Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10 Review: Chapter The Last, Nothing More To Write

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After a season of building great tension between the different factions, it's time for an all-out war.

Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10 closed the chapter on many plots and sent some of the others in convincing new directions, proving once again, this series is one of the best on TV.

Many of the developments on "Chapter The Last, Nothing More To Write" resulted from carefully planned seeds strewn throughout the earlier episodes of Mayans M.C. Season 3, and the payoff was a spectacular display of fine writing, acting, and directing.

One Last Mission - Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10

We'll start with E.Z. because somehow, he keeps managing to evade death. If you watch Mayans M.C. online, you know he's done some questionable things, but he needed to leave Santo Padre with his enemies in the ground.

How else would he have been able to move on and have a future with Gaby? If the past continued to haunt him, there would have been no future for them.

He wanted Canche dead and was willing to put himself in harm's way to get the job done. E.Z. is not a bad man. He and Angel are cut from the same cloth in that they wouldn't purposefully hurt someone unless they had a good reason for it.

The Brothers Say Goodbye - Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10

The battle to ensure the safety of Canche's son raised the stakes like never before. One wrong move and they've had all been dead, and my heart skipped a beat when Canche caught E.Z. looking in the window.

It was a pivotal moment because it set up Canche as the villain going forward, and given that he and his goons arrived to wipe out the Santo Padre charter in the closing moments, it's hard to imagine where Mayans M.C. Season 4 will pick up.

Bishop, Che, and E.Z. were seemingly the only people in the compound at the time of the attack, leading me to believe it will be burned to the ground and at least one of them will not make it out alive.

E.Z. heard the insanity from beyond the gate, but he still whipped out his pistol and headed into what could be his death. Did anyone else expect Felipe or Gaby to be killed when they were in the shop together?

Bishop Wonders - Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10

With so many people out to get E.Z., it would have made sense, but I appreciate that the writers were better than that and kept us guessing right up until the end.

Alvarez ignoring the kill order was not all that surprising. Emilio Rivera played every beat of this plot to perfection. You could see the struggle on Alvarez as he seemingly prepared for the big death.

E.Z. clearly has multiple lives, but his luck will run out eventually.

Felipe talking Gaby into leaving E.Z. made sense. Felipe was worried about history repeating and Gaby not being able to live her life to the fullest. She was living a pipe dream if she thought E.Z. could truly leave his past behind him.

E.Z. Reflects - Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10

No matter where they went, there would have been someone to remind E.Z. of who he is. Their relationship was not destined for a great future, no matter how much chemistry they had.

My hope is that the writers don't try to put E.Z. back together with Emily. Their connection burnt out long ago, to the point that I forget they were once a thing.

Emily putting the pieces of the puzzle together to realize Miguel tried to murder her was fantastic. Following her on the journey up to the stunning realization helped solidify her reasons for cutting Miguel loose when he needed her the most.

Miguel's world crumbling after the phone call was flawlessly executed. He's always had a lot of pull wherever he goes, so losing everything, including his wife and son, was the cherry on top.

Alvarez on a Mission - Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10

He's as wicked as they come, but he called Emily to tell her he loved and needs her after trying to kill her was clearly because he was scared. If he rushed off to a new location alone, he'd struggle to survive.

The look on his face when Emily sent the wedding ring and the four remaining pills was priceless, but it also means that she's made an enemy out of her husband.

Miguel will not take too kindly to her ditching him, but then again, after what he did to her, should we call them even? Miguel's power is imploded in a matter of scenes, and it will be fun to see where he ends up.

Will he manage to start everything fresh in a new location, or will he somehow wind up working with Adelita?

Miguel's Goon - Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10

Adelita's mission throughout Mayans M.C. Season 3 has been on the slower side of things, but it came to a thrilling conclusion when she went on a literal rampage.

The beauty of a character like Adelita is that she has depth. She could have killed everyone in her path, but she only went after the people that truly wronged her, and she also had some morals about who she would takedown.

Potter has been such a big character since Sons of Anarchy, so of course, she wouldn't kill him unless it advanced the story. However, the revelation that Adelita's child is still alive should change her mission somewhat on Mayans M.C. Season 4.

Will she trade in her criminal ways to become a mother? More importantly, will Angel ditch Nails when he learns that his and Adelita's child is still alive?

Felipe is Upset - Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 10

Then again, this is Potter. He's the biggest snake on TV and could be trying to lure Adelita into a false sense of security to take her out of the equation for good.

The conclusion of the Meth Mountain arc was the only weak spot in a packed finale. Given the placement of the resolution in the episode, it felt more like it had to be thrown in to wrap things up.

I would have preferred to keep it going into next season because, let's face it, Gilly managing to get on to the mountain, blow things up, and save Coco, was a bit too much for a handful of scenes.

When you add that Coco managed to shoot Isaac, it starts to fall apart a little.

Talking at the Bar - Mayans M.C. Season 3 Episode 9

As a complete package, however, the finale was phenomenal, and it's hard not to imagine the possibilities going forward. If people were worried about Kurt Sutter's exit, then Mayans M.C. Season 3 should be the poster child that changes at the wheel can result in a better series.

What are your thoughts on the season finale?

Are you surprised Canche survived? What do you think will become of the Santo Padre Charter?

Hit the comments below. 

Chapter The Last, Nothing More To Write Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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