Days of Our Lives Round Table: Who's Wrong? Brady, Philip, or Chloe?

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Ben and Ciara tried to make a baby, the devil trolled Marlena, and the cast of Johnny's movie took a new turn on Days of Our Lives.

Our TV Fanatics, Jack and Christine, are joined by Silvananoir from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate casting the movie, EJ vs. Rafe, the disastrous Philip/Chloe/Brady triangle, our choices for who should be recast, and more!

EJ as John. Abigail as Marlena. Allie as Sami. Chanel as Celeste. Which casting choice do you like the most?

Silvananoir: Honestly, EJ as John is hilarious to me because of how much John will hate it. Other than that, I don't really care about this storyline.

The casting is fun, but I don't really see the younger Bradys grappling with the family history. Which is what I was hoping this storyline would do. The life of Sami seems sanitized.

Jack: NOT EJ as John. That's totally ridiculous. Abigail as Marlena might be interesting since one of her alters during the DID storyline was a version of Laura as a psychiatrist. Allie has a lot of Sami in her, so that's probably a good choice too.

Allie Is Not Impressed - Days of Our Lives

I don't really see Chanel as Celeste, and she and Lani both look like Lexi despite not being related to her, so I would have preferred for her to play Lexi.

Christine: EJ as John and paired with Abigail as Marlena! EJ is on a roll right now as he tries to get under everyone's skin, and having to do love scenes with Abigail will bother both Chad and Sami (if she ever turns up.)

I also like the possibility of Chanel as Celeste (I always liked Celeste.) And perhaps Allie playing Sami will give Allie insight into how walking in on John and Marlena on the conference room table changed the trajectory of Sami's life.

There are so many great possibilities here, and I'm really looking forward to all of it.

EJ vs Rafe / Tall - Days of Our Lives

Is EJ right? Is Rafe playing games with Ava and Nicole?

Silvananoir: No. But Rafe is wishy-washy. I think he enjoys the attention, and he feels a strong attraction to Nicole. But he needs to be honest with himself and what he really wants.

Jack: I think EJ is talking about himself as usual. He's busy playing games, trying to get Nicole to fall in love with him just to stick it to both Rafe and Sami.

Christine: Yes! Ava gave Rafe an out if he had feelings for Nicole and Rafe swore he wanted to be with Ava. Then the first chance he gets, he's canoodling with Nicole over a box of donuts and seems more than willing to cheat on Ava.

Rafe is being an ass, and I enjoyed it when EJ rubbed his face in it.

Philip Loses It / Tall - Days of Our Lives

Are you still rooting for anyone in the Philip/Chloe/Brady triangle?

Silvananoir: I still want Phloe, but the writers need to make me root for them. They are too old for this jealousy nonsense. I was rooting for a mature and sexy storyline that I know these three can pull off, but the writers are letting us down.

I know they are just waiting for sweeps and the inevitable Kirsten return, but we need to be invested before then. And that is becoming more difficult each day.

Jack: I'm rooting for Chloe to decide she doesn't want either of these guys, to bring her son back from New York, and focus on her career and her parenting.

Maggie Has Sad News / Tall - Days of Our Lives

Sadly, both Philip and Brady are being obnoxious, and I don't like the idea of her with either of them at the moment... and I was a Philip/Chloe fan for years!

Christine: Ugh. You know, I was afraid to become invested in a Chloe/Philip romance because the writers have pulled the proverbial rug out from under me before, and it turns out I was right.

They've made me hate all three characters. Philip comes across as a jealous idiot. Brady is an arrogant jerk. And Chloe seems to enjoy the attention of playing them off of one another.

Even though Philip completely overreacted, Chloe has put herself in Brady's path at every turn, and she knows Brady wants to win her back and it upsets Philip. That seems really unfair to me.

Ben Makes a Decision - Days of Our Lives

Are you as excited about Ciara and Ben having a baby as they are?

Silvananoir: No. Ben was right before. This is a bad idea. They are way too young and financially unstable for the responsibility of a child.

They do have a good support system going for them, but they only got back together five minutes ago, and the problems that Ben brought up are not only legitimate but real. They are in no position to look after a child, even a soap child.

Jack: Not at all. I don't want this stupid Rosemary's Baby storyline, and neither of them is mature enough to be having children.

Ciara Reassures Ben / Tall - Days of Our Lives

Plus, I'm already sick of the repetitive conversations about whether Ben is okay with this and what they'll do if the baby seems to have a mental illness.

Christine: I don't think anyone could be as excited as Ciara is to have this child! But I get it. They're young and in love and want to start a family. That seems pretty normal in the scheme of things.

Ciara has never had to worry about money, so she has no reason to think it won't all come together.

And for once, it isn't a surprise pregnancy or a "who's the daddy" storyline. It's actually a couple who are married and in love, have openly talked about, and then decided to have a baby. How often do you see that on a soap?

Throwing Hope Off - Days of Our Lives

Should Days recast Hope, Eric, or Sarah?

Silvananoir: Hope you can do a fake phone call or email because people would riot on a recast.

However, neither Eric nor Sarah's actors, while appreciated, are as beloved. You can get away with a recast if those actors are unavailable.

Look at the EJ situation, you are only barely getting away with that one, and it's still contentious among fans.

Jack: I don't care about Eric, though he could help get rid of the devil from Salem, I suppose.

But with Doug supposedly suffering from dementia and Ciara getting ready to have children, it's ridiculous for Hope to not be in Salem.

Surprising News/Tall - Days of Our Lives

I also want Xander to find out Sarah is on that island already. It makes no sense that she just disappeared and no one is concerned.

Christine: I've watched Hope since Kristian Alfonso started on the show, but I'd be okay with a recast if she doesn't want to return. Hope was such a watered-down version of herself the last few years that I wouldn't mind the change. Just keep Hope away from Rafe and I'll be okay.

I'd also like to see a recast for Eric if they choose to bring him back. Having Marlena’s son, a former priest, return could work well in this possession storyline. And if it means keeping Nicole away from Rafe, all the better. 

As for Sarah, I'd like it if Linsey Godfrey came back because she and Paul Tefler (Xander) had fantastic chemistry. So I've got my fingers crossed that there’s a chance she will return.

Gabi Demands the Truth / Tall - Days of Our Lives

If you had to write out one (just one) character in Salem, who would it be?

Silvananoir: I have no use for Gabi anymore. I loved her and stuck up for her during that Gabigail mess, but she has been working my last nerve for a while.

I can't take the entitlement with her and the shock that Philip would want revenge. I mean, you schemed to steal his position. How are you surprised?! A close second is Brady, but I've been done with him after the 3rd love of his life, who healed his broken heart.

Jack: Does the devil count? This silliness is taking over the show, and that animated devil is so ridiculous looking it's distracting.

Besides that, Bonnie is a completely unnecessary character, and I've been glad not to see her this past week.

Christine: Oh, there are so many to choose! I'm really done with Chloe right now. I had hoped for a Philip and Chloe romance, but now I'd be happier if she left Salem and Philip moved on with someone else.

Philip Lashes Out / Tall - Days of Our Lives

What, if anything, disappointed you this week on Days of Our Lives?

Silvananoir: I hated the jealousy return. Chloe was right to shut Philip down, but I also hated that she spilled her guts to Brady.

I believe that she's invested in her relationship, but she and Philip need to act like adults and talk this thing out. I want them to work, but the show is too invested in their sweep storyline to show me that it could work.

Jack: Too much time spent on nonsense with the devil. All those devil texts were ridiculous. This story is getting stupider by the day.

Another Romantic Gesture - Days of Our Lives

Also, I hate the way this Philip/Chloe/Brady story is written. Chloe said she didn't want to be in the middle between these two guys, and neither of them is respecting that. These characters are all acting like overgrown teenagers. Ugh.

Christine: Chloe and Philip breaking up once again and Chloe taking comfort from Brady…again.

Chloe says she doesn’t want to be the prize in the middle but then she doesn’t put any effort into steering clear of Brady. It’s as though she’s constantly testing Philip and that doesn’t seem fair.

I don’t know why the show seems intent on teasing Phloe fans only to insist on ruining the couple over and over again. It’s really disappointing.

EJ Asks Nicole Out / Tall - Days of Our Lives

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline this week in Salem?

Silvananoir: I didn't love this week, but I did enjoy EJ and his sparring with Johnny. I have to admit that he's continuing to grow a lot on me. So much that I look forward to his scenes.

Jack: I liked Johnny's talk with John and that he finally realized that his movie could have consequences for people he loved.

Christine: I'm enjoying almost everything about the campy possession storyline. The devil bitmoji made me laugh. I love John worrying about Marlena and he and Roman banding together to stop Johnny from making this movie.

Abigail Tells Jack Her Suspicions / Tall - Days of Our Lives

I also love EJ coming to Johnny's rescue but not before getting Abigail and Chad to sign contracts. That was so EJ!

Johnny and Chanel are adorable, and I enjoyed Ciara taking the time to visit Julie. But EJ continuing to poke at Rafe is the gift that keeps on giving...

EJ: I admit, Rafe gets under my skin.
Nicole: And you enjoy getting under his.
EJ: Every man needs a hobby.

Want to continue to chat about Salem? Then hit that big, blue, SHOW COMMENTS button down below to share your thoughts. Then check out Jack Ori's Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.