Survivor Season 41 Episode 7 Review: There's Gonna Be Blood

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The game is definitely afoot. 

On Survivor Season 41 Episode 7, strategies have kicked up a notch, and everyone's toe-ing their lines. How will they move forward and "heel" this great divide?

It's an epic shoe-down that only Survivor can provide! 

A Big Decision - Tall - Survivor Season 41 Episode 7

So, when Erika returned and described that she chose to "go back in time," I was genuinely curious  to know what the other castaways were thinking. Like, did they think she might have actually lost her mind out on Exile Island? 

Luckily, Jeff was there to help explain. It didn't soften the blow at all, though. Everyone was still so confused from thinking Erika had gone loopy that initially, they didn't seem to quite understand what was happening. Immunity has never been something that is taken away once it is won.

However, there have been twists to the game in previous seasons that seem intensely unfair in retrospect (*cough* Final Four Firemaking Challenge *cough*) that have just become part of the game.

It's unlikely the "time travel" twist will be a re-occurring thing in future seasons because the surprise factor of something like that can really only happen once.

A Reprieve - Survivor Season 41 Episode 7

It was unfortunate that Erika went right back to being invisible after she got back.

We saw next to no strategy from our newly-returned time traveler, which was something of a surprise. Being immune, was she simply left out of the conversations? Will she still be on the chopping block next week, or has that ship sailed?

It's Episode 7, and we have also still not seen much of Heather, either. It's starting to be a concern. Did something happen to her out there? Did/will she quit? Heather's only moment so far has been her persevering in a challenge that was too tough for her.

This is starting to feel like a set-up for a quit, a medevac, or someone who gets royally screwed over by a twist later in the game. 

Immune No More - Survivor Season 41 Episode 7

If you were wondering about all the foot puns earlier, it's because "The Game Is Afoot" is one of my favorite individual challenges in the history of the game. It's just so freakin' ridiculous.

This challenge was first played in Survivor: San Juan Del Sur and subsequently in Survivor: Cambodia and Survivor: Heroes vs. Healers vs. Hustlers. It looks silly, but it's actually incredibly hard. The five competing players did exceptionally well -- either the editors are miracle workers, or these folks had been practicing at home.

It was a tight three-way race between Evvie, Ricard, and Sydney. Those few seconds cost Sydney her game. Well, that and having a hand in sending Erika to Exile Island. It was poetic justice that the ones who sent Erika to Exile were the ones who were then vulnerable.

Danny's frustration was understandable -- it was a broken promise, a takeback of something sacred in the game. Deshawn made an excellent point, though -- all bets are off. This is a new era of Survivor.

Laugh Now, Cry Later - Survivor Season 41 Episode 6

Deshawn seems quite happy to roll with the punches. Though he came close to being voted off here, he's got a good handle on the game. He's having fun, he's likable, and he's ready to throw someone under the bus -- namely Evvie -- to sow seeds of conflict between a seemingly tight pair. 

Madness looks like twelve people who have no idea who to trust.


Tribal council was madness! You know it's serious when there's a commercial break DURING tribal. How amazing was Xander's idol fake-out to Liana? Once again, the editors do great work by withholding information from the viewers, giving us reveals at the moment they will have the most dramatic impact.

Xander keeps being underestimated. It feels like he's gotten kind of a dopey edit to throw us off, but this move cements him as one of the most entertaining, not to mention savvy, players. 

I'm one of those sharks that you can see my fin. I'm up at the top of the water. She's lurking down below.


Xander's only downfall may be that he is loyal to a fault. That rush from besting Liana gave him a little too much confidence. Though it paid off, it was too close for comfort not to get Tiffany to play the idol for Evvie. There was a moment there when Evvie and Xander truly thought they had lost. Hopefully, they will never have to feel that again. 

Evvie - Survivor Season 41 Episode 6

With Liana's failed play, the Knowledge Is Power Advantage probably worked out as well as it could have. It messed with people's games, not by working successfully, but of how everyone chose to work around it. Xander had to figure out a way to get Liana to play it while considering every possibility. As a result, Liana was finally outed as a traitor to Yase.

Even the hardest day on Survivor is still a dream come true.


There was a fair bit of talk of personal growth in this episode.

Both Liana and Erika had confessionals stating that this was a turning point for them. They are both ready to realize their full potential, to move forward with strength and purpose. Survivor has a way of doing this to people. It's a life-changing experience that is fun to watch for the viewers, but it's ultimately a game for the contestants. 

No matter who wins, everyone who plays -- especially those who get as far as the merge -- comes out of it changed somehow, with a greater appreciation for themselves and for what they are capable of. 

Conundrum - Survivor Season 41 Episode 6

That was one of the most nerve-wracking votes ever -- and the first time in the history of the game for a 5-4-3 split.

I have such a great seat.


Unfortunately, it meant saying goodbye to Sydney, who will not be on the jury. She did make the merge, though, even if it got taken away from her. She wore a new buff, ate the merge feast, and she's the merge boot. I will not hear any different! 

Sydney also gets the distinction of being the first person to ever play the Shot-In-The-Dark, and she was right to do it. There were so many variables, and with Deshawn playing his extra vote, it was probably Sydney's best bet for safety. Her only other option would have been voting for Evvie and tying with them, leading to a who-knows-what kind of tie-breaker.  

The fallout from this episode's tribal council will no doubt be messy. There are many factions among the eleven. It will be interesting to see who aligns with who now that all the cards are on the table and an advantage has been flushed.

The problem is these two worlds cannot co-exist and you have to choose one.


What did you think of that wild and wacky tribal council? Share your thoughts in the comments! 

There's Gonna Be Blood Review

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Mary Littlejohn Mary Littlejohn is a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She loves television, cinema, and theatre (especially musicals!), particularly when it champions inclusivity, diversity, and social justice. Follow her on Twitter.

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Survivor Season 41 Episode 7 Quotes

The problem is these two worlds cannot co-exist and you have to choose one.


Even the hardest day on Survivor is still a dream come true.
