4400 Season 1 Episode 2 Review: All Things Are Possible

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It's all about harnessing your power.

On 4400 Season 1 Episode 2, the Reverend makes a power play, but can he pull it off? Will his past come back to haunt him?

Despite what they're capable of, the returnees remain under the control of the government -- but maybe not for much longer.

Claudette is unimpressed - 4400 Season 1 Episode 2

4400 is a show that moves fast. Scenes clip alone -- no time is wasted. Though occasionally it would nice to linger on some character moments a bit more, generally, the pace keeps it engaging and dynamic.

So, because Shanice escaped, everyone is now forced to wear a GPS ankle bracelet? It seems like overkill, but then again, it's typical to see the government over-spend on law-enforcement equipment rather than put funds towards fixing the systems that cause incarceration. 

These security guards do not let up with their power-tripping, though. Someone needs to call HR on these guys. Everything's going to come to a head soon if they're not careful. The returnees are already singing protest songs.

It's only two episodes in, but let's hope we get to see some of the other factions. There are, after all, 4400 of these returnees. It would be interesting to know if they are having as many issues like the ones here. 

Jharrel - 4400 Season 1 Episode 2

So, what is going on with Manny?

A character we have only ever heard about is already the most intriguing. Is Manny sending messages through Hayden? Is Manny even alive, or is Hayden's superpower possibly communication with the dead? 

Hayden was one of the few who stayed behind while everyone else went to Belle Isle. Was he responsible for the clock doodle that matched Jharrel's?

Will our other main characters develop superpowers soon? We can only speculate. Someone has to be telepathic, right? It seemed for a moment that the Reverend might have the gift of levitation, but no, it was Mildred who lifted him.

Noah (Theo Germaine)'s voice was stunningly beautiful, though. Here's hoping he'll get more to sing other than candy jingles and traditional lullabies!

Mildred - 4400 Season 1 Episode 2

The Reverend has it going on.

We delved into his past here, learning about the wealthy religious family he came from. There was also Darlene, his pregnant girlfriend, who he unwittingly left behind. The Reverend seemed to be questioning his faith -- if not his faith in God, but his faith in family and what they expected of him. 

Thoughts of reconnecting with Darlene and his son get pushed aside when he divines his higher purpose -- to lead the 4400. Derrick A. King has charisma to spare, and the words he's spouting are what everyone wants to hear. Claudette seems so wary of him -- you've got to wonder what her husband was like. 

Speaking of Claudette, she's such a fascinating character! She's willing to endure suffering in order to help the others, so long as she can heal from it. That protestor in her is still alive and kicking. She recognizes the need for action, no matter what time period she's in. 

Experimentation and observation are the best road to discovery.

Dr. Andre

The Rev - 4400 Season 1 Episode 2

Logan and Shanice's reunion was bittersweet. He's definitely warmer to her, remembering the woman he fell in love with, but they both seem uneasy with each other now. It's unlikely they'll get back together, but hopefully, they can at least cooperate.

They've been apart longer than they were together -- at least that's how it is on Logan's end. It's only fair that Shanice wants to see Mariah, but Logan is just trying to be a good dad and protect his daughter from forces he doesn't yet understand.

However, Mariah doesn't care about safety -- she wants to know the mother she never had, the one who is desperate to reconnect with her. 

It's good to shine a light on post-partum depression, an all too common disorder that has destroyed many lives. It can be paralyzing, confronting, and cause lapses in reality that make it difficult to cope in stressful circumstances.   

This show tackles important issues that are part of ordinary life and throws them into the mix with wilder, more extraordinary events. 

Shanice pulls away - 4400 Season 1 Episode 2

It will take time. A strange and fickle beast, apparently.

Dr. Andre

There is a gentle and understated chemistry blossoming between Dr. Andre and Shanice. He's intensely respectful of her, but it appears that something else might be growing under there, at least on his end. Time will tell!

Keisha and Jharrel are a great team now as well. Soraya is a fun addition. Kausar Mohammed playing the awkward IT nerd is such a departure from the stereotype, and I'm here for it.

Jharrel: Are you a body language expert, too?
Soraya: Oh, I watch a lot of reality television. People say it's trash but I say it's a masterclass on human nature.

Her presence gives the show some silly moments, which is needed. It doesn't all have to be serious. There's still plenty of room for humor. 

The show is tackling bigger issues, creating a space for disenfranchised and marginalized people to come together and own their newfound power -- to harness it and use it.

It's a noble sentiment, and the show is so earnest about it. It wants to be meaningful and deep but knows it doesn't all have to be serious.

Hayden - 4400 Season 1 Episode 2

The 4400 already proving to be one of the CW's most ambitious shows to date.

What makes it enjoyable is how much fun everyone seems to be having telling this story. This show something to say about the world we live in, the history we came from, and the future we are careening towards. 

We have been brought here on a mission. We don't know exactly what it is yet. But I believe that I am here to lead you. Look without yourself and know your worth. Know your power and own your gifts.

The Reverend

It's got a message worth shouting, so they can be forgiven for sometimes getting heavy-handed about it -- especially if they make us laugh and sing along the way.

Who's your favorite character so far? What superpower would you hope to have? Share your thoughts in the comments!

All Things Are Possible Review

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Mary Littlejohn Mary Littlejohn is a staff writer and critic for TV Fanatic. She loves television, cinema, and theatre (especially musicals!), particularly when it champions inclusivity, diversity, and social justice. Follow her on Twitter.

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4400 Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Jharrel: Are you a body language expert, too?
Soraya: Oh, I watch a lot of reality television. People say it's trash but I say it's a masterclass on human nature.

Experimentation and observation are the best road to discovery.

Dr. Andre