9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 13 Review: Suspicion

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Can we all take a deep, collective breath together? In for two, and out for three. Repeat and repeat until you're calm.

Because 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 13 ended in a way that none of us saw coming, and if you're feeling a little overwhelmed, trust that you are not alone.

The 118 has dealt with a plethora of loss throughout this series, but there's something about that final shot that was chilling beyond words. Could this be the time they have to say goodbye to one of their own? 

Holding Him Back - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 13

It's hard not to start at the end.

The hour was touted as shocking, and it lived up to the hype in the wildest way possible. Eddie's shooting was sudden and devastating, with the blood splattering across the face of a shell-shocked Buck, who was literally paralyzed in fear as he watched the life bleed out of his best friend.

This season has been light on the Buck and Eddie dynamic, but having Buck there at that moment was as cruel as it was somehow comforting. Eddie wasn't alone.

Eddie's arc this season hasn't been all that captivating, but he found himself in a place where he was ready to move on romantically and kind of reclaim a bit of himself. No one thought Ana was Eddie's be-all and end-all, but she wasn't a terrible person for him.

Trapped On a Balcony - 9-1-1

And Christopher has continued to be a joy, and they've got Carla back in their lives. Things were going so well, and then literally in the blink of an eye, everything could be over.

This installment was a good showcase for Eddie and perfectly encapsulated who he is. He helped a young child he didn't know in many ways, befriending him and going above and beyond what his job requires of him.

There is no reason to eulogize Eddie right now, and hopefully, that is not something we will have to do any time soon, but it was lovely to get this reminder of what an excellent addition Eddie Diaz has been to the 118.

The case involving Charlie and his mom is all too real and an unfortunate reality of the world we live in. There have been numerous cases in the news of parents intentionally sickening their children as a means to gain attention, and in this mother's case, money.

Buck Hanging Out - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 13

While her motives are unclear, it ultimately doesn't matter what they were. She was abusing her child, likely for years, and her falling through the balcony was the best thing to happen to her son because it put eyes on them and helped break him free from her abuse.

That was the primary emergency of the hour, with this much more a piece centered on the characters and their various struggles.

9-1-1 has always done a fantastic job telling the real stories and realities of black women. And they did it again with Hen, who dealt with the genuine problem in this country when it comes to black women and medical care.

There are substantial racial disparities in healthcare, and it can sometimes boil down to the simple fact that women of color aren't believed. Hen was dismissed and talked down to by a doctor, who wouldn't give a diagnosis beyond 'people faint sometimes.'

It's disheartening and treacherous, and it's precisely why Hen needs to continue on her path to getting that white coat. The world needs advocates in the healthcare field—the kinds of people who will listen, understand, and put faith in their patients.

Listening to Hen talk about the split-second decisions she has to make while out on a call versus the doctor who has a million tests right at his fingertips and still gets it wrong is infuriating. But times have been changing, and those disparities have been slowly getting better. Still, there is so much work to be done on that front.

It's heartbreaking to think about Athena and Bobby's marriage crumbling, but this has been a long time coming. We just didn't want to admit it.

Watching them argue and hurl accusations back and forth was hard to hear, but neither one of them was wrong.

Athena works alone. And that can work when you've been on the force for years, and you've proven your worth and the ability to do your job without a partner. But she has a partner in her everyday life, and his name is Bobby Nash, and he's tired of working alone.

Ladder Up - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 13

The thing is, none of this is new, and Athena is right to point that out to Bobby. He knew who Athena was when he said, 'I do.'

So, in many ways, it's not fair to blow up now when he has had ample opportunities to talk things through with her; instead of letting everything fester to the point, he had to start keeping his secrets and making his own independent choices to get back at her.

The biggest part of any relationship, romantic or otherwise, is communication. And Athena and Bobby are failing miserably.

The best thing they have going for them is that they aren't malicious to one another. Athena doesn't know another way to be, so she does what she's always done. Not that it makes it better, but she's never doing things on purpose to hurt Bobby.

Now, Bobby was purposefully a bit spiteful, but his intentions were in the right place with helping Rachel. His decision-making where Athena was considered is the issue, but he loves Athena. They love each other.

Falling Through - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 13

They've just reached a juncture where they can't pretend any longer. And one good talk isn't going to magically fix anything. They need some good old couple's counseling if they want to save their marriage, which I firmly believe they do.

Maddie's storyline will most likely be expanded upon further in the finale, but she is struggling, and it feels like she's suffering from postpartum depression. And that is something that they hopefully take their time exploring.

For a long while, it was taboo to talk about it, but it's important to talk about the emotional stress that giving birth takes on women and the fact that there are many resources out there to get help.

There will be a lot of heartache as we advance, but I'm looking forward to seeing how they handle this storyline with Maddie and her struggles.

Odds and Ends

  • Carla made her triumphant return, and she brought the laughs and the realism. She wasn't wrong about Eddie and Ana, and she should say it.
  • Sydney going from Hen's nemesis to a solid friend to her is the kind of character arc we like to see on television.
  • We were robbed of more David this season! Robbed, I tell you!

That was a very emotional hour, and the 9-1-1 Season 4 finale is sure to be another one for the ages.

Pointing Things Out - 9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 13

First and foremost, do you think Eddie survives the shooting?

We know from the previews the sniper is targeting first responders. Any guesses as to why that may be?

Do you think Athena and Bobby can move forward?

Leave all your predictions and comments down below and watch 9-1-1 online before the season wraps up!

Suspicion Review

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Rating: 4.0 / 5.0 (30 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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9-1-1 Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Michael: You know, where's Bobby? I need my partner.
Athena: I'm not sure where he is. He shoulda been home by now. Just said he was having lunch with someone from work.
David: And I thought I was your partner?
Michael: Oh baby, I just usually play with Bobby. That's all.

Good luck with the wedding!
