9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3 Review: The Searchers

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And just like that, the disaster trilogy comes to an end. 

After two breathtaking installments, 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3 was the perfect ending to the tsunami saga. 

It was another beautifully crafted hour of television that showcased all the things this show does best. 

A Bloodied Athena - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3

Buck's frantic search for Christopher was heartbreaking on every level. And every time we saw Buck, he just looked more and more beatdown.

It showed physically how much Christopher's sudden disappearance had just shattered his soul, but he never gave up searching.

And that's exactly what we've come to expect from Evan Buckley. 

It's not until the end of the day he finally gave in and had to say out loud the one thing he'd been fearing all day. 

Related: 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 1 Review - Kid's Today 

Buck was terrified of facing the reality that Christopher may be gone forever, and he's even more terrified about having to be the person to tell Eddie what happened. 

Helping Out - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3

The scene between the two men was just hauntingly sad and emotional.

Buck was unable to formulate a full sentence as heavy breaths escaped him the closer he got to telling his best friend that his son was lost. 

As each second passed by, you could see the realization smack Eddie in the face.

The despair was mounting and mounting until it gave way to harmony as he spotted Christopher a few yards away. 

Eddie Helps - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3

There's a point in nearly every 9-1-1 episode where you could start to cry because the emotions of this show are just too real. 

And there were multiple times that feeling crept up here, but nothing was as devastating as seeing Buck break down at the weight of the pain he was carrying. 

Related: 9-1-1's Tsunami Washes Over Competition

Oliver Stark has been amazing from the start, and he's been given so much material to work with and he always knocks it out of the park. 

Kudos to him and Ryan Guzman for this scene because it was incredible. 

The Totality of the Disaster - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3

Eddie spent much of his time with Ronda Rousey's character, Lena, as the two bonded throughout the day. 

Was anyone else getting flirty vibes between the two firefighters when they were on that Ferris wheel?

It seemed like an odd time to spark up flirty banter, but then again who am I to judge. 

Lena was hellbent on finding her captain, but little did she know that he was pinned beneath a car and minutes away from death if not for Athena. 

Eddie & Athena - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3

Much like May during 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 2, Athena was tasked with staying calm and helping to keep someone alive. 

Ronnie: You may wanna get started. This arm's not gonna amputate itself.
Athena: That's not funny, Ronnie.

Athena is tough as nails, and she didn't even hesitate to gather all the necessary supplies needed to help amputate a man's arm. 

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They spare us all by not showing all the bloody details, but man that had to be scary, gruesome, and difficult all wrapped together. 

Captain Ronnie makes it through the makeshift surgery, and once again Athena proves she's as smart and gritty as they come. 

Maddie may not be in the trenches, but her job was just as challenging during the storm. And she continued to do what she does best; she led the way. 

A Big Hug - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3

Her idea to use Charlie's drone to get eyes on the apartment building was very bright, and she saved multiple lives in the process. 

Bobby and company get luck twice, as they were able to get people out of the building before they passed and they got them away from the scene before it went up in flames. 

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Chimney showing up in the mail truck was comedic, but just another example of the resourceful nature all of our favorite first responders have. 

They all worked together to save as many lives as they could, and that's all you can ask for in a catastrophe of this magnitude. 

A Memorial - Tall - 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3

There will be casualties, but there will also be miracles.

And the combined efforts of all the first responders, as well as the public at large, allowed for many people to survive this disaster. 

Loose Ends

  • Imagine almost dying during a natural disaster and signing divorce papers while being rescued.

    Was anyone else rooting for those two crazy kids to maybe give it another chance?
  • The two men saving the pets were hilarious! And it was a nice reprieve from all the sadness to watch two men bicker over a terrible name for their business.
On Duty - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 3
  • Did anyone else realize the woman who spoke to Athena on the street was carrying Christopher?
  • Buck is still without a job, although he's continuing to take care of Christopher.

    As great as it is to see Buck and Christopher's relationship flourish, Buck is going to get his job back eventually right?

There are not enough words to convey how awesome this three-episode arc was.

.Every episode was thrilling, and they were easily the best of the series limited catalog. 

How happy were you to see Christopher and Eddie reunited?

When will Buck get his job back?

Will any other emergencies top the tsunami?

Let me know all your thoughts about this week and the story as a whole.

And please watch 9-1-1 online right this minute if you haven't already!

The Searchers Review

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Rating: 4.9 / 5.0 (28 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 3 Quotes

Charlie: What are we looking for again?
Maddie: I think we found it.

Bobby: Wait, who helped them?
Eddie: Fire lady.