Days of Our Lives Spoilers Week of 4-18-22: Double Wedding, Double Disaster!

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Abigail wasn't kidding when she said that Salem weddings often end in disaster.

Half of the double wedding disaster on Days of Our Lives during the week of 4-18-22 comes courtesy of her after she finds out that Gwen worked hard to keep Sarah from returning to Salem in one piece.

It's going to be a hell of a week, and not (mostly) because of the Devil. Let's discuss.

Spoilers for the Week of 4-18-22 - Days of Our Lives

Gwen is one of those people who deserves all the comeuppance she can get.

She gets half a point for being fun in her scenes with Leo, but for the most part, she schemes, lies, gets blackmailed, schemes some more, gets exposed, and then cries and begs for forgiveness. Rinse and repeat.

I've lost track of how many times she's been through this loop, only to throw her next chance in the trash when another scheme comes along.

But this time, she might face what's, for her, the world's worst punishment: the loss of Xander.

According to a clip in the spoiler video, Xander tells Gwen that she's the worst person he's ever met. That's pretty rich coming from the guy involved in blood diamond schemes and helped Victor try to murder Ben!

It's bad enough that amoral Ava was disgusted by Gwen's switching Sarah's antidote with more of a mind-altering drug. But now, her criminal-turned-romantic husband-to-be also finds her behavior abhorrent.

That should prompt some soul-searching. But knowing Gwen, it probably won't.

There's a ton more to come besides the fireworks at Xander and Gwen's wedding (and the implosion of Craig and Leo, too!). We've got eight spoiler photos. Please scroll down to check them out.

A Tantalizing Offer - Days of Our Lives

Ava presents Abigail with a tantalizing offer.

Ava's in jail and needs to get out. God forbid she faces any consequences for her bad behavior!

She's likely going to throw Gwen under the bus. It's anyone's guess what that has to do with Trask prosecuting her for framing the police commissioner, but either way, it'll give Abby the ammunition she's been looking for to get Gwen out of their lives for once and for all.

And Abigail is going to do it at the wedding! Pro-tip: if you're a scheming bride, don't get on the matron of honor's bad side.

Chloe Tries to Force Leo's Hand - Days of Our Lives

Chloe tries to force Leo’s hand.

According to spoilers, Chloe is the one who wrote that prenup agreement, not Craig. She thinks that Leo will back out of the wedding rather than agree to leave Craig's money alone.

Leo'll sign that prenup, though, despite being annoyed with Chloe's constant interference.

Sadly, Chad has another trick up his sleeve, and this one will destroy Craig and Leo's relationship after all.

Nancy Joins a Dating App - Days of Our Lives

Bonnie convinces Nancy to join a dating app.

If Chloe paid half as much attention to her mother's life as she did to her father's, she'd have a lot to say!

I'm glad she doesn't, though, because Nancy's friendship with the mother of Chloe's worst enemy is a lot of fun.

Bonnie's pushing Nancy to get back out there and be beautiful and badass. Let's hope Nancy listens.

An Unexpected Reunion - Days of Our Lives

Eric and Nicole have an unexpected reunion.


Let's hope these two agree to stay friends and nothing more. Nicole FINALLY got together with Rafe after more than a year of angst. We don't need her to suddenly want to give Eric another chance.

Besides, wasn't Eric in the priesthood again as of two months ago? Why is he uncollared and tending bar instead all of a sudden?

Jack and Jennifer Return for the Wedding - Days of Our Lives

Jack and Jennifer return for Gwen’s wedding to Xander.

It's good to see these two. I wish they would stay in Salem permanently.

Jack always believes in Gwen, only to have his hopes dashed.  Will this finally be the last straw for him?

And will Jennifer cheer Abigail on, or will she think that her daughter should keep her nose out of other people's business, especially at their weddings?

Gwen's World Comes Crashing Down - Days of Our Lives

Gwen's world comes crashing down.

If anyone deserves it, it's Gwen.

Gwen needs to face consequences not only for switching the antidote with more of the mind-altering drug but also for

  • Drugging Abigail and letting Gabi take the fall
  • Becoming the kids' nanny for the sole purpose of seducing Chad
  • Letting Snyder blackmail her into running drugs for him
  • Hiding Snyder's body after his death
  • Hitting Abigail over the head when she found out that the real Sarah was kidnapped
  • Donning a Sarah mask to help break Xander's heart

I'm probably forgetting a few things. The point is: Gwen has been irredeemable for a long time, and it'll be satisfying when she FINALLY gets humiliated and dumped on her wedding day.

Paulina Kisses Abe - Days of Our Lives

Paulina kisses Abe.

Does this mean Paulina has come to her senses about TR?

Either way, Mr. Abuser isn't going to be happy to lose out to Mr. Mayor. Something tells me he's not done terrorizing Paulina yet.

But this kiss has been a long time coming, so let's enjoy Abe and Paulina's third try at romance while it lasts!

Tripp and Chanel Bond - Days of Our Lives

Tripp and Chanel bond over their heartache.

Ugh. All of Chanel's date-hopping does not put her in a good light at all.

First, the Devil broke her heart while possessing "true love" Johnny, so Chanel quickly moved on to Johnny's twin sister. Then the Devil possessed Allie and broke Chanel's heart again, so she is going to... move on with Allie's ex?

Chanel was at her best when she was a strong, determined woman building her own business no matter what her mother thought. More of that, less musical partners, please.

Your turn, Days of Our Lives fanatics. What do you think of these spoilers? Anything you're super excited about? Conversely, is there something you dread in the coming week?

Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and let us know.

If you're looking to chat about already-aired episodes of Days of Our Lives, check out the latest Days of Our Lives reviews and Days of Our Lives Round Table discussions.

Days of Our Lives airs on NBC on weekday afternoons. Check your local listings for airtimes or watch on Peacock TV on weeknights after 8 PM EST / 5 PM PST.

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.