What We Want To See on Good Girls Season 3

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Good Girls is back, my friends!

Having been sidelined for what seems like forever, the NBC hit is poised to start it’s third season oh so soon, and we couldn’t be more excited.

After a stellar sophomore run, the ladies and gentleman of suburban Michigan are back to con their little hearts out. And there are a few things we would like to happen this season.

Friendly Smile - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 13

Annie’s Love Life Resolved

Annie has come such a long way from the start of the series when let’s face it, she seemed to be barely keeping herself afloat most days.

She went through a horrific event with Boomer, and then an emotionally exhaustive affair with Gregg, and then had to deal with even more heartbreak when she found out Noah was a cop.

Going into Good Girls Season 3, we have to assume Noah is long gone and hopefully, this is the season Annie finds happiness in her love life.

Stressed Annie - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 12

If not with Gregg, then please bring a solid person into her life that isn’t married, isn’t lying to her, and who bonds with Sadie in an authentic way.

We’ve been wishing for a happy Annie for a long time, and there’s no greater time than now!

Annie deserves her Stan!

Ladies on Good Terms

A Discovery - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 12

Our three main gals experienced turmoil during Good Girls Season 2, and it just wasn't fun to see the ladies at odds.

Beth, Ruby, and Annie are all very different, but the one thing they will always share is their love and respect for each other.

And we understand that conflicts will come up, especially given the dangerous nature of their new professions, but let's have the ladies continue to grow their communication skills and embark on a journey where everyone is on the same page.

Bye, Bye, Turner

Working Through Lunch - Tall - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

Can Turner just go already?

Noah may be gone, but it appears Turner will still be creeping around, looking for any reason he can to take down Beth and company.

What has Turner accomplished to this point?

He almost died, the ladies are still free, and his partner partially derailed his entire case. Turner isn’t the best at his job, and it’s time for him to move on and leave the ladies be.

A New Big Bad

Snack Time - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 7

Keeping in line with Turner leaving, the show needs to find a new big bad.

They need to bring in someone to raise the stakes even further, perhaps a bigger drug kingpin than Rio can come in and challenge the ladies differently.

This is a television series, so things will never be smooth sailing for anyone, and it’s time to up the ante and pit them against someone new.

No more Turners, Rios, Boomers, and Mary Pats. We need a bigger villain this season.

Brio Reunited?

Beth & Rio - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 6

Speaking of Rio, there is approximately a 0.001% chance that he is dead. If that’s the road Good Girls wanted to travel down, Rio would never would have struck  that last-minute deal with Turner on Good Girls Season 2 Episode 13.

Now, assuming Rio is alive and recovering somewhere, you have to imagine that he will be coming after Beth, as she did try to kill him, after all.

But this show has invested time into Brio and shaping a 'ship that you either love or despise. And that's not going get abandoned now by making them mortal enemies forever.

This is going to be a polarizing opinion, but perhaps they can get Beth and Rio together again by working against a common enemy. Never being able to fully trust one another, but having to try to protect their families would be a very intriguing storyline.

Bring Stan & Dean Into The Fold

Happy Couple - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

Stan is the best, and it’s hard to imagine he would be willing, but IF he is, it’s time for him to be a part of the action.

If Ruby is going to continue down this road of crime, she needs to be transparent with Stan about everything. And she could easily do that if he was helping her along the way.

As for Dean, he’s not above anything, so he needs to be brought in to help out. And he had a whole dealership; therefore he has to be good at something, right?

The men have been sidelined for obvious reasons, but we’re way past Good Girls Season 1 when the men were completely blind.

A New Good Girl?

A Digging Trio - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

We know, we know, Mary Part was an absolute disaster. And bringing in a new woman who doesn't have a lifelong bond like Beth, Ruby, and Annie has the potential to be disastrous. 

But let's face it, the ladies always end up needing help in some way, so why not bring in a new mother who also needs to make some cash? 

The downside is high, but the upside has no ceiling if they find the right woman with the right skillset. 

It would make for a fun new dynamic, that's for sure. 

Hearty Laughter - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 13

Alright, folks, here are the top things we would like to see, but more importantly, what do you guys want to see?

Which storylines are you hoping carry over this season?

Do you think Rio is alive?

Would you be interested in seeing a new girl added to the mix?

Leave all your comments down below, and make sure you come back and catch up with our Good Girls reviews all season! 

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Good Girls Quotes

You're like a Stepford mom without a pulse.

Annie [to Beth]

Ruby: So when you wanna do this?
Annie: Well I already bought three automatics and filed off the serial numbers. So, really, name a day.