BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4 Review: The Table Read

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Now that all the major players are on board, it’s time to start production on the reboot!

Well, not so fast.

Poor Tori just can’t catch a break these days. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. And on BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4, the issue is the script.

Shannen Returns - BH90210

It has to be incredibly difficult to join a series with such a storied history and begin crafting a new narrative.

Not only do you have to set the right tone, but you have to get the nuisances and the essence of the characters people have watched for years.

Anna is doing her best to write a good script that appeases everyone and it’s silly to think she’s not. But that’s kind of how the cast treats her after the first table read.

Being frustrated is understandable.

These characters mean a lot to each actor. And the process of getting back together was not easy, so they want to make sure the story is perfect and worth their time.

Related: BH90210 Season 1 Episode 2 Review - The Pitch

But everyone acting like Anna was incompetent was a bit much.

She Means Business - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4

Luckily for everyone, Ian is continuing to take baby steps towards growth each episode.

It was a genius idea to tape the rewrite process and send it over to Anna.

Sure she has seen every episode of the original series, but has she ever seen Gabrielle and Jennie bicker? Or how the cast, in general, interacts outside of a professional setting?

Many things make a series great, but chemistry is among the tops.

And when you’re coming into an established entity the way Anna is, it’s beneficial to see that chemistry firsthand because each of these people shares qualities with their onscreen characters.

Helping Hand - BH90210 Season 1 Episode

Ian was pretty nonexistent in the beginning, but it’s nice to see him have conversations with someone who calls him out on his behaviors and him take the time to digest those criticisms and look to make a change.

Anna: Why are you helping me?
Ian: You're ambitious. You care about your work. I like that. Plus, I'm trying this new thing where I don't make it all about me.
Anna: Thank you.

Someone else making a change is Gabrielle, who is continuing to embrace herself and go after the things that she wants.

Christine and Gabrielle’s burgeoning relationship makes a lot of sense as the two seem to vibe with one another, but at any point is anyone going to question the fact that Christine is technically her boss right now?

The topic hasn’t really been breached yet, but you have to imagine at some point it will become an issue.

There is a definite spark between the two women that doesn’t feel forced exactly, as Gabrielle appears to be the only one able to catch Christine in the odd moment of vulnerability.

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But that doesn’t negate the bigger issue at hand.

Jennie and Jason have already given in to their attraction, and it’s looking like Tori and Brian could be headed down that path as well. At least if Tori has anything to say about it.

Brain Storming - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4

Tori has had heart eyes for Brian since BH90210 Season 1 Episode 1, and can you really her?

Whenever she needs someone to give her a confidence boost and let her know that she’s doing the best that she can, Brian is the one that’s there to provide that for her lately.

Nate, on the other hand, is only capable of sulking and complaining.

Unless he’s in the presence of Shay, who magically gets him to smile and appear to have a personality.

Brian and Shay have a good thing going, and they do seem in love, but is it out of the realm of possibility to think that something could happen between him and Tori?

Jason & Jennie Talk - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4

Is that something people are even rooting for?

Things are about to get more complicated for Brian now that Zach has made his proclamation.

For those expecting a real shock, you were probably disappointed in the reveal of Zach being Brian’s son.

It was pretty obvious, but perhaps there’s more to this than meets the eye.

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They could go real Lifetime on us and have this be an elaborate scheme to get Brian to believe he has a son and then swindles the family out of all their money.

Or he could have some other sinister motive.

Shaken Up - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4

Considering how distrustful Shay is of Zach already, it’s hard to imagine she accepts him into the family with open arms, so there could be rocky times coming to the Green household. 

Shannen was truly back this week, but still on the outskirts a bit.

It feels at times like she’s on the show, but not really. Like she’s only contracted to be in a few scenes each week and that’s it.

The revelation that she was making double everyone else to do the reboot could have been a bigger deal than it was, but everyone seemed to move on rather quickly.

And that puts us right on pace to start up production.

Except there’s still a stalker out there who is apparently invisible and has access to FOX studios.

Seriously though, how was someone able to set a studio on fire?

Time for Rewrites - BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4

Extra, Extra

  • Things are heating up between Jennie and Wyatt! Wyatt is cute and all, but the Brandon and Kelly shipper in many of us will never go away. And if we can’t have that, give us Jennie and Jason!
  • Kyler’s audition was very bad. Did Jennie not prep her?
  • Make your predictions for who the stalker could be! Right now, my guess is Wyatt because he’s just too perfect.

As summer comes to a close, so will this revival!

We only have two episodes left people, so make sure you let me know what you want to see before things wrap up!

How do you feel about Zach’s revelation?

Is there a future for Gabrielle and Christine?

Drop all your comments down below and watch BH90210 online so you can join the conversation! 

The Table Read Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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BH90210 Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Jennie: What I can't believe is there is still a stalker out there. Kind of sucks the joy out of things.
Jason: Come on Jen, give yourself some credit. You can do that all on your own.
Jennie: Oh, thank you for noticing.

Christine [to Gabrielle]: Some of your castmates are great social media whores. You could learn from them.
Gabrielle: Wow. So many levels there.