Days of Our Lives Round Table: Rate Nicole's Return to Salem

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Nicole and Holly made their way back to Salem, Sarah had difficult news to break to Eric, and Brady couldn’t seem to stay away from Kristen.

Our TV Fanatics, Jack Ori ad Christine Orlando are joined by Kpatch and Soaps4ever from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate Nicole’s return, if Sarah should tell Eric about the pregnancy, Eve and Vivian possibly teaming up and which character they had enough of this week in Salem.

Are you happy to have Nicole back? Why or why not?

Kpatch: Meh. I’ve never been a big Nicole fan and I don’t like her with Eric. They’re a boring, selfish couple. So, no, I’m not happy she’s back.

Jack: Nicole is one of my favorite characters and I'm glad to have the real Nicole back! I hope we get more of the strong Nicole that confronted Xander and less of weepy overly-apologetic Nicole though. When she's with Eric sometimes she's written weakly.

Soaps4ever: I'm happy that Nicole is back but there is the complication of Sarah being pregnant. I don't know if they are using Nicole the right way this time. I can't put my finger on it but it doesn't seem as exciting as it should be.

I always love seeing Nicole though. Of course she will eventually find out that Sarah is pregnant and wanting to do the right thing I can see her leaving without Eric knowing so he can't stop her. Which would leave the door open for another Nicole return.

Or perhaps, even though Nicole supposedly can't get pregnant she finds out that she is pregnant with Eric's baby too. Anything is possible on Days.

Christine: I want to be happy she’s back. I generally like Nicole when she’s written as a strong, smart, but so far I’ve been kind of bored. Perhaps it’s because I’m over Eric and Nicole. If she gets storyline outside of her relationship with him maybe I’ll enjoy her more but I’m not getting my hopes up.

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Brady can’t seem to stay away from Kristen. React!

Kpatch: Brady is an addict and women are among his addictions. The only reason he’s interested in Kristen is because she is making herself available to him and he has no one else.

Jack: Ugh. I like Brady realizing Kristen is the personification of alcohol for him and I hope it sticks. I wish he would have realized that before he went to see her.

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Soaps4ever: I think Brady sees Kristen as something forbidden so that is the main lure for him. If she was sweet and wholesome I doubt he would have much to do with her! He seems to be attracted to things he shouldn't have.

Christine: Ugh. Kristen has become such a sociopath that it really doesn’t make sense to me. Kristen has hurt people whom Brady loves, kidnapped his child, raped his brother, made him think Nicole and Holly were dead. The sex must be exceptional to keep him being drawn back to her after all of that.

(TALL) Vivian's Advice - Days of Our Lives

Which character have you had more than enough of this week?

Kpatch: Vivian. I’m not enjoying Robin Strasser’s portrayal of Vivian. She has no warmth and is a cartoon character.

Jack: Kristen. I have never seen the appeal of her over-the-top evil with zero redeeming qualities and her obsession with Brady and/or John. I wish she'd stayed in jail. Sarah is a close second. She acts like a teenager and this Eric drama was way dragged out.

Soaps4ever: I think I have had more than enough Vivian this week, lol.

Christine: Eric. He broke up his brother’s marriage because of his feelings for Sarah but he’s dropped her like a hot rock the second Nicole came back. He’s either mopey, grumpy, or throwing temper tantrums. Everyone was always lecturing his sister, Sami but they treat Eric like some sort of saint when I find him equally self-centered and even less watchable.

(TALL) Sarah's Next Move - Days of Our Lives

Should Sarah tell Eric she’s pregnant with his child? Do you want her to?

Kpatch: Yes, she should tell him. He has a right to know. I’m guessing all of Salem will find out before Eric does.

Jack: Yes, she should and yes I want her to, only so we can end this ridiculous drama over him not knowing. However, I do not want them together, so it would be nice if Eric and Sarah worked out a custody arrangement and moved on instead of reconciling "for the sake of the child".

Soaps4ever: I want Sarah to spill the beans but I know they are going to drag it out. I don't like how she seemed like she felt guilty that she was pregnant, like it was all her fault.

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Christine: If this were real life, then Eric has every right to know, but this is a soap opera and the last thing I want to watch is Eric acting like some martyr thinking he has to stay with Sarah for the sake of the child. That will have me fast forwarding through their scenes.

If Sarah chooses to have the baby, I’m hoping Xander will step up, even if it’s just to be there for her. The upside of that is that it will make Eric crazy to think of Xander in the role of step-daddy to his child.

(TALL) Eve Gets Desperate - Days of Our Lives

Would you like to see Eve and Vivian team up?

Kpatch: I’m not fond of either character, so no.

Jack: I'm not sure yet. Eve has been obnoxious lately and her compassionate side seems to have been bottled up in one of Rolf's test tubes. But Eve and Vivian's banter has been fun and when written properly I enjoy both characters so...

Soaps4ever: Eve and Vivian would be a good team. I'd be curious to see what kind of trouble they could create.

Christine: Having them team up could be fun, but this show has a poor record of writing strong women working together, so I’m not getting my hopes up.

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Choose two characters you’d like to see share scenes together who rarely or never do?

Kpatch: How about JJ with Will and Sonny? JJ is so isolated in scenes with a few characters. It would be nice to see him interact with someone different.

Jack: JJ and... anybody besides Jack, Jennifer, and Haley. The writers tend to forget he's part of the Horton family.

Right now I'd like to see him take a turn at Julie's bedside. I remember Christmas 2014 when Julie reassured him of his place in the family after his redemption, telling him they were the two reformed bad seeds. I'd like to see JJ reference Julie's support while visiting her.

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I'd also like to see him interact with Nicole. During JJ's drug dealer days, she caught him with cocaine and threatened to tell Jen and then during the Theresa OD storyline, she helped Daniel keep his secret, which then led to nothing. It's beyond time for these two to reconnect.

Soaps4ever: Vivian and Eve. And more scenes with Ciara and Brady, they seem like they are a good influence on each other.

Christine: Eve and Justin. Justin seems to bring out Eve’s human side, and I find him more interesting when he’s in Eve’s orbit. Even if it’s just as friends or colleagues, I like these two together.

(TALL) Doug Supports Hope - Days of Our Lives

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline this week on Days of Our Lives?

Kpatch: I really felt Doug and Hope’s anguish when they were dealing with Julie’s prognosis. They were very believable.

Jack: I was proud of Brady for realizing Kristen is bad for him. Let's hope it sticks. I also thought Vivian and Eve's interactions were hilarious. I especially liked this Days of Our Lives quote:

Vivian: You have made a good impression, and I don't make compliments lightly.
Eve: Then I'll return the favor. You look good for someone who's been dead for two years.

Soaps4ever: I like the Dr. Rolf storyline. The heartfelt scenes at the hospital were nice. The way Kate escaped the grave was creepy but interesting.

Christine: I’m really enjoying Xander’s path to redemption in order to win over Sarah. I’ve never enjoyed Sarah much but I do when she’s paired with Xander so I’m hoping we see a lot more of them together.

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Tell us what you think of Nicole's return, TV Fanatics!

Want to chat more about the happenings in Salem? Then check out Jack Ori’s Days of Our Lives review!

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.