Power Season 6: What Should We Expect in the Final Episodes

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It's seems like just yesterday Power burst onto the scene and really put Starz on the map. 

The series grew and grew over the years by word of mouth, and by the time they made the leap to Sunday nights, it was trending every weekend. 

But all good things must come to an end eventually, and Power Season 6 is poised to be the last hurrah for the popular series. So, how is the show going to go out? 

Facing Out - Power Season 6 Episode 1

Before the season dropped, we put together our list of 8 Things We Need to See on the Last Season of Power and at this point in the season, some of our wishes have already come true. 

And others have been extinguished. 

With Ghost's fate up in the air thanks to the closing events in Power Season 6 Episode 10, it feels like the last few episodes will be dedicated to revenge. 

Obviously, the identity of the shooter is the number one thing fans want to know heading into the final installments. 

Ghost Apologizes - Power Season 6 Episode 10

All of the suspects have motive and means to commit the crime, and finding out who had the gall to pull the trigger will ultimately drive the storyline moving forward. 

The beef between Tommy and Ghost was a perpetual rollercoaster ride, and that doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon, whether or not he was the one who pulled the trigger. 

We saw them call a truce, albeit not by choice, and work together as well as they ever had. But it appears to be too little too late. 

This relationship has been irrevocably broken, and the last few episodes would be wise to give them a proper scene in which both parties can air out their grievances. 

Father & Son - Power Season 6 Episode 1

The conversation was started during that fast-paced fall finale, but they were interrupted by a cascade of bullets. 

Side note, who exactly was shooting at them?

The Ghost and Tommy dynamic is arguably the most important one on the show, and it's important to give their friendship a proper ending before the final credits roll. 

We've been beaten over the head for a while now with the similarities between Ghost and Tariq, and Tariq's progression towards being Ghost 2.0. And here's hoping that Tariq commits one way or the other towards following in his parent's footsteps or forging his own path. 

Angry Ghost & Tariq - Power

That is something we've wanted from the beginning, and he's poised to make a choice now. Especially if he's the one who shot Ghost. 

There's no coming back from that. 

The relationship between Ghost and the rest of his family is at an all-time low, and Tariq and Tasha have plenty of reasons to want Ghost gone. But going as far as to kill him? 

No matter how many fundamental differences you have with a parent, death is forever, and we often forget that Tariq is a child. That stain will be with him for life. 

Look at Tommy. He's a grown man who's killed more people than I can remember, but Teresi's death will be something he's never able to get over. 

Walking Away - Power Season 6 Episode 1

For Tasha, she and Ghost are in the worst place we've ever seen them. And with Ghost gone, it opens up a lot of things for her. 

But again, she will never come back from killing the father of her children. 

Now all this Ghost and shooting talk leads to another major question, which is; would Power kill off Ghost?

Power has NEVER shied away from killing off anyone. And this season, in particular, has seen a prominent death in nearly every episode that has aired thus far. 

Proctor Backed Up - Power Season 6 Episode 1

Let us all take a minute to honor Proctor and Benny who deserved much better!

But Ghost is the star of the show and it's hard to fathom a world wherein Power still exists but Ghost is no longer in it. 

Love him or hate him, it's his show and it's evolved to the point where he's become part protagonist and part antagonist. And the central themes of the series flow through him. 

Can there be a Power without Ghost?

Dre In Court - Power Season 6 Episode 1

Another thing that MUST get resolved is Dre and him finally getting what's coming to him.

Dre's ability to elude repercussions for his actions is beyond ridiculous at this point, and something needs to be done before the series end.

On a lighter note, can they finish the Queens Child Project already? 

It's the neverending joke on social media that the building will never be completed, and it would be fitting to finally get that building completed before the show wraps up!

Peering Out - Power Season 6 Episode 3

Okay, guys, we are very close to the end of Power, and I want to know everyone's thoughts before the final episodes air!

Is Ghost dead? 

Who pulled the trigger?

How will the series end?

Please fill the comment section will all your predictions and make sure to watch Power online via TV Fanatic so you're all caught up before this iconic series wraps up!

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Power Quotes

Tasha: You okay, Ghost?
Ghost: I'll be better as soon as I find Tommy.

Be right there, Ghost. You wait for me right there.
