A Million Little Things Shocker: Is {Spoiler} Gravely Ill?!

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"Sometimes a nose bleed is more than a nose bleed."

And with that tweet, A Million Little Things showrunner DJ Nash has set AMLT Fanatics ablaze with new theories and speculation about what this could possibly mean.

Nash is known to send fans in a tizzy fueling speculation and theories.

Happy Theo  - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 3

AMLT fans spend every week trying to dissect what's new, and they scour the episodes for clues to give them an idea of what's going to happen next.

While they haven't reached Lost levels of fanaticism and tinfoil hat conspiracy speculating and more, they're pretty darn close.

To their credit, A Million Little Things has fully embraced its nighttime soap opera genre with everything imaginable you'd find in a classic soap.

We have infidelity and secret love children. We have love triangles.

We have mysteries upon mysteries, and just when you think you've figured something out, the rug may be pulled from beneath your feet.

Loving Theo-tall - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 3

The latest shocker is that Barbara Morgan's son PJ is actually Jon's son.

After fans comfortably put that theory to bed, a DNA test has confirmed that it's true.

Or is it?! Can we trust a DNA test on A Million Little Things or is something else at play? You can never sit comfortably in a theory.

You can also never dismiss any small detail.

Game Time - Tall  - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 3

Nash teased that "sometimes a nosebleed is not just a nosebleed," and suddenly the spotlight is placed on Theo Saville.

Eddie and Katherine's inquisitive and precocious son has just celebrated his tenth birthday.

He's a unique child, and fandom has always had strong feelings about the little guy that has placed him on a list of polarizing characters along with Delilah, Maggie, and his parents.

The Savilles - Tall  - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 5

He's a sheltered kid; the Savilles have always kept a close eye on him, and he had a strict diet and schedule.

Some would even call them helicopter parents who smothered him too much.

We know Theo has night terrors and that he sleepwalks, but there is something else that Theo suffers from often: nosebleeds.

Big 10 - tall  - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 7

It's not uncommon for kids of his age to suffer from them, especially with changes in the weather or stress levels. Sometimes nosebleeds are a hereditary trait.

Based on Eddie and Katherine's response to his last nosebleed, it's a common occurrence for Theo.

Most fans dismissed it as another one of those quirks of the quirkiest kid on the series, but since he's the only one we know who has nosebleeds and Nash has teased this tweet, it's sending fans in a tailspin.

Birthday Boy - tall  - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 7

Could something be wrong with Theo?

Could he be gravely sick? A Million Little Things loves to put their characters through the wringer, and it has notoriously put Katherine through hell.

Nash even mentioned once that he enjoys putting Katherine through it, so is he doing it again?

Katherine Lays Down the Law - tall  - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 7

Eddie has been the character who has experienced the most backlash from his affair with Delilah, so is this one more way he's being punished?

The timing of this tease could not be more curious.

On A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 6, after Katherine spent the day babysitting her husband's love child, she told Delilah she wanted to be honest with their children about who Charlie's father is.

Delilah is Pissed - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 7

Things got explosive on A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 7 when Delilah felt backed into a corner and refused to tell the kids the truth.

Delilah and the Savilles did not end things on the best terms.

But if Theo is sick and in need of something, like blood or marrow or more, could this lead to an explosive reveal?

Charlie is Theo's half-sibling, and before she was born, he was an only child.

Baby Charlie  - A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 5

One can't put it past A Million Little Things to place young Theo's life and health in jeopardy, and the only one who could save him is his baby sister Charlie.

It would be one of the most dramatic reveals of Charlie's identity.

If anything can bring the Saville's and Delilah together and put them back on the same page, it's saving a ten-year-old they all care about, yes?

So, what do you think, AMLT Fanatics?

Will A Million Little Things rip our hearts out again by making little Theo gravely sick?

What are your theories? Sound off below!

You can watch A Million Things online here via TV Fanatic!

A Million Little Things returns Thursday on ABC!


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Jasmine Blu is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is an insomniac who spends late nights and early mornings binge-watching way too many shows and binge-drinking way too much tea. Her eclectic taste makes her an unpredictable viewer with an appreciation for complex characters, diverse representation, dynamic duos, compelling stories, and guilty pleasures. You'll definitely find her obsessively live-tweeting, waxing poetic, and chatting up fellow Fanatics and readers. Follow her on X.

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A Million Little Things Quotes

I just came here to say that I'm sorry. And I should've known what was going on, and I don't know how I didn't.


Are we rehearsing, or are we joking around?!
