9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18 Review: What's Next?

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As far as season finales go, this one was wild.

And yet 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18 ended on a hopeful note for most. 

We've got a 118 baby coming, a possible doctor in the house, and new love interests. It was an hour of surprises, that's for sure.

Abby Chats - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18

Connie Britton's return was the big draw for the final installments, and it was the right time for Buck, who had recently been questioning what his life was becoming.

Abby had a significant impact on Buck's maturity and his growth during 9-1-1 Season 1. He went from playboy to devoted boyfriend seemingly overnight.

Their relationship had its ups and downs, but you could never say that Buck didn't love her.

When she left, it took a long time for Buck to get over her and let go of the fantasy that she was returning to him one day. And even though he did get over her, I'm not sure he ever let her go.

A Train Derailment Tall - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18

You could see the pain and confusion written all over Buck's face when he encountered her at the scene of the train crash. It was very clearly not the reunion he had always envisioned.

But Buck being Buck, he made a promise to her that he would bring her fiancé home, and he wasn't going to fail at that.

There were a lot of emotions coursing through that train car, and when it turned into a scenario where a choice had to be made between two victims, Bobby made a choice.

And Buck wouldn't take no for an answer.

Bobby: You can't just rush into any dangerous situation and assume it's gonna be okay. Cause sometimes it's not and I'm tired of being on the other side of those hospital visits.
Buck: Bobby. I am not Athena.

It was an interesting parallel between Buck and Athena, whose attack was still fresh on Bobby's mind. It was not the appropriate time for Buck to come at his captain that way, but they both made valid points.

Abby Calls - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18

Bobby is always level-headed. He makes the tough calls, and he follows the rules. He watches people around him rush into situations that put them into harm's way, and he's frustrated by it.

But Buck isn't Athena. And he had a plan that he was willing to execute with the help of his team.

There was so much going on during this finale, that the big rescue moments almost felt rushed. The train crash was the meaty part of the episode, but there were only three rescues that seemed to go by in a flash.

Chimney and Hen's rescue of a young man whose spine was dislocated from his neck was a little tense, but again it was over in an instant. It was just a way to show Chimney once again that Hen is smart and competent and that he should be supporting her decision to apply to medical school.

Chaotic Reunion Tall - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18

Chimney and Hen's friendship is one of the best, and there's no doubt Chimney is proud of Hen. He's always been her biggest cheerleader, but that's his best friend. Of course, a part of him is scared that their friendship will change if she leaves the 118 and becomes a doctor.

Chimney came around in the end, though, because you can't deny brilliant Hen. He just needed his time to sulk.

But back to Abby and Buck, their final conversation was meant to give Buck closure, but it came off a bit odd. She wasn't very apologetic for ghosting him, and while I can understand her desire to find herself, she owed him more than that short little talk on the bench.

Buck took it in stride and seemed to understand where she was coming from, so hopefully, that's the closure he needs to put the Abby chapter behind him finally.

Crash Victim - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18

Athena was working with a doctor on the upcoming trial against the serial rapist, but it soon turned into a therapy session for her.

I don't think it's fair to compare traumas. And from what I read, his attack on you was pretty brutal.

Doctor [to Athena]

The wounds are still fresh both physically and figuratively for Athena, and it makes perfect sense that she's in a state of flux. She was very close to losing her life, and it would be odd for her not to have some internal struggle with what happened.

Just like your wounds need time to heal, your mind and spirit need time as well. Being a civilian, and just being home with the kids will do Athena a lot of good.

But I have no doubt she will be back on the beat soon enough. It's in her blood.

Abby Helps - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18

A positive pregnancy test to end a finale is the most cliché thing in the world, but we'll forgive it this one time because Maddie and Chimney deserve this.

Think about all they've been through not only during their relationship but before as well. It took a lot for them to get to a point where they're stable, on the same page, and so deeply in love.

They both seemed ecstatic, if not a little terrified, at the news, and seeing how they navigate the pregnancy and parenthood will be a fun thing to see them do together.

Loose Ends

Chimney Works - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18
  • Michael's tumor shrinking, and him getting to go on a date with the hot doctor from 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 17 was a truly great moment. Michael deserves a win.
  • We didn't see May's conversation with Maddie, but is anyone else thinking she may want to go into law enforcement?
  • All Eddie and Christopher's moments are adorable, but sending Christopher off to sleepaway camp was an extra sweet moment considering how this season started with the chaos of the tsunami.
  • Joshua's victim impact statement was powerful, and I'm glad Maddie was there for support. There are just so many beautiful friendships on this show.
Eddie Looks On - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18

We need more scenes where the whole cast gets to come together and have fun like at May's graduation. Some episodes, it feels like we barely get any smiles.

It was a hectic hour, almost too busy, but still, a great way to end another stellar season.

9-1-1 Season 4 is coming eventually, but in the meantime, hit the comments and let me know what you thought about the final episode.

Wide-Eyed Buck - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18

Are you glad Buck and Abby got to talk?

What's next for Athena?

Drop a line below and make sure to watch 9-1-1 online during the hiatus! 

What's Next? Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (10 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18 Quotes

Look, this moment is about you. It's not about what you're supposed to say. It should come from your heart.

Maddie [to Josh]

Bartender: Someone waiting for you there?
Abby: No. He stopped waiting for me a long time ago.