Days of Our Lives Round Table: Stefan's Back! (And Will You Be Switching To Peacock?)

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Stefan returned to the land of the living, Gwen came close to ruining Sarah and Xander's wedding, Leo convinced Sonny he wasn't guilty, while Salem saw it's last days on NBC.

Our TV Fanatics, Jack and Christine, are joined by DoolFan4Life and Monica from MyHourglass, a Days of Our Lives fan forum, to debate Stefan's return, if Rafe and Nicole are doomed, if Paulina or Abe should run for governor, if Gwen is redeemable, and more!

Stefan is officially among the living in Salem. What do you most hope to see come from this storyline?

DoolFan4Life: For him to die again and fast. What a stupid decision to bring him back. I'm boycotting all things Stefan, as he was disgusting.

Jack: I was never a big fan of Stefan, but I'm glad Gabi saw him. Maybe now we can get rid of EJ's claims that Ava is crazy. I'll be happy if we can derail that story before it goes any further.

Gabi Tries to Reignite Stefan's Memory - Days of Our Lives

Monica: I want to see him and Gabi back together. I'm sure there will be plenty of roadblocks in the way. Ava thinking he's Jake, Gabi's engagement to Li--Did you see that ring?-- Maybe another round of brainwashing to make the Chloe romance happen.

But I'd like Gabi and Stefan together.

Christine: That EJ stops trying to convince Ava and everyone else that she's crazy. It's not a good look for EJ and is downright mean. Some contrition on EJ's part, not to mention a genuine apology, wouldn't be bad either.

A New Hire - Days of Our Lives

Do you believe that Rafe and Nicole are doomed, and if so, with whom would you like to see Rafe paired? Jada or Sloan?

DoolFan4Life: Unfortunately, yes, I think they are doomed. The way it's written, they lay on Ericole so thick it's just cheesy.

I actually liked Rafe with Ava.

Jack: Sadly, I do. DAYS has made it very clear that they consider Eric and Nicole to be each other's true love. Blech.

Eric and Nicole Kiss! - Days of Our Lives

I prefer Rafe with Nicole. Sloan is not worthy of anybody at the moment. So I guess Jada.

Monica: Nicole and Eric are meant to be together! Wow, I really hope Rafe doesn't pair up with Sloan. The writers are doing a good job at making her seem slimy (though she can really wear a dress!)

So I think Rafe should do much better. He and Jada could work out -- Days really likes the cop couples, doesn't it?

Christine: Rafe and Nicole were doomed the moment their wedding was completely offscreen, which is a shame. I'm not even their biggest fan, but they deserved a fighting chance.

Although I find Sloan interesting, Rafe and Jada might make an okay couple. The problem is that most of Rafe's romantic entanglements grow boring fast.

Gwen is Released - Days of Our Lives

Gwen showed up at the Horton house to thank Jack and tell Jennifer she didn't kill her mother. Do you have sympathy for Gwen? Is there any chance she can be redeemed?

DoolFan4Life: I have zero sympathies for this girl. She makes Jack look stupid. I still think she is involved in the murders, or maybe I want her to be involved.

She should leave with Stefan never to be spoken about again. I wish it would turn out that Jack isn't her father as well.

Jack: I've had enough of Gwen. Every time Gwen loses big, she decides she's going to turn over a new leaf, and it lasts about five minutes before she's back to scheming and getting blackmailed.

Gwen Is Free - Days of Our Lives

I'm all out of sympathy for her. It's time for her to leave Salem.

Monica: It's very hard to muster any sympathy for Gwen. She apologizes repeatedly and claims she's changed, but it's never true. It is getting quite tiresome, honestly.

Christine: Nothing ever changes. She gets caught, then cries and apologies profusely. I'm over Gwen. She can leave Salem at any time, and the sooner, the better.

A Huge Scandal - Days of Our Lives

Who would you prefer to see run for governor, Paulina or Abe?

DoolFan4Life: Probably Paulina because Abe didn't seem all that interested in the position, but she pushed too hard.

I think she's every bit as capable as Abe, so why not. It's more important to her, and Abe supports this.

I just didn't understand the hype about Abe doing it, only for it to be Paulina instead. This made no sense to me.

Jack: I have mixed feelings about this. I don't think Abe is really into it. He let Paulina pressure him into making a run. But I think he's a better candidate.

I personally would rather vote for a mayor with years of experience and a reputation for honesty than a businesswoman with no political experience who has a ton of scandals in her past.

Monica: I'm 100% team Abe here. I wish Jackee would turn down her acting a bit. Paulina comes off as a brash, steam-rolling, over-reactor to everything. I can't imagine her holding political office.

Christine: I wish they could both run as a team. Paulina loves to be in the spotlight, and she's savvy enough to get things done, while Abe is steadfast with integrity voters can trust. It's a shame you can hire the pair of them for the job.

Leo's Surprise Visit - Days of Our Lives

Were you surprised that Sonny seemed to believe Leo and even protected him from getting caught? Any clues on who attacked Sonny?

DoolFan4Life: I'm not surprised, as Leo isn't exactly the murdering type. Thief and con artist, yes, but a murderer?

It just seems a bit too easy for his revenge plot as he tends to be very dramatic and less to the point than murder. And Sonny has seen this first hand with a lawsuit and then the article. Being a scumbag doesn't make you guilty of murder.

I still have hope that Gwen is working with someone and is behind it. I'd be over the moon if Clyde were her accomplice but no such luck Maybe Kristin? She likes to stab people.

Jack: I wasn't surprised that Sonny believed Leo, but I was surprised he protected him from getting caught. This time Gwen really was in jail, so her getting revenge is out.

But I'm wondering if Sloan was behind the attack. As Leo's lawyer, she'd have known about his enemies list. She could get quite a bit of publicity defending someone against a mountain of evidence, especially if she were successful.

Sonny Tries to Convince Stephanie - Days of Our Lives

Monica: Sonny is a good guy with a kind heart, so I'm not surprised, especially since he forgave Leo during their pre-stabbing chat at Titan.

I'm horrible at guessing who-done-its! A guess that I'm sure is off the wall (we'll see!): Nancy?? I'm sure that can't be right, but who hates Leo enough to frame him for two murders?

Christine: A little. But on some level, Sonny must know that Leo didn't stab him. Leo is a scheming con artist, but that doesn't make him a murderer.

I'm at a complete loss as to who would stab Sonny. Do Orpheus or Kristen hate Victor so much that they'd stab his grand-nephew?

But not being able to figure this out has me even more intrigued to learn who did it.

Chloe Worries / Tall - Days of Our Lives

Should Chloe testify against Kristen?

DoolFan4Life: Probably not. Kristen is a loose cannon, and not that long ago, Chloe had the sense to stay away from her.

Kristen's not going to hurt her child, but she might hurt or even kill Chloe if she goes through with this, and Kristin never stays in prison long and always holds a grudge.

Besides, what's the big prize in the end? Brady and his daughter, who doesn’t like her? Not really worth it.

Jack: She absolutely should. She said that Rachel's best interest should be a priority. In what universe is it in a child's best interest to keep it secret that her mom is violent and tried to attack her potential stepmom so that the child won't be upset?

Rachel Lashes Out - Days of Our Lives

Protecting Rachel would mean telling the truth and allowing a judge to keep her away from Kristen, not deciding that keeping this secret and agreeing to joint custody is best so that Rachel won't be sad.

Chloe just doesn't want to have to deal with Rachel's temporary anger toward her. That's not acting in Rachel's best interest at all. It's selfish.

Monica: Of course she should! Yes, Rachel doesn't like the prospect, but she's a child who has been manipulated by her mother. Helping Brady get custody of his daughter should be paramount.

Christine: The problem is that Chloe has no proof of Kristen's threats. It's her word against Kristen's. So I'm not sure Chloe's testimony is worth it.

And let's face it if Chloe does testify, Kristen will use it to drive a permanent wedge between Rachel, Chloe, and even Brady. It could just make a bad situation even worse.

Orpheus' Mysterious Package - Days of Our Lives

What disappointed you the most this week in Salem?

DoolFan4Life: All the wasted airtime on Stefan. I felt I fast-forwarded through more than I watched because of this.

Jack: Chloe and Brady decide to enable Kristen's abuse of Brady's daughter and call it acting in Rachel's best interest.

Also, John and Steve should be smart enough to know Orpheus isn't finished just because he allowed them to rescue their wives.

I'm also finding it hard to believe that Rolf is so lax with security that he would leave his lab unattended and accessible to Orpheus.

Finally, I could have done without Johnny kissing Ava.

Oh, and Kristen... Rolf is right. You're responsible for this mess, not him.

Continuing to Conspire - Days of Our Lives

Monica: Too many flashbacks!!! They seem to be getting more and more frequent, and this week it seemed even worse.

Not only did we have to rewatch many scenes, but there were several incidents where the characters also described in great detail something that had happened in the previous episodes.

I understand that we're all operating under a suspension of disbelief, but I also wish that there was a tad more medical accuracy.

When I told my anesthetist husband about Sonny being in a hospital room while still under anesthesia and that Justin told Will they'd have to wait for him to "come out of it," he laughed out loud!

Christine: Gwen interrupting the celebration of Xander and Sarah's wedding. It's bad enough it was such a short ceremony after all of this waiting, but did we really need Gwen in the middle of it?

Orpheus Crashes Roman's Party - Days of Our Lives

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline on this week's Days of Our Lives?

DoolFan4Life: I liked how Roman explained how things were a little different in Salem to Jada when she went off on them all for going rogue.

They are all former police and ISA, etc so it's not like they didn't know what to do, and it wasn't their first encounter with Orpheus.

I love that Roman really seems to have forgiven Kate and because he did, everyone else followed suit

Ava's Upsetting Experience - Days of Our Lives

Jack: I liked Johnny's defense of Ava, and I was glad for some romance even though John is being very naive.

I also enjoyed Orpheus' showdown with Rolf.

Monica: There were some fun scenes. I've mentioned this before, but I enjoy it when the show portrays older characters as still having a sex life.

John and Marlena's strawberries-in-bed scene was a little awkward. (Why was the magic massage oil bottle half empty? What was John doing with it beforehand?)

I think it's nice to see that great-grandparents still enjoy each others' bodies.

Runner up: did you notice Ava in her leopard-pattern dress packing another leopard print into her suitcase?

Xander and Sarah's Wedding, Take 3 - Days of Our Lives

Christine: Xander and Sarah's vows were very sweet. It was wonderful to see this couple so happy and I hope it stays that way for a while because they deserve it.

I love Rolf telling Li he was acting like a whiny little boy in the back seat, asking if we're there yet. It won't get you there any faster.

And Anna was fantastic as she pointed out that Kristen kidnapped people and held them on an island, but EJ didn't question her competency. He's only doing this to Ava because he thinks he can take advantage of her vulnerability.

John Pampers Marlena - Days of Our Lives

Will you continue to watch Days now that it has moved to Peacock? And if so, did you already have Peacock, or did you sign up specifically to watch Days?

DoolFan4Life: No I will not. I don't have Peacock, and I don't know if it's available in my part of the world. So unfortunately, when it moves on, I will too.

Jack: Yes, I will! I'm excited about the move. I've had Peacock since the first Christmas special. I signed up for that and now to watch Days, though I've been discovering other things on it now.

Christine: I signed up for Peacock last year for the Days Christmas special, and I've actually really enjoyed it and watch several shows on the streaming service, so it's been well worth it.

You tell us, Days fans. Will you be continuing to watch Days of Our Lives on PeacockTV?

And don't forget to hit that SHOW COMMENT button to tell us what you think and then check out Jack Ori's Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.