Coroner Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Scattered

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A lot of questions remained unanswered at the end of Coroner Season 1 Episode 3. We still don't know what, exactly, Dylan and Storm were up to.

Sure, we know they killed Kamau and Webber, but we don't know why. We don't even know if they did it together, or if one of them just got caught up in the other's mess.

At this point, they both seem like bad dudes, but we won't know for sure until we have the full story.

Jenny and McAvoy At Dylan Lee's House - Coroner Season 1 Episode 3

McAvoy: Okay. Computers and a really bad cut. Do you have anything more to link the two?
Jenny: William Webber died the same night that Gideon Kamau went missing.
McAvoy: Okay. That's more.

It was a dumb move of Amanda's to take that phone call. At the same time, I get it. She loves this guy, and for all Jenny gives the appearance of someone who cares, Amanda's safety and peace of mind weren't exactly being made a priority.

I get why Jenny wouldn't want this relative stranger in her house. It would be inappropriate.

Jenny: I have a son.
Amanda: Is he cute?
Jenny: He has a boyfriend.
Amanda: Then he is cute. And probably funny too.

That being said, you could tell that Jenny's refusal to give her a place to crash was hitting her hard. She's scared. She's doing something super dangerous with no place to go and no clue who to trust. She thought she could trust Jenny.

Now she thinks Jenny was just using her for the sake of the case. And despite what she's seen, she wants so badly to believe her boyfriend is a good guy who loves her. 

Jenny Calms Amanda Down - Coroner Season 1 Episode 3

Alison should have jumped on that phone call. She should have asked if it was her boyfriend.

Shows I've seen with similar situations tell me she should have told Amanda to pick up and put it on speaker, but maybe that's just the Hollywood way. Still, it was badly handled all around.

For a minute, Amanda seemed a little suspicious. She got into the building, behind enemy lines, then she was trying to stay at Jenny's house, and she was dodging phone calls.

When we heard her on the phone with Dylan, it didn't seem like she was in on it, but wouldn't that be a twist?

I do think Amanda was trying to do the right thing. She didn't have to come in like that. I hope she is okay. She was a very likable character, innocent in a strange way, but also brave.

Amanda and Dylan Lee - Coroner Season 1 Episode 3

McAvoy didn't react so well to Amanda when she answered the door. I like him, and his dynamic with Jenny, but as the episodes go on, there keep being little moments that make me think he's kind of sexist.

A part of me hopes I'm wrong, but it could be an exciting plot if handled well.

A fun new female character was introduced on this episode. I really liked Lucy. We didn't see a lot of her, but she was hilarious, and she seems like the quirky, adorkable tech-wiz that every show like Coroner  needs.

I look forward to seeing more of her.

I've never met a coroner before. I thought you'd all be old and creepy. Sorta like I thought all detectives would have trenchcoats and drinking problems.


We also saw more of Matteo, which was nice. I didn't really know who he was on the last episode, except a teammate of Ross's. Now we know his name and that he is much more than a teammate.

Ross and Matteo Cuddle - Coroner Season 1 Episode 3

Matteo: Are you depressed?
Ross: Obviously.
Matteo: All right, so let's go for a run. Or a hike. Or swim, in that stream you got.
Ross: Yeah? And then let's do push-ups, sit-ups. Trig homework. Biology. World History. Undergraduate Studies, and then years and years of med school after that. You know, my dad did, and now he's dead. So I don't really see the point.
Matteo: So, do nothing, then? That's it?

He and Ross are cute. While I hope that Ross's lashing out doesn't tear them apart, I do like that the show is really focusing on Ross's grief and depression. It's a serious issue, and going back to life as usual isn't going to magically cure it.

In our society, life cannot just stop because someone is depressed. That's why it's a disorder. It prevents normal functioning, whatever that is. Ross is not functioning normally. He's lost, angry, and unable to go on with his life.

He needs help through this, though it's hard to say what helps in these sorts of situations. Sympathy and understanding, maybe?

Working with Liam seems to be helping him, which is good. Plus, it gives Liam a role other than the guy Jenny hooked up with who tends to the grounds.

Liam Reassures Jenny About Ross - Coroner Season 1 Episode 3

I get why Jenny is worried about Ross, and I agree that he shouldn't just drop out of school, but I do think he would benefit from some therapy. His mom's doing it. Why can't he?

Jenny's therapy session seemed like it would be really important when the episode began, but it became more of an afterthought. The episode was a little weaker for it.

Dr. Sharma: Make friends with the dog.
Jenny: But the dog is not real.
Dr. Sharma: Treat it like it is. Crouch down. Hold your hand out. Let it sniff you. Sense you're not a threat.

We did get some payoff when she realized the dog is afraid of her, though we don't know what that means. The dog remains a big mystery, and it seems like it should either have a more significant role, or it should be downplayed.

I want to know what is going on with Jenny. Her grief, anger, and delusions are fascinating, but it was so separated from the main plot. The use of dogs at the beginning of the episode was completely unrelated.

Jenny Calls McAvoy - Coroner Season 1 Episode 3

Jenny: Mrs. Kamau, would you tell m why you thought your husband would have been kidnapped?
Daraja: Do you know what my husband's job is?
Jenny: He's a Professor. He works with computers.
Daraja: No. He's a hero, who used computers to better connect marginalized communities in Africa. Not everybody was a fan of his mission. There were many threats. Then he gets invited here, to Canada, to come and teach idiot students how to replicate it.
Jenny: He sounds brilliant.
Daraja: He believed that sharing information was worth any price. Including abandoning his wife and his child.

The main plot brought up a lot of questions too.

Like what exactly was Gideon Kamau doing? His wife talked about his work, and it sounded very important and impressive, but not very specific. What was he doing that would be worth killing someone?

And how does William Webber fit into it?

And does it have anything to do with Dylan Lee's manuscript?

I thought there should be more on that: the manuscript. What was it about? Why was Ross so taken with it? Was it something worth killing over?

Dylan Lee - Coroner Season 1 Episode 3

Ross: I totally stanned him. Um, yeah, "Love the book. Save the world dude. #thankyoufornotwritingaboutzombies."
Jenny: Okay, just um, stop it. And don't ... just un-stan him. Or if he responds, don't stan back.
Ross: Okay. That's not how you use the word stan though, but ...

How come they didn't ask Dylan Lee why he sent it to Webber in the first place? Like, how did he know him?

And is Ross in danger now that he connected to Dylan Lee about it on social media?

Seriously, Jenny, you need to learn to stop leaving your work laying around for your kid to find. This is sensitive stuff!

Obviously, there are a lot of questions, but cliffhangers tend to do that to us, right? I look forward to seeing how it all turns out?

What do you think, Fanatics?

Is Amanda okay?

What was in the manuscript?

Will Ross find a way to overcome his depression?

Let us know in the comments, and remember, you can watch Coroner online via TV Fanatic.

Scattered Review

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Rating: 4.3 / 5.0 (6 Votes)

Leora W is a staff writer for TV Fanatic..

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Coroner Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Jenny: Mrs. Kamau, would you tell m why you thought your husband would have been kidnapped?
Daraja: Do you know what my husband's job is?
Jenny: He's a Professor. He works with computers.
Daraja: No. He's a hero, who used computers to better connect marginalized communities in Africa. Not everybody was a fan of his mission. There were many threats. Then he gets invited here, to Canada, to come and teach idiot students how to replicate it.
Jenny: He sounds brilliant.
Daraja: He believed that sharing information was worth any price. Including abandoning his wife and his child.

Dr. Sharma: Make friends with the dog.
Jenny: But the dog is not real.
Dr. Sharma: Treat it like it is. Crouch down. Hold your hand out. Let it sniff you. Sense you're not a threat.