Roswell, New Mexico Exclusive Clip: Jones Needs Something From Liz!

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It's time to play Let's Make A Deal! But make it Roswell style.

Jones has been looking for the science to untether him and Max and also make more clones, and it sounds like he's now buttering up Liz to get her to cooperate.

TV Fanatic got an exclusive clip from Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 11, in which Jones comes to Liz with a bit of a proposition and hopes of saving the world.

Jones Has Plans - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 11

By now, we all know that Jones can not be trusted, but would you really blame Liz for being tempted by what Jones has to offer?

The idea of saving people will always appeal to Liz because, in her heart, she's a scientist that lives to help people. And she wants to save lives.

That is her passion and her purpose, and sitting right in front of her is a man with the capabilities and knowledge to potentially make that happen.

Stunned Liz - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 11

But you can't get lost in Jones' pretty words and forget about the fact that he only cares about one thing; himself.

This clip seems to set up a much larger conversation between the two, and it will be interesting to see if Jones can appeal to the side of Liz he seems to understand.

It also looks like Jones still has Heath and the Sheriff in his clutches, so as long as they are in danger, Liz will have to tread lightly.

Rosa Helps - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 11

And with the three of them being held hostage by Jones, there's no doubt that the rest of the crew will be out looking for them.

As we know, elsewhere this hour, Rosa and Isobel will be together and making a discovery, while saving Max is paramount to the core group.

Liz will undoubtedly be looking to help save Max as well, and that may mean she has to make a deal with the devil to do so.

What's He Up To? - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 9

This is the penultimate hour before the two-hour season finale, and we know Jones will not rest until he gets what he's ultimately after.

And that means we are in for some fireworks because Jones is unlike any other bad guy we've seen throughout Roswell's first few seasons.

He's not going to go away quietly, and he's not above doing whatever needs to be done to reach his goal.

Looking At Scans - Roswell, New Mexico Season 3 Episode 9

It's scary to think about, and our favorite aliens and humans should be preparing for the fight of their lives!

Make sure to check out this exclusive clip and drop all your thoughts in the comments down below!

You can watch Roswell, New Mexico on The CW, Monday at 8/7c. And you can follow our reviews at TV Fanatic.

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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