Blue Bloods Season 10 Midseason Report Card: Big Changes, Compelling Stories, and More!

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Change is never easy.

The Reagan family saw some big changes during the first half of Blue Bloods Season 10, but is still going strong.

Jamie and Eddie's marriage, Nicky's move to San Francisco, and Erin's new job top the list.

Check out our thoughts on all these changes as well as what we hope to see on the second half of Blue Bloods Season 10.

Don't forget to hit SHOW COMMENTS and tell us your thoughts.

Apartment Hunting - Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 1

What works: Jamie and Eddie adjust to marriage

We love Jamko, and the newly married couple has had some good stories revolving around their adjustment to married life.

They are working opposite shifts and sometimes still have opposite opinions of the cases they're working on, which has led to some solid drama for the couple.

There have also been some duds, like Jamie being insulted by Eddie giving him a "honey do" list, but for the most part Jamko is getting the screen time they have gotten cheated out of in recent years.

If only viewers had seen more of their actual wedding, this aspect would get a perfect score.

Erin Holds Her Ground - Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 2

What doesn't work: Erin's new job

Erin's promotion up through the ranks at the DA's office seems to have hardened her, and it's not a good look.

She's fighting more both with Anthony and Frank, and she often seems to rigidly attach herself to an unreasonable position.

Even when Erin's right, her attitude makes her wrong.

That's not entertaining.

Upset By a Murder - Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 2

What works: Danny and Baez continue to be a dream team

If Erin's gotten harder, Danny's gotten a tiny bit softer.

Or else Baez is getting to him.

In any case, Danny and Baez's dynamic is more interesting than ever, and if Danny has to move on from Linda, Baez would be a good choice.

Frank Feels Betrayed - Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 2

What works: A more reasonable Frank

Frank Reagan circa Blue Bloods Season 9 had become such a curmudgeon that viewers speculated on whether he was going to retire for his own peace of mind.

But Season 10 features a much-improved Frank who is tough without being obnoxious and is fairer than he was in the previous season.

Frank hasn't lost his edge and can certainly still butt heads with his kids and with the new mayor, but he's far more enjoyable to watch now.

Frank Gets Involved - Blue Bloods

What works: Hard-hitting and topical cases

Blue Bloods has always, at its heart, been about police ethics.

Frank's job is to promote those ethics while also protecting his cops from city administrators, media, and others who don't understand the difficulty of the job.

Blue Bloods Season 10 has offered a lot of that. Stories involving difficult decisions such as how and when to end a terminally ill person's suffering have added depth to this already compelling series.

(TALL) A Mysterious Cult - Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 5

What doesn't work: Quickly resolved cases

Once in awhile, Blue Bloods offers a case that should stretch over multiple episodes, yet is resolved by the end of the hour.

For example, Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 5 featured an undercover Eddie exposing a cult.

It could have been an interesting multi-episode arc, especially considering the danger and Jamie's opposition to Eddie's involvement in the case.

Instead, Eddie and Anthony caught the bad guys almost immediately. How disappointing!

Frank is Conflicted - Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 6

What works: More personal cases for Frank

It's good to see Frank get away from the typical mayor vs. police department stories for a bit.

Sure, there's a new mayor in town, but for the most part, Frank's stories involve having to confront old friends, having to have tough conversations with cops he likes, and butting heads with his family.

It is a refreshing difference from the past. While a good fight with the mayor is always entertaining, it got tiresome when it was the focus of the show week in and week out.

Frank Might Be Wrong - Blue Bloods

What doesn't work: Frank dealing with silly issues

The more personal stuff is great, but from time to time Frank gets involved with an issue that's not worth his time.

For example, on Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 3, Frank spent most of the hour dealing with a deceased friend's will and her son's claim that she engaged in fraud. This issue seemed beneath him.

These types of stories are few and far between, but when they come up, they don't work at all.

Frank should be involved in something that matters -- or at least be irritated about his time getting wasted.

Danny Goes Undercover - Blue Bloods

What works: Less random plot twists

For the most part, Blue Bloods Season 10 has avoided convoluted plots or random twists at the end of cases.

One exception is Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 9, which involved a woman asking Danny to help her catch a murderer because she wanted to get revenge on him.

That was a plot twist that no one saw coming -- because it came out of nowhere.

Thankfully, that doesn't happen often.

Mayor Chase's Proposal - Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 8

What works: A new mayor

Sometimes the mayor vs. Frank stories can get irritating, but the new mayor appears to be a formidable foe.

Mayor Chase has little experience and even less of an idea of how the police department works.

What he does have are keen instincts for the dirty side of politics, and he's already made it clear he expects Frank to obey his directives.

Plus, he likes to "test" people by putting obstacles in their path.

That does not bode well. The second half of Blue Bloods Season 10 should be interesting.

Sharing a Drink - Blue Bloods

What works: Natural life changes

The Reagan family has changed naturally in some ways. Jack is in college and Nicky has taken a job across the country.

Blue Bloods Season 10 hasn't made a big deal out of these changes.

They happened naturally, and the remaining family mentions them but accepts that their family is changing.

Head of the Table - Blue Bloods Season 10 Episode 1

What works: The Reagan family dinners

The Reagan family dinners continue to be a high point of each episode.

Eddie has joined the family and sometimes jumps into the verbal sparring, while Linda's chair remains forever empty.

It's a toss-up whether the best part is Henry's unique perspective on the week's events or the Reagan of the week leading the family in saying Grace.

Shooting a Pen Pal - Blue Bloods

What doesn't work: Maggie the psychic

Some viewers think that Danny might eventually end up partnered with Maggie, the psychic played by Callie Thorne.

Please, God, no. It's bad enough that he and Baez already argued over whether Maggie's clairvoyance is real while working a case.

Callie Thorne is a great actress, but Maggie has outworn her welcome.

And she definitely doesn't belong at the Reagan dinner table, so hopefully Danny's interest in her will remain at the professional level.

Your turn, Blue Bloods fanatics.

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Blue Bloods continues to air on CBS on Fridays at 10 PM EST/PST. 

Jack Ori is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. His debut young adult novel, Reinventing Hannah, is available on Amazon. Follow him on X.

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Blue Bloods Quotes

Ah, another day of crime fighting. We should get capes.


Eddie: Do you ever think about what we might be missing out on?
Jamie: Yup. Do you ever think what we might be giving up?
Eddie: Yup.