How to Get Away with Murder Season 6 Episode 9 Review: Are You the Mole?

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Let me know when you've picked your jaw up off the floor. 

Are you good now? It's understandable if you're still in a state of shock because How to Get Away with Murder Season 6 Episode 9 was the biggest fall finale to date. 

Be warned that spoilers will be coming at you fast and furiously as we try to dissect everything that got thrown at us.

Smiling Gabriel - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 9

The day started innocently enough, with Annalise presiding over her potential last class at Middleton. And it just spiraled out of control. 

Once the news hit that the FBI had an anonymous source, it became a guessing game as to who the mole could be. 

Knowing that the focus was on the night of Sam's death, that meant that certain suspects, like Gabriel and Tegan, could be eliminated. 

Neither was around way back when Sam died, so there is no way they'd have enough information to give to the FBI. 

And it would never be Frank or Bonnie because their loyalty will forever lay with Annalise and each other above all else. 

Walking With Purpose - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 9

When you take all of them out of the equation, you're left with a very small list of people.

The informant had to have been around the night of the bonfire, and it had to be someone not named Annalise. 

Michaela puts it together a lot quicker than I'm betting the audience did when she names Asher as her prime suspect. But once she says it out loud everything comes into focus. 

Asher's family subplot wasn't a random, throwaway storyline, but it was instead the way the FBI weaseled their way into Asher's life and got him to flip on Annalise. 

Disturbing News - How to Get Away with Murder

Thinking back to How To Get Away With Murder Season 1 and Sam's murder, Asher wasn't involved really. So it makes sense that he would know enough to give the FBI a story, but not enough to get anyone locked up yet. 

Asher has convinced himself that he's doing this for the greater good of his family, both biological and the one born from covering up crimes. 

But the biggest problem with the blame Annalise defense is that Annalise has never killed anyone.

It's often forgotten (and unappreciated) how much she has helped everyone cover up their crimes while never having committed any murder herself. 

That's not to say that Annalise is some amazing person who is so much better than everyone else. Annalise has many faults, and she's constantly reminded of those. 

On The Case - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 9

But this idea that everything Asher, Connor, Michaela, and Wes did was due to the big, bad wolf Annalise manipulating them was a cop-out of epic proportions. 

Maybe you can sell that to the FBI, but the real facts don't support it. 

Even though we knew that the informant would wind up dead, there was still a decent amount of misdirection that made it seem like Asher wouldn't be the dead person in the hallway. 

But once he showed up at Bonnie's and Bonnie called Frank, the writing was on the wall. 

Asher went out in pretty gruesome fashion, as he didn't die right away. And he was more than likely killed by someone he knew. 

It's always hard to see original cast members go. And even though there's only a handful of episodes left, it's still sad to see Asher not only die but also go out as a snitch. 

Asher can pretend that he was protecting his friends, and in some ways he was, but if he truly had their best interests at heart he would have told them what was going on. 

Aside from the search for the mole and Asher's subsequent death, there were some other major shocks as two familiar faces came back. 

Laurel's appearance was...meh. 

Emotional Asher - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 9

She just popped to declare her innocence and show us that she and Christopher were still alive, while also dropping a little gem about Tegan. 

Tegan is pretty vocal about her disdain for Jorge now, so it's not shocking that she would help Laurel escape her family. But it's still one more thing to keep us guessing. 

The biggest shock of the hour, and potentially the series, can in the last few seconds when we were, once again, transported to Annalise's future funeral. 

For Annalise, she seems content to get away from Philadelphia for a while and visit her mother. She seems at peace before all hell breaks loose. 

Her confrontation with Nate was a long time coming. And listening to them go back and forth, it's a reminder of all the pain they've caused each other. 

There were some good time sprinkled in for the former lovers, but all in all, they were as toxic as they come. 

We know Nate can go from zero to hundred real quick, but it never felt like Annalise was in any real danger. 

When you go down, I hope I'm here to see it.

Nate [to Annalise]

He'd much rather watch her be ripped apart in the same courtrooms she'd shredded so many others. 

There's a few moments where it feels like Annalise may die in a way that would completely buck the trend this show has followed for six seasons. 

Shocking Discovery - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 9

When she's holding the gun, alone, and emotionally gutted, for a second you wonder if she might end her own life.

And when the plane she's taking to parts unknown goes through turbulence, it feels like for a second maybe this is the way Annalise was supposed to go out all along. 

Alone, having shed the moniker Annalise Keating once and for all. 

But, alas, we still don't know how Annalise dies. However, we got the shock of a lifetime by a certain mourner who showed up to her funeral. 

Christophe Wes Gibbons is presumably alive! And with a new haircut to boot!

Excited Oliver - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 9

If we take this funeral at face value it seems odd that no one would recognize him, as there are more than likely a lot of Middleton people crowding that church. 

And then there's the whole dead body we saw when Wes died. But let's ignore all the inconsistencies and speculate on where Wes has been the last two and half seasons. 

Maybe he is also a member of VIP Results like Annalise, and he's been living the life on an island somewhere. Yes, that sounds like a grand plan. 

Because thinking too hard about this colossal twist will leave you spiraling. 

Everything Else You Need To Know

  • All the flashforwards make perfect sense now. Oliver thinks he killed Asher. Connor is reacting to the death of one of his best friends. It's crazy how everything comes together once one piece of the puzzle is solved. 
  • Nate's insistence that Bonnie doesn't need Annalise and Frank would be more meaningful if he was a stable individual. Frank is also not stable, but you can't deny the fact that he does care about Bonnie. 
  • During a very heavy hour, Oliver on shrooms was a nice distraction. 
  • Michaela wanting to graduate before deciding whether or not turn on Annalise is completely on brand. 
  • Who knocked on Gabriel's door? And what did he see? Those are major questions to ask yourself before the series returns. 
Happy Connor - How To Get Away With Murder Season 6 Episode 9

How To Get Away With Murder finales ALWAYS deliver, and this was no exception. 

For every question that was answered, another one popped up in it's place. 

As always, let me know everything you'rethinking and what you want to see during the final six episodes of the series. 

Who killed Asher?

Is Wes really alive?

Where are Laurel and Christopher?

Would you turn on Annalise to save yourself?

Make sure you watch How to Get Away with Murder online right now and the hop into the comments to talk with us!

Are You the Mole? Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Frank: Promise me this isn't all about breaking up me and Laurel.
Annalise: Oh, shut up.
Frank: I deserve love, Annalise, like everyone else.
Annalise: Bonnie deserves love. Whether it's with you isn't up to you or me.

Michaela: Are you the mole?
Laurel: No! It wasn't me. I swear. I would never turn you guys in, okay? But, obviously, someone else did.