Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Play the Game

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Is Tariq getting in over his head?

The Tejada's are unlike anyone he's dealt with in the past. And he may think he's done his research, but there's a lot about this family he does not know.

Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3 gave us a lot more information about the dysfunctional crew, who are at Monet's mercy. And she's doing everything she can to protect her family and their legacy.  

Orders - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3

There continues to be a lot to like about this spinoff, and the Tejada family is a major bright spot.

The whole family is intriguing, and not only did we get a bit more insight into their dynamics, but we also got to meet Lorenzo, who still plays a big part in the day to day operations of the family.

Lorenzo is in prison, but he's got beers, phones, and even a little makeshift bedroom set up for Monet's conjugal visits. He's very much hands-on with the business he left behind, which isn't the best thing for someone as strong-willed as Monet.

Monet runs a tight ship at home, and it's her way or the highway. The kids all know that and seem to accept it for the most part, except for Diana, who feels stifled by her mother's plans.

Annoyed Cane - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3

All the kids are smart in their own way, and they bring something to the table, but Cane is the only one thus far that seems to embrace the lifestyle.

For his part, Dru is the middle-mannered one, who isn't about to walk into every meeting guns first. Cane is on the other end of the spectrum. And he is willing to do whatever he has to do to survive.

On the surface, they're reminiscent of Ghost and Tommy, with Dru taking on the Ghost role and looking to use his words before his fists, and Cane being the Tommy of the pair, who isn't about to let anyone disrespect him.

Monet and Lorenzo see things pretty differently regarding their kids, and their disagreements here felt like the beginning of a much bigger divide. They seem to approach the business much differently, and eventually, things will come to a head.

Visiting Hours - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3

The boys are content doing what Monet says, probably because they feel they have very little choice, but Diana is a different story. She's the rebel of the crew and the one who isn't interested in doing what Mommy says. And if Tariq is as smart as Tariq thinks he is, he will try to exploit that.

The thing about Diana is she seems to know she has power, but she doesn't quite know how to use it yet. Her loyalty isn't to the family; it's to Diana.

And that's dangerous for Monet.

With Tasha's trial looming, Tariq needs money coming in consistently. And that means a supplier who can give him consistent product to push. Enter Monet.

Dru Tejada - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3

Tariq hustled to proved to Monet that she could benefit from having him on her team, and it worked in the sense that he's gotten himself a seat at Monet's table, but he should be able to see that she doesn't trust him.

Diana is the weakest link in the operation, and it's obvious she has a thing for Tariq. How Tariq can use that relationship to his advantage will be very intriguing moving forward.

Lorenzo's phone call to Tasha was a bit overdramatic, but it drove home the point that Tariq's on a thin leash and will be monitored by the family.

He'd got an awful lot on his shoulders right now, and it's a wonder he's still keeping his head above water.

Speaking keeping ones head above water, Tasha is trying to survive behind bars and survive Davis and Paula, who don't believe a word she says.

Tasha has always been a convincing liar, and watching her play the jury during the mock trial was classic Tasha. She knows how to sell her story, and the story is that Ghost was the bad guy and the one that destroyed everything he touched.

She was the wife who did as she was told, or better yet, did what she had to do to survive her husband's wrath, leaving her battered and at the mercy of the big, bad wolf of New York City.

That defense works, except there's a mountain of evidence that contradicts much of Tasha's claims about the timeline of past events.

Sibling Hang Out - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3

Tameka took Tasha apart limb by limb, precisely what Davis was looking to prove. She was never going onto that stand, but he needed her to see for herself why the idea was naïve and terrible.

Even though it's fairly obvious she wasn't the head of the snake, her refusal to tell the truth about Ghost's murder leaves her with few paths moving forward to ensure her innocence.

But Davis is starting to see that a lot of this case is smoke and mirrors and a lot larger than Tasha. This goes back to Angela and everything that came before in the US Attorney's office.

Working to get Tasha free will mean diving into the past and weaving a tale that brings that treacherous office's crimes to light.

Tameka Is Back - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3

And frankly, it's about time Saxe got what was coming to him.

Everything Else You Need To Know

  • Epiphany was back and better than ever. She needs to show up every episode because her scenes are always gold.
  • It's hard to figure out who Zeke is and what his relevance will be. He's the clear buffer between Tariq and Monet, but beyond that, what is his purpose? His struggle to get back on the court is not the most compelling thing to watch. Monet yelling at Zeke's press conference was comical, though.
Tariq Struggles - Power Book II: Ghost
  • Ramirez is a lovesick puppy when it comes to Monet, and it feels like it will eventually bite him in the butt. And we're all in agreement that there is ZERO way Lorenzo doesn't know about them, right?
  • Carrie caught Jabari having sex with someone, and this whole storyline is entirely independent from everything else going on and needs to start making some sense. It feels way too far removed from everything else going on.

This was another intense hour, and it's time for you guys to weigh in on the action.

Roommates Unite - Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3

Will Tariq regret working for the Tejada's?

What should Davis do next to prepare for Tasha's trial?

Are you interested in the Stansfield stories?

As always, leave your comments down below, and let us know how you're feeling about the series!

Remember you can watch Power Book II: Ghost online anytime via TV Fanatic.

Play the Game Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Power Book II: Ghost Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

It's not the truth that matters. It's what we can sell to a jury.

Davis [to Tasha]

Davis: I'm not gonna allow you to let me go out there with my ass hanging out again, Tasha! You need to stop lying to us right now.
Tasha: I'm not lying. And Saxe knows damn well I didn't kill Terry Silver. Terry loved me. He wanted me to turn on Ghost. He was trying to save me, and Ghost killed him.