BH90210 Season 1 Episode 6 Review: The Long Wait

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Now that's how you do a finale. 

Everything came full circle on BH90210 Season 1 Episode 6, and it was the right ending to a first season that was overall a treat from start to finish. 

With the pilot done and sent off for review, the waiting game has begun. And while they waited, relationships were put to the test. 

Jason Sits Tight - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 6

The best part of this parody/reunion/reboot has been seeing the actors we grew to love back together again.

It's been a very nostalgic experience, and while the nods to the original series have been amazing, this iteration was much better than any reboot they could have conjured up. 

It's been fun and silly in a way that the original never was, and it's been lighthearted summer fare. And isn't that what we want in the summer? 

Related: BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4 - The Table Read 

The action this time was centered around the realization that this was it. All the hard work now came down to a phone call, and for a while it wasn't looking good. 

Shannen On The Phone - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 6

Having BH90210 square off against The O.C. for bragging rights was both hysterical and genius.

For many millennials, outside of The Simpsons, Family Guy, and the original Beverly Hills, 90210, when they think of FOX they think of The O.C. It was a pop culture phenomenon during the mid-2000s, much like Beverly Hills, 90210 was in the 1990s. 

These are the little touches that make this show great. 

On top of not knowing whether they would have a job the next day, each cast member was dealing with some kind of personal dilemma, with some storylines more intriguing than others. 

Waiting Ladies - BH90210  Season 1 Episode 6

With only six episodes, it was hard to connect with certain characters because we didn't get to spend enough time with them. But they did the best they could to make us care about everyone's journey. 

Ian's story started blandly, but his connection to Anna and his subsequent growth has been a definite bright spot. 

His struggle to give in to the casualness of his relationship makes sense, especially when he tells Brian about the future he sees for himself. 

Ian: I like Anna. There's something about her. I know it doesn't make sense on paper, but if she'd only give me a chance to get to know her.
Brian: You know her.
Ian: Oh, shut up. I'm not talking about sex. I can have sex whenever I want to.
Brian: Oh, please, really? Still?

It's more than just an age difference thing between thee two, and hopefully, there's a second season to explore their dynamic more now that Ian has slept with her mother!

If you didn't audibly gasp during this reveal, then you've got crazy intuition. It was quite possibly the biggest twist of the season. 

Denise Richard's cameo had been touted for a while, but it was safe to assume like Jamie Walters and Carol Potter, she would pop in for a scene as a heightened version of herself and that would be that. 

Related: BH90210 Season 1 Episode 5 Review - Picture's Up 

But no! She turns out to be Anna's mother, and Ian finds out literally minutes after he hooked up with Denise. 

It's not the most original twist in the world, but it was effective.

Sitting Brian Down - BH9021o0  - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 6

Another possible twist is the connection between Jason and Zach, now that Brian has been ruled out as Zach's father. 

Brian spent a lot of time this season being mad at his wife, and the fact of the matter is neither one of them has been communicating openly with the other. But Brian's issues run deeper than the reasons he's giving to Shay for being angry.

It's clear that Brian has taken a backseat for years, and even though Shay appears to genuinely love and respect her husband, Brian has let years of complacency and resentment build to the point that he's finding every little thing she does wrong. 

From what we know about Shay, she does seem like a person who craves control. But is her desire to make sure the random guy -- who showed up on the doorstep of her mansion after lying for weeks -- is who he says he is about control? Or is she looking to protect her family? 

Working Together Again - BH90210

Brian can't see clearly when it comes to Shay. And it's a shame because they started off as the strongest couple on the show. 

Now we add in the Zach factor and the tease with Jason's long look at Zach, which suggests that maybe Jason also had a relationship with Zach's mother. 

This is another great soap opera twist, but aren't we all under the impression that Jason has fertility issues? 

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Speaking of Jason, Camille does what should have been done a long time ago and ends things with her husband. 

From the brief breakup speech, it sounds like the two were having issues long before either cheated. And it was obvious Jason was staying out of duty more than love. 

Chillin At The Peach Pit - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 6

This opens the door for an actual relationship with Jennie, who let go of clingy Wyatt at some point off-camera. 

They've been dancing around their connection, but if that little hand kiss is any indication, they're both ready to admit there's something between them. 

Tori and Gabrielle's romantic issues are far less fascinating than everyone's else's, unfortunately. Tori has had the same complaint about Nate since BH90210 Season 1 Episode 1, and Gabrielle is still unsure of what she wants going forward. 

They've taken great care with not rushing Gabrielle's storyline, and it's been very effective overall. But you can't blame Gabrielle's husband for his slowly fading patience. 

Fingers crossed BH90210 gets renewed and Season 2 gets more time and room to flesh out the fascinating stories they brought up this summer. 

Friendly Conversation - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 6

Extra, Extra

  • As has been the case all along, Shannen doesn't get a ton to do besides give advice and save animals. Her connection to Kyler did help bridge the gap Kyler was experiencing with Jennie, so there's something. 
  • It seems fairly obvious that Shannen will take a pay cut as a way to make sure all the principal actors are back for the reboot. Right?
  • The top people that should make a cameo next season: Tiffani Amber Theissen, Joe E. Tata, and Kathleen Robertson. 
  • That dream sequence with Brenda and Brandon. 

This was a lot of fun! And you guys brought it in the comment section!

Please let me know below what you liked and didn't like about the finale!

Which relationships are you rooting for?

What improvements would you like to see if the show returns? 

Remember you can watch BH90210 online via TV Fanatic anytime your heart desires! 

The Long Wait Review

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Rating: 3.7 / 5.0 (15 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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BH90210 Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Ian: I like Anna. There's something about her. I know it doesn't make sense on paper, but if she'd only give me a chance to get to know her.
Brian: You know her.
Ian: Oh, shut up. I'm not talking about sex. I can have sex whenever I want to.
Brian: Oh, please, really? Still?

Ian: Come on, Christine. The O.C. was a ripoff of 90210. We were often imitated, but never duplicated.
Christine: Maybe. But Mischa Barton is tweeting up a storm. And she comes back from the dead.