Days of Our Lives Spoilers Week of 6-21-21: People Going Too Far

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Would you want to know if your widowed father had sex with your aunt... or with anybody?

I wouldn't, but apparently, Paulina feels a need to blurt it out to Lani on Days of Our Lives during the week of 6-21-21.

Come on, Paulina. Keep that to yourself!

Spoilers for the Week of 6-21-21 - Days of Our Lives

The whole dynamic of Abe sleeping with the sister of the woman who kept his daughter's existence from him for years is all sorts of weird.

I can overlook it for the sake of Abe FINALLY having a new romance... and a strong storyline.

But sheesh. This is a beat that doesn't need to be played.

Meanwhile, the spoiler video also shows Xander going too far to protect Gwen from Snyder.


According to the video, Xander pulls a knife on Snyder while Gwen screams at him to stop.

Unfortunately, further spoilers indicate this will turn into another hide-the-body story after Xander accidentally kills Snyder.

With a dead body showing up in the lake, it's easy to guess what Xander and Gwen do with him. But really, there were a hundred better ways to end this story, so why do we need to go this route?

If you're not excited by Gwen, Xander, and this latest accidental corpse, don't panic. Eleven other spoilers are waiting for you down below. Scroll on!

Lumi Try to Keep Their Secret - Days of Our Lives

Sami and Lucas struggle to keep their secret from EJ.

I wish they would just tell EJ that they want to be together and let the chips fall where they may.

But that would require Sami to acknowledge her real feelings, and she's not there yet.

I hope Lumi is end game here. I also hope there's an end to people struggling to keep their secrets from other people because Nicole had this same issue with Rafe not that long ago.

Kates Tortures Jake - Days of Our Lives

Kate tortures an unwitting Jake.

How has Jake not figured out yet that Kate is faking her condition... and her forgiveness?

Her soft-spoken sensitivity toward Gabi's feelings is so not Kate, and she's slipped up enough times when claiming to be blind that it should be obvious she can see.

Also, how long before she falls for him again for real?

Trying to Lure Chloe Away - Days of Our Lives

Philip tries to lure Chloe away from Brady.

The wording of this spoiler is disturbing, to say the least.

Brady gets controlling whenever he's with a woman who might have feelings for someone else and has done it with Nicole before. So I want to root for Philip, but I can't if he's going to be the same way!

Let's hope this is more innocuous than it sounds.

Xander Gets Out Of Hand - Days of Our Lives

Xander tries to protect Gwen from Snyder, but things get out of hand.

This whole story is out of hand.

Gwen could have ended it a million other ways, and it would have been more compelling for Kayla to use her position as Chief of Staff to investigate what Snyder was up to quietly.

There was never any explanation of who Snyder was dealing drugs to or why, either. It was just a plot point so that Xander would have a reason to kill him. Ugh.

Paulina Delivers Stunning News / Tall - Days of Our Lives

Paulina delivers stunning news to Lani.

As mentioned above, Paulina feels a need to announce to Lani that she and Abe slept together.

Ew. I love Paulina and have come to enjoy Lani, but I don't want this conversation.

I'd rather they discuss the latest about Chanel. Lani and Eli's storyline has been realistic so far, and I wish they'd keep it that way.

Jack Overhears - Days of Our Lives

Jack wonders why Steve and Kayla are talking about Gwen.

It's about time. Well, it's too late, actually, because by now, Snyder is likely dead, and Gwen is caught up in covering it up.

Jack should have been using his prowess as an investigative reporter to stop Snyder from messing with his daughter all along.

But Steve and Kayla's scenes are always fun, especially when Jack gets thrown into the mix, so there's that.

Seeking Julie's Approval - Days of Our Lives

Chanel and Allie seek Julie's approval.

I hope this is about their burgeoning business.

Chanel and Allie aren't a couple, and Allie seems more interested in Tripp, so there's no reason for Julie to know about their kiss.

But Julie already approved of them using the donut recipe, so what is this about?

Conspiring to Oust Jake - Days of Our Lives

EJ, Chad, and Tony conspire to oust Jake from DiMera.

I'm surprised that Tony is getting involved in this. Unless, of course, he's really Andre.

This kind of conspiracy seems more like Andre's speed, after all, and there was a random Andre mention on Days of Our Lives during the week of 6-14-21.

Either way, this is a better use of EJ than endlessly pursuing Sami. Leave her alone and wreak havoc at Dimera Enterprises!

Lucas and Rafe Bond - Days of Our Lives

Lucas and Rafe bond over their mutual hatred of EJ.

Lucas and Rafe have battled over Sami in the past, but their new friendship will be fun!

Both of them care a lot about Sami, and Lucas might also encourage Rafe to go for Nicole.

Plus, we'll get some great one-liners out of this.

Sami Panics - Days of Our Lives

Sami panics when she learns EJ has found a way to contact Kristen.

If Sami's surprised that EJ is in touch with Kristen, she's lost her touch.

He's a Dimera, and he's demonstrated loyalty to Kristen before.

This proves what I suspected all along: EJ already knows that Sami and Lucas slept together and pretended not to for his own purposes.

Rafe Dreams About Nicole - Days of Our Lives

Rafe has a dream about Nicole.

Rafe and Nicole are my other dream couple besides Lucas and Sami, so I'm all for this.

But Nicole needs to dump Eric almost as much as Sami needs to dump EJ.

And let's hope that by the time Rafe gathers the courage to admit he's in love with Nicole, she hasn't moved on... with Xander. Ugh.

Trying For Her Vote - Days of Our Lives

Jake tries to ensure he has Kate's vote.

Is Jake using Kate as much as she's using him?

Kate could double-cross him, of course, and vote for his removal.

But she's not quite done toying with him, so she'll probably support him, leaving him indebted to her and infuriating Gabi further.

Your turn, Days of Our Lives fanatics. What are you looking forward to on Days of Our Lives during the week of 6-21-21? Hit the big, blue SHOW COMMENTS button and let us know!

Looking to chat about already-aired episodes of Days of Our Lives? Check out our latest Days of Our Lives reviews and Days of Our Lives Round Table discussions.

Days of Our Lives airs on NBC on weekday afternoons. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.