Days of Our Lives Round Table: Which "Kristen" Is Your Favorite?

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Kristen paraded around town as Susan, before the real Susan showed up, Hope and Jennifer lamented over the single life, and Eric considered leaving Salem.

Our TV Fanatics Jack Ori and Christine Orlando are joined by Kathy from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate Ben seeing David, if Kristen or Susan is more entertaining, Hope and Jenn’s love lives and more!

Do you think that Rafe will eventually let Ben visit with David? Should he?

Kathy: Yes, I think Rafe will eventually let Ben spend time with David. I hope he will be able to convince Jordan that it is safe to let Ben see the baby. Rafe should only allow it if Jordan is part of the conversation.

Jack: I think he probably will. If worst comes to worst, Ben can save Ciara for the fourth time and then Rafe will come to the same realization as everyone else that Ben is a good guy now.

I also think not allowing even a supervised visit is silly. What can Ben do to the kid while people are watching?

Christine: Sometimes it’s difficult for me to tell what Rafe is thinking, but I’d like to believe he’ll allow Ben at least supervised visits one he has legal guardianship of David.

At this point, Ben appears to be a caring individual who just wants to get to know his nephew, and although Jordan is dead set against it, her judgment isn’t what it should be. I am curious to see how this all works out.

A Surprise Guest - Days of Our Lives

Who do you enjoy more, Kristen as Kristen, Kristen as Nicole, Kristen as Susan, or the real Susan?

Kathy: Kristen as Susan was pretty funny in her scenes with Xander.

Jack: Well, Kristen as the real Susan has been on for about 5 seconds so far this time, though I always love Susan and enjoyed her last visit. I prefer Kristen off my screen and Nicole as Nicole.

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Kristen didn't do a bad imitation of Susan (except for getting out of character when she was alone but not in private). So I guess I enjoyed that too.

Christine: I’m not a fan of any of it! Both Kristen and Susan can be entertaining in very limited doses and I’ve already reached my limit with Kristen and haven't yet recovered from the last go-round with Susan.

I’ll admit, I enjoyed Kristen as Nicole in the beginning. It was a fun twist but I’m over it now. It’s gotten repetitive and annoying and I’m ready to move on.

Hope and Ted Kiss - Days of Our Lives

Hope just got divorced and Jennifer has realized that she may never get Jack back. Do you want to see either of them in a new romance right now, and if so, with whom?

Kathy: I would like to see Jen and Hope step away from romance for a while but that is not going to happen.

It looks like Hope is open to exploring a romance with Ted which is fine if she doesn’t move too fast. I think Kate and Ted still have feelings for each other. If I were Henry Shah I would never accept a date with Jennifer, they never end well.

Jack: I'm tired of this circle Jenn goes in with Jack. It's the same thing over and over. I'm ready for Jack to get his memory (and his senses!) back and for the story to morph into JJ disapproving of Jennifer taking Jack back because of what amnesiac Jack did!

Other than that, these two need to get focused on something other than romance. They're strong women, for goodness sake, who have a lot more going for them than the man of the week!

And if Jennifer is going to move on, it shouldn't be with Henry Shah. She uses him as a safety net then dumps him, over and over. He shouldn't allow that to keep happening.

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Christine: If any two women in Salem need to spend some quality time on their own, it’s Hope and Jennifer.

I want to see what Hope will do next with her career. I want to see Jennifer doing real investigative journalism, not writing op-eds about her ex.

We all know that Hope and Ted are going to crash and burn so I can’t say that I care at all about them as a couple. And I’m tired of Jennifer using Henry as her consolation prize. The man needs to grow a spine and tell Jenn to lose his number.

Eric Contemplates a Change - Days of Our Lives

Do you want to see Eric stay in Salem or move on?

Kathy: Gloomy Eric can stay if he gets his life in order. He should give up romance for a while and concentrate on his job.

Jack: I like Eric. But if a trip out of town ends this Eric/Sarah/Rex nonsense I'm all for it.

Christine: I’m so tired of Eric’s moodiness and I can’t figure out from day to day who he’s pining for now. Is it Sarah or Nicole he really wants? Does he even know or does it come down to whichever one will have him? 

At this point, I don’t care to see Eric paired with anyone and maybe this is a good time for him to take some time away from Salem.

Gabi Confronts Xander - Days of Our Lives

Should Gabi find a way to open Xander’s briefcase?

Kathy: Yes, it would be interesting for her to have more of the pieces to the Kristen/Nicole puzzle.

Jack: YES. If this ends with him getting his briefcase back without anyone looking inside, the whole thing is pointless. And it's not in Gabi's character to listen to Rafe and give the briefcase back just because he disapproves.

Christine: Why bother stealing it if you’re not going to get the darn thing open? Gabi is nothing if not persistent and resourceful. I’ll be really disappointed if she doesn’t find a way to open that briefcase.

(TALL) Xander's Revenge - Days of Our Lives

What, if anything, disappointed you this week in Salem?

Kathy: I was sorry to see Kate and Ted continue to lie for Kristen.

Jack: All the false starts with the Kristen story. Now that Ted and Kate know she's alive and Gabi has Xander's briefcase, I'd like us to end this nonsense already.

Also, "Susan" was so freaking obviously not Susan! What happened to Will and Sonny's brains? And how can they not have heard Kristen talking to herself in her real voice?

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For that matter, how did Gabi not notice that the lady with the green mask was NOT Nicole and had neither her voice nor her body size and shape, or even the same hair?

Christine:The fact that Ted and Kate are still covering for Kristen. I so want this story to be over!

Also, Ciara and Ben saying that they can spend even more time together now that she’s lost her job and he may have lot his. That’s all this couple does is spend time together! It’s beyond time for Ciara to figure out what she wants to do with her life.

Xander's Arrest - Days of Our Lives

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline this week on Days of Our Lives?

Kathy: I enjoyed the scenes between Kristen as Susan and Xander. I loved when he realized who Susan really was.

Jack: Will and Sonny had some funny lines when talking about "Susan". I especially liked this Days of Our Lives quote...

Sonny: Will! What are you doing? Didn't your mother ever tell you never to go through a woman's purse?
Will: Well, my mother was Sami Brady. So what do you think?

And Rafe's disbelief in Gabi's claim that she hates Stefan and is only helping him for business reasons was great too.

Christine: I’m not a Kristen or a Susan fan but I did find “Susan’s” scenes with Sonny, Will, and Brady amusing, especially Brady’s facial expressions during their group conversation over Susan’s gun.

An Unlikely Advance - Days of Our Lives

Want to chat more about the constant doppelgängers hanging around Salem? Then check out Jack Ori’s Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.