Coroner Season 2 Episode 3 Review: CRISPR SISTR

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Seeing someone you love deteriorate before your eyes can seem like a fate worse than jail. It's also a fate that Liam, Jenny, and our weekly murderer had to cope with on Coroner Season 2 Episode 3.

Eileen Li did a great job playing Ambrosia Pham, Ambrosia Pham impersonating Sue Pham, and the actual Sue Pham. Each character was very distinct.

The woman we intially thought was Sue had clear differences from Ambrosia. That's the sort of thing someone would have to perfect if they were going to pull off a scheme like the sisters were trying for.

A Personal Interest - Coroner

McAvoy: I'm pretty sure this is how it all started, when the velociraptors seized control of the genetics lab. Jurassic Park?
Jenny: Huh? Yeah, I never saw it.

The world would need to believe they were completely different people, competitive with one another, and often at odds. That's exactly what Li's Ambrosia gave us the sense of.

Meanwhile, the actual Sue was played as lost, scared, and suffering from severe Huntington's.

There is, of course, the controversy of whether or not disabled characters should be portrayed by abled actors. However, given the twins angle, they probably made the right call.

Both sisters were driven by desperation, but their main priority seemed to be protecting the other, as opposed to ensuring their own health and survival. Sue offered herself up to the police to protect Ambrosia, and vice-versa.

It made sense that Sue would kill to ensure her own survival. Her ability to do so physically might be a bit in doubt. The real tear-jerker was that Ambrosia was willing to kill rather than lose her sister. She built a whole conspiracy over this one life.

Jenny Worries About Her Father - Coroner Season 2 Episode 3

Dr Sharma: Stay with what you're feeling Jenny.
Jenny: Nothing.
Dr. Sharma: Stay with nothingness. Hold it. Examine it from all sides. What is nothing telling you?

Like Gordon said, everyone needs a lifeline. It's a shame being that for each other led to the arrest of the Pham sisters.

Too bad for them. Too bad for us as the audience; we likely won't see Eilleen Li on our screen again. Most of all, it's a too bad for those suffering Lewy Body Dementia.

Jenny had a glimmer of hope for her father. Sadly, she chose to share that glimmer with him. Now, that glimmer is gone.

It's pretty tragic. Like Ambrosia, Jenny just wanted to save her father. She saw a chance, and he agreed. Now that the place is shut down, there will be no trials. Gordon's dementia will keep progressing.

While we only just met Sue and Ambrosia, we've been watching Jenny and her father for roughly a season now. There is clearly love there, but that doesn't mean it isn't hard on Jenny and Ross.

Guys Trip with Gordon Cooper! - Coroner Season 2 Episode 3

Jenny: How would you describe your relationship with Brad?
Erika: I have a near perfect grade point average. And his? It was average. I have tons of letters of recommendation and research experience, and he had none. He didn't even have an interest in dementia research. Mr grandmother has dementia! Besides, Sue and Brad deserved each other. Disloyalty is thicker than blood.
McAvoy: What does that mean?
Erika: It means I started following Brad. I wanted to see what he had over me. And you know what? That mofo went straight from Sue's lab to the competitor's across town. Every thursday at 2', like clockwork.
McAvoy: So you think Brad was working for both labs?
Erika: Oh, he was totally a mole, selling our research to the other lab.
Jenny: So, there's another lab that's studying Lewy Body Dementia? Uh, are they any closer to finding a cure than this lab?
Erika: Rumor is, they've already started human trials. God, I bet that drives Sue nuts. She may be purely motivated by the prevention of disease and suffering, but she wants that patent first.
McAvoy: Yeah, that patent's worth money.
Erika: Millions of dollars.
Mcavoy: And where'd you say Brad went?
Erika: Everything I told you is bound by like a coroner confidentiality, right? 'Cause I just applied for an internship there.
Jenny: Yeah ... no.

Remember when Ross snuck his grandfather back into the home, and Liam pretended to be a magician? This family has gone through so much tragedy. They just want to be done. But tragedy is not done with them.

Meanwhile, Liam's army buddy nearly killed himself. We've seen hints of Liam dealing with PTSD.

On Coroner Season 1, Liam was just a love interest, and therefore underdeveloped. Now, on Coroner Season 2, we're getting into him as a person. Jenny isn't the only one with issues. Liam has a lot, and they all go back to his time in the army.

A lot of Veterans don't come out of it quite the same. Liam took to the woods, and he focused on physical exploits to avoid dealing. Now he's a live-in boyfriend and psuedo-father. He's having a harder time dealing.

He was relying on Mal to help him through, and Mal was the one to crack.

Liam Feels Guilty - Coroner Season 2 Episode 3

McAvoy: 24-year-old science nerds aren't supposed to die like this.
Jenny: No one's supposed to die like this.

What does that say about him? How long can he hold it together? You know that's what he was thinking when he was drinking. That and, 'my goodness, how could I break Ross's arm?'

Actually, Liam's mental langauge is probably more colorful. And in French.

It never helps to beat yourself up, but in this case, it's necesary. What was Liam thinking? He was in the army! He's killed people! He knows how to fight.

He had no business fighting Ross. Ross, as a beginner, also had no business fighting him. They both should have known better. Ross is, of course, Ross. He has a track record of making stupid decisions. He's mostly still a kid.

Liam on the other hand should have known better! C'est quoi ce bordel, Liam?

Ross Wants To Wrestle - Coroner Season 2 Episode 3

Casey: I'm Casey Winter, the new pathologist. I'm no Dr. Allen but I like off-broadway musicals, new cuisine, and old mixtapes. And you may have seen my cape.
River: I think I'm going to like you.
Casey: Ugh! You already like me.

The new pathologist, Casey Winter, seems pretty cool. Still, as he said, he's no Dwayne Allen. I'm really going to miss that dude. In fact, I already do.

It was only a tiny bit of the episode, but we got some McAvoy storyline. Apparently his sister is getting married, and he needs to bring someone. Wedding episode! Who else is excited?

We also saw Noor again. It was just for a few minutes, but maybe the writers just want us to beg for it. I'm game. She's awesome.

McAvoy seems to think so as well. It seemed like there were some sparks there. This might be the beginning of a beautiful ship. Mcoor maybe? Or Navoy?

Jenny Examines Brad Morton - Coroner Season 2 Episode 3

So what do you think, Fanatics? Do you want Noor and McAvoy as thing? Are you exited for a wedding episode? Is Liam out of his mind?

Let us know in the comments, and remember, you can watch Coroner online right here via TV Fanatic.

Coroner airs on Wednesdays at 9/8c on The CW.


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Leora W is a staff writer for TV Fanatic..

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Coroner Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

McAvoy: I'm pretty sure this is how it all started, when the velociraptors seized control of the genetics lab. Jurassic Park?
Jenny: Huh? Yeah, I never saw it.

Dr Sharma: Stay with what you're feeling Jenny.
Jenny: Nothing.
Dr. Sharma: Stay with nothingness. Hold it. Examine it from all sides. What is nothing telling you?