Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11 Review: Hunting Season

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There was a lot to unpack this week. 

With the season quickly coming to an end, there are many loose ends still dangling out there.

And if Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11 is any indication of where things are going, the Boomer saga isn't as complete as we thought. 

Morning Coffee - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

While the main takeaway from Ruby and Annie's trip to Canada during Good Girls Season 2 Episode 10 was that these two women really need to have a heart to heart, the bigger takeaway should have been the fact that without the pills, Rio wasn't going to get paid. 

Rio doesn't cut Beth a break, so there's no way he was going to cut Beth and Annie any slack. His tactic for bringing Beth back into the fold was grimy. 

But it did the trick, while also leading Beth to the grand realization that she can't get out of this life even if she wants to. 

Related: Good Girls Season 2 Episode 9 Review - One Last Time

And she doesn't even appear to want that. 

Dean: I gotta protect my family.
Beth: But I'm gonna get out.
Dean: Yeah. Me too.

Dean's decision to file for divorce is rooted in a lot of things, including hurt, jealousy, and insecurity. But it also seems to be rooted in fear of the women Beth has become. 

Father Daughter Bonding Time - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

The life she's chosen to lead brings about tremendous violence. Violence that's almost killed him.

It's shocking he waited this long to pull the plug on his marriage. 

For the typical person, the filing of divorce papers is a major, life-alerting moment, but for Beth, she gives herself about five minutes to throw a pity party before she's following Rio around all day.

It oddly felt like the beginning of the end for Beth and Rio. Not that things ever really took off, took off for the pair. 

Startled Beth - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

But Beth's admission that she and Rio were pure sexual attraction, and the whole interaction in Rio's apartment just felt like a way to bring all the Brio shippers back down to earth. 

This isn't a grand love affair. It's raw passion, yes, but that kind of passion isn't always sustainable. There's been a shift in their dynamic, and it's veering further away from the romantic. 

Hasn't it been refreshing these past few episodes not hearing the name Boomer?

It was too good to be true though, and now there's a bigger mystery at play. 

Considering we never saw anything beyond Boomer getting hit by Mary Pat's car, there was always the possibility that he wasn't the body Mary Pat stuffed in her freezer. 

What's the old saying? If it happens offscreen, did it really even happen?

A Digging Trio - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

All signs have pointed to Boomer being dead and gone, but the body the ladies disposed of many moons ago is not that of Leslie Boomer. Unless Mary Pat died his hair post mortem. 

Related: Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8 Review - Thelma and Louise

So who is in that bag?

What a delicious cliffhanger to keep us tided over for the week!


Ruby: That's a white boys thumb.
Annie: Could be a toe.
Ruby: That's not a toe.
Annie: Cuz I suggested it?
Ruby: Because it has hair on it.
Annie: Yeah, like a big toe.
Beth: Guys.
Ruby: You have hair on your toe?
Annie: Like you don't.
Ruby: I am not a hobbit.
Annie: It's evolutionary. People have to have a tiny bit of fur ---
Ruby: Whatever, Frodo.

This was an episode full of reveals, as Annie got confronted with the truth about Noah. 

Sad Annie - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

She had her suspicions, but seeing it with her own two eyes was a seriously sad moment, made worse by the fact that she was all alone. 

I loved that she told Ruby first. And I also love that Ruby took it upon herself to apologize to Annie in a heartfelt manner. 

These two couldn't be any different, but they're sisters whether they like it or not. 

Annie's natural inclination is to just cut Noah off completly, and that's a decision she makes because she's scared.

Feeling Sorry For Themselves - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

When confronted with the fact that you're dating a man that could put you in prison for a very long time, is there another decision?

Well perhaps there is another way to look at things. 

The ladies have outsmarted Turner on more than one occasion, why can't they do the same with Noah? 

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It's smart too, at the very least, try to see if you can use Noah to your advantage. It puts Annie, arguably the most emotional of the three, in an impossible situation but it's not a bad idea. 

Especially considering Turner is out for blood. And he knows about the funny money. 

Annie Thinks - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

We can all agree that Turner is doing his job, but is it his job to be obsessed with Beth Boland? If so, he's doing grade A work. 

Beth is many, many things but she's far from the monster he paints her out to be. 

Every show needs a villain, and some villains are more likable than others. 

But there is absolutely nothing to like about Agent Turner. 

Happy Couple - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11

Odds and Ends

  • The Noah ship is officially DOA. His decision to use Sadie as a means to still get dirt on Annie is as low as it gets. Once again, do your job, but whoever sanctions manipulating teenagers in the process is incredibly misguided. 
  • Is Rio's real name Rio? Or Christopher? 
  • Beth's damsel in distress routine to attempt to get into Rio's apartment was genius. 
  • Looks like we'll have to see more Mary Pat this season. I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that we discover she's killed before. 
  • How convenient the FBI finds out about the fake cash right after Ruby uses it to pay for Stan's lawyer! Poor Stan cannot catch a break. 

There's only two episodes left guys! And we have a new mystery on our hands!

If Boomer's not in that garbage bag, who is?

Will Annie succeed in using Noah? 

What other ways could the ladies have washed that cash?

Please leave me all your comments so we can talk this out together! And watch Good Girls online right this instance, as the season is coming to an end very soon!

Hunting Season Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Good Girls Season 2 Episode 11 Quotes

Ruby: That's a white boys thumb.
Annie: Could be a toe.
Ruby: That's not a toe.
Annie: Cuz I suggested it?
Ruby: Because it has hair on it.
Annie: Yeah, like a big toe.
Beth: Guys.
Ruby: You have hair on your toe?
Annie: Like you don't.
Ruby: I am not a hobbit.
Annie: It's evolutionary. People have to have a tiny bit of fur ---
Ruby: Whatever, Frodo.

Noah: I think I just got dumped.
Turner: What'd she say?
Noah: That she has to figure stuff out.
Turner: Yeah, brother, you got dumped.