Chucky Season 2 Episode 7 Review: Goin' To The Chapel

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If there's one thing certain after Chucky Season 2 Episode 7, Charles Lee Ray, aka Chucky, will never be gone.

I'm sure the teenagers and adults thought the horror was over, but plenty is on the agenda because we have at least one more left.

Somehow, Chucky always beats the odds, and hopefully, it changes with Chucky Season 2 Episode 8, the season finale.

The Plan - Chucky

The series has had a great run, and when you factor in the movies, it's a good idea to think about an endgame.

"Goin' To The Chapel" could have been the perfect series-ender if not for the final revelation that Chucky and Dr. Mixter had another plan all along.

Devon is Ready for the End - Chucky Season 2 Episode 7

Several arcs reached a denouement, meaning that the series will have to pivot considerably if it wants to leave anything on the table for a potential Chucky Season 3.

Chucky's reign of terror forever changed Andy and Kyle's lives on multiple occasions throughout their younger years, and now, they think they have the rest of their lives to make memories.

On a psychological level, it's a miracle they can function. They've been through more than anyone else in the franchise, and still, they have been so fiercely devoted to the cause of taking down Charles.

The flashback to them as children wondering what was next was the perfect parallel to show that they're back to that moment, despite being considerably older.

Killer Doll Again? - Chucky Season 2 Episode 7

Wherever they end up, they probably won't be around for the next reign of terror, and I'm okay with that.

Nica's storyline wasn't closed as much because there's a good chance she'll remain an integral piece of the puzzle moving forward.

If you watch Chucky online, you know Tiffany ripped Nica's life away from her, so Nica's act of aggression was warranted.

Tiffany is adamant she isn't like Charles, but the truth is, they're similar in many aspects. As a result, joining forces with their two children on the finale wouldn't shock me.

Glen spent a long time unraveling the origins of the dreams, and now, they might not live to see another day.

Nica is Upset - Chucky Season 2 Episode 7

Imagine how Glenda feels knowing they helped save everyone in the chapel, only for one of them to shoot their sister.

Tiffany is convincing, and something tells me she'll complain enough to get both children on her side, leaving Nica, Devon, Lexy, and Jake as loose ends needing to be tied up.

Nica's story has been the glue that held the series together because it started nearer to the end of the movie franchise, so there are plenty of possibilities here.

Despite everything that happened to her, I imagine Nica will feel remorse for pulling the trigger. Even though she was aiming for Tiffany, she harmed someone innocent.

Nica's storyline is far more intriguing because the show has used her sparingly, and there is still plenty to establish with her.

Darkness Falls at the School - Chucky Season 2 Episode 7

Lexy's pain following Nadine's death was emotional. Lexy had no idea that this trip to the school would become such a hellish experience, and after the events of Chucky Season 1, it's no wonder she struggles to form connections.

Nadine was more of a surprise because their personalities were opposites. There's a good chance Lexy won't be able to trust anyone again aside from Jake and Devon.

How do you connect with people when you know they're either trying to kill you or could be killed when you least expect it?

You could see the pain on Lexy's face when Sister Ruth almost killed her. Her reaction of grabbing Devon and Jake was a telling sign that this trio would remain bonded for the rest of their lives.

Hey Andy - Chucky Season 2 Episode 7

Father Bryce's death wasn't a surprise because Devon Sawa doesn't have the best track record on this show. All three of his characters are dead, but I bet there will be a way to bring the actor pack for a potential third season.

I'm ready for the series to be over because watching Chucky slip through the cracks all the time is hard.

The good guys don't get any respite in the pressure cooker environments.

The best decision would be for the franchise to pause following the finale and for the creatives to craft a way to keep the story compelling.

A Ritual? - Chucky Season 2 Episode 7

Chucky Season 2 started slow but has become one of my favorite seasons of TV because, aside from Chucky's return, it's been an unpredictable rollercoaster.

The series' future hinges on how it pivots with Chucky Season 2 Episode 8.

We can only hope the show will go out on a high.

What are your thoughts on all of these deaths?

Father Bryce Returns - Chucky Season 2 Episode 7

Do you think the gang should have known that Dr. Mixter had another trick up her sleeve?

Do you think the franchise should move on from Andy and Kyle?

What's your take on the Jennifer Tilly doll dying? Is she gone for good?

What are your best theories for the season finale?

Do you think we're reaching the end of the line for the series?

Hit the comments. We have a lot to discuss, Chucky fanatics.

Chucky airs Wednesdays at 9 p.m. on Syfy.

Goin' To The Chapel Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Chucky Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

I'll see you all soon.


I'm in that big amusement park in the sky, but I just punched my ticket sooner.
