone off.

My favorite storyline is the Stephanie/Alex debacle, with the result being Stephanie missed out on saying goodbye to her mother. The emotions on display were real and raw.

Eric Goes to the Dark Side - Days of Our Lives

Jack: I loved Nicole standing up to Eric.

I also loved Stephanie's breakup with Alex. She was right -- a sorry won't cut it, and he can't take this back.

Finally, I loved Lucas' scenes with Rex, especially Rex standing up to the guard in this Days of Our Lives quote...

Lucas: Thanks for coming. Thanks for everything.
Rex: Of course, man. Look, take care of yourself, okay? Not just for your sake but for the sake of everyone who cares about you. Including me.
Lucas: Right.
[Rex approaches the guard.]
Rex: You tell your buddy Orpheus to stop pushing booze on my brother or I will talk to your warden and I will have you fired.
Rex [to Lucas]: Kate Roberts' kids stick together.

Christine: Kristen questioning why they call it the "secret room" when everyone knows about it, and EJ offering to supply the forensics team with snacks made me laugh. Not to mention Kristen calling Rachel's kidnapping a "glorified playdate" because that's what it was.

And Gwen, Leo, and Sloan going over their legal options was way more entertaining than I expected.

Now it's your turn, TV Fanatics. Hit that SHOW COMMENTS button below to give us your round table answers. Then check out Jack Ori's Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.