Queen Sugar: We Need Answers Before the Series Ends!

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Queen Sugar returns on Tuesday, September 6, for its seventh and final season on OWN. Fans have waited almost nine months to see what the future holds for the Bordelon family.

And although the Queen Sugar Season 6 finale generally ended on a high note--Darla had the baby, Ralph Angel avoided going back to prison, and the farm was declared a historical landmark-- there are still plenty of questions in need of answers.

So, read on, Queen Sugar fans, to see the top character returns, storyline wrap-ups, and sneak peeks into the future we want before this incredible series wraps up for good.

Queen Sugar's Final Season

What the heck happened to Calvin?

At the end of Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 10, Calvin turned himself in for taking part in the beating of a man in police custody, an assault that left the man paralyzed.

But what happened next? Is he in prison? Did he cut a deal? Where the heck is Calvin? We understand if there's likely no future for Nova and Calvin, but without more details, it's difficult to feel like they or the audience has gotten any real closure.

What Happened to Calvin? - Queen Sugar

What did Darla and Ralph Angel name their baby?

Let's face it, Blue is an awesome name. It is so cool that Ralph Angel and Darla have their work cut out for them in naming their baby daughter. It needs to be a name that's inspired so their beautiful little girl won't grow up being envious of her big brother's unique moniker.

Can we get a sneak peek at Blue's future? 

Obviously, the show will end long before Blue goes off to college or chooses a career, but can we get a sneak peek at his future? We think Blue Bordelon for President has a nice ring to it.

Darla and Ralph Angel's Legacy - Queen Sugar

Ralph Angel and Darla

This couple has had their ups, downs, and everything in between.

First, there was Darla's battle with addiction and Ralph Angel's struggle to rebuild his life after being in prison. Then just when we thought their wedding meant they were stable, Ralph Angel decided to help an old friend steal from the Landry's instead of asking his wife or family for help.

Will the new baby add extra stress, or will this couple finally end up happy and on solid ground?

Parker Returns - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 10

Can we be done with Parker?

Parker Campbell started as intriguing. We were eager to learn ore about her.

But once her big secret was revealed -- that she was Sam Landry's illegitimate, biracial daughter -- there hasn't been much more to this character, and our interest faded.

Yes, watching Parker and Charley go head-to-head has had its moments, but unless there is something new to be mined from this contentious pairing, we'd prefer not to waste time on it with so few installments before the series ends.

Sam Landry's Last Stand - Queen Sugar

The Landrys

We get the feeling that the Landry family has more secrets. If so, it would be good if Sam Landry spilled them now, especially if they have anything to do with Aunt Vi!

Will Nova find love?

Nova has had more love interests than Queen Sugar has had seasons, and there's nothing wrong with that. We loved some of her paramours, while others we couldn't wait to see sent packing.

Her current partner appears to be Dominic, but we've never quite trusted him, and we're waiting to see if the final season proves our suspicions right or wrong. 

Making Nova Happy - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 10

Nova deserves someone solid in her life.

Someone with whom she can fall head over heels in love. Someone with whom she can go all in. And most importantly, someone who will be just as crazy about her.

Nova and Calvin had that kind of devotion, but unless there's an epic plot twist, we're guessing that pairing isn't meant to be.

So Is Nova meant to be single, or is there love in her future, and will we find out before the series finale?

Happier Than Ever - Queen Sugar Season 5 Episode 1

Hollywood and Violet

If anyone deserves a happy ending, it is Violet and Hollywood. We just want to see them together and smiling when this series ends.

Mr. Prosper's love life

After all that he's been through, the man deserves one.

Prosper has friends in the Bordelons. He's got family now that his daughter, Billie, is back. How about a bit of love and romance to keep that old heart beating?

Billie and Prosper - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9


She's got a (soon-to-be-ex) husband. She's got kids. If Billie is sticking around St. Jo's, then we need to learn a little more about her life. 


Last season, Micah explored his sexuality, and although he has strong feelings for his best friend, Isaiah, he concluded that he's not gay.

But is there romance in Micah's future? And please, tell us his fling with his professor is over! Micah deserves better. Will Keke be back? And will Micah's photography take off? We need to know!

Micah's Future - Queen Sugar

Charley Bordelon 

Is she running for political office? Is she moving to California?

Is she marrying Davis?

Queen Sugar Season 6 left us with more questions than answers as Charley contemplated running for office but would that be in Louisiana or California?

Charley Hosts a Baby Shower - Queen Sugar Season 6 Episode 9

In one episode, she told Davis that getting married too soon would set them up for failure, and in the next, she decided they should get married. Charley's got so much going on that we have no idea what to expect from her next.

Don't forget to join us to discuss your thoughts on the final season of this beloved series.

And be sure to check in with us weekly for our Queen Sugar reviews here at TV Fanatic.

But in the meantime, let's get talking after you check out this Queen Sugar Season 7 promo to see if it gives us some clues to what we can expect.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Queen Sugar Quotes

Reporter: How has sharing the truth with the world impacted you and your family?
Nova: The truth can be difficult to face sometimes but on the other side of that confrontation is healing and healing takes time.

I’d rather be betrayed by one of them than by one of my own.
