Days of Our Lives Spoilers Week of 4-19-21: Has the Real Killer Been Found?

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Has Trask finally found her woman?

The mystery surrounding who killed Charlie Dale has been going at a snail's pace, airing only once or twice a week.

Days of Our Lives spoilers for the week of 4-19-21 suggest that hypnotizing John leads to a huge reveal. But could there be another twist?

Spoilers for the Week of 4-19-21 - Days of Our Lives

John certainly seems to think that his "Izzy B" is guilty.

Our little girl blew that punk away.


He recalls that the shooter wore a red coat just like Belle's and, while under hypnosis, tells Marlena that their daughter fired the fatal shot.

But the clip only depicts John seeing the shooter from the back, and it's possible that someone else was wearing Belle's coat and a wig to make it look like they had her hair color.

It's possible that someone is trying to frame Belle, but who?

The most likely suspect for that is Jan, who was in a coma at a time. Jan waking up, killing Charlie, and then pretending to be unconscious so that she has a perfect alibi is far-fetched even for Days of Our Lives!

But it's hard, if not impossible, to believe that sweet, straight-shooting Belle could pretend to believe Sami was guilty and yell at her for her lies about touching the gun while secretly knowing that she was talking about herself.

The spoiler video also contains clips of a scam so ridiculous that Paulina laughs at it, Brady confessing his love for Chloe, and Ciara planning to leave Salem -- with Theo.

We also have twelve official NBC spoiler photos below, so scroll down to learn what's happening in your favorite Days of Our Lives stories.

Charlie's Murderer is Revealed - Days of Our Lives

Charlie's murderer is revealed!

From the spoiler video, the only thing revealed is John's memory, but viewers may be privy to something the characters aren't.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone else in Salem has a flashback of killing Charlie just as Trask demands Belle's arrest.

That would be a great, soapy twist, especially if that person is framing Belle on purpose.

Tripp's Touching Surprise - Days of Our Lives

Tripp has a touching surprise for Steve and Kayla.

I'm so curious as to what this is!

The last we saw of Tripp was him and Allie reaching for baby Henry's pacifier at the same time. Could Tripp's surprise be bringing Allie home and introducing her as his new girlfriend?

Tripp also mentioned that he was studying for a medical school exam. Could he have decided to wait 'til it was a done deal to tell Steve and Kayla he was trying again to become a doctor?

Gwen Makes a Decision - Days of Our Lives

Gwen makes a decision about her baby.

While I have no interest in Gwen and her baby, I hope she makes the right decision.

The idea of Abigail trying to force her to have an abortion is disgusting.

Of course, keeping the baby for the sole purpose of rubbing Abigail's face in the fact that Chad is the daddy isn't a great idea either.

So whatever decision Gwen makes, can it please not be related to Abigail's opinion whatsoever?

A Major Miscalculation - Days of Our Lives

Xander informs Chanel she made a major miscalculation.

The joke's on Chanel: Xander is not rich, and in fact, is close to broke himself.

According to the spoiler video, the two will resolve this problem by demanding Paulina give them $10 million.

I don't know what makes them think she'd do that since she won't even buy Chanel dinner. But in any case, I'd pay any amount of money to get this idiotic story off my screen.

Paulina Turns to Lani - Days of Our Lives

Paulina turns to Lani for help.

I don't know what Lani can do about any of this. Chanel is not her responsibility, and she has enough on her plate as a new mom of twins.

I hope that she encourages Paulina to set firm boundaries and not let Chanel manipulate her anymore.

But that would be too logical for Days of Our Lives. Whatever advice Lani gives is sure to blow up in Paulina's face.

Abigail's Latest Emotional Breakdown/Tall - Days of Our Lives

Abigail has an emotional breakdown with Kayla.

Too bad she doesn't have it in front of Marlena, who is a bona fide psychiatrist.

More often than not, Kayla is left to deal with serious mental health issues herself, and she bungles it every time because that's not her specialty.

If only Days of Our Lives took mental health seriously, this could be a touching story. Instead, these scenes will probably be a vehicle to convince viewers to feel sorry for Abigail, who doesn't deserve pity for her poor behavior.

About That Kiss... - Days of Our Lives

Theo questions Ciara about their kiss.

I'm guessing this will fall under the category of both of them denying the kiss meant anything -- until they realize otherwise.

Only on soap operas do people kiss just for the hell of it and then try to convince themselves they had no reason to do it!

Anyway, since Ciara soon plans to leave town with Theo, obviously, they don't stay in the "it was meaningless" phase very long.

Ciara's Shocking Plan - Days of Our Lives

Ben is shocked to learn Ciara's leaving Salem with Theo!

I don't know why he's shocked.

Heartbroken, maybe, but this shouldn't be a surprise.

Ciara has been screaming every chance she gets that she hates Ben and never wants to see him again, insisting she doesn't want to remember her "love story" with Ben and treating Theo like her one true love.

So leaving town with him is the next logical step, even if it doesn't square up with the three years of her life she refuses to acknowledge existed.

Brady Admits To Loving Chloe - Days of Our Lives

Brady confesses his feelings for Chloe!

Of course, he does.

This whole thing is ridiculous. There were no feelings until Kristen put ideas in Chloe's head, and now Chloe has convinced herself she's in love with Brady, so he's convinced himself he's in love with her.

This might be compelling if there was any reason to believe this was real, but there isn't, and that makes it feel like manufactured drama for the sake of making Kristen go even more over-the-top.

Lucas Tells a Whopper - Days of Our Lives

Lucas tells a whopper of a lie to make inroads with Chloe.

I can't imagine what lie he would tell that would convince Chloe to give him a third chance at love with her when Brady JUST admitted to having the feelings she wants him to have.

Of course, the biggest lie of all is that he and Sami aren't madly in love with each other.

Everyone seems to realize THAT except the writers, who are continuing to insist on this EJ nonsense.

Xander and Chanel Scam Paulina  - Days of Our Lives

Xander and Chanel team up to scam Paulina.

Yeah, Paulina's not giving either of you $10 million.

If she even has access to that kind of money, she SHOULD be investing it into her dream of supporting diversity in Salem business ownership, not on rescuing her selfish daughter from a night of drunken stupidity.

If Chanel and Xander want to stay together, that's their business, and Paulina shouldn't give in to extortion to get Chanel out of this.

Gabi Is Upset - Days of Our Lives

Gabi is upset when she hears about Jake's plans.

Jake is probably going to plan to propose to Kate.

Why should Gabi care? Her last fake relationship led to true love, so her vengeance-based relationship with Philip could go that way if she'd let it.

And I am NOT looking forward to another barrage of age-related insults coming from Gabi's mouth over this, either!

Your turn, Days of Our Lives fanatics!

What are you most looking forward to? What are you most dreading?

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Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.