Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8 Review: Thelma and Louise

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Dean made some serious moves this week.

While one of his decisions left Beth scrambling around to find her money, his final decision at the end of Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8 left her devastated.

Might this be the one thing that pushes Beth to abandon her new normal?

A Penny For Your Thoughts? - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

Dean has not been shy about his desire to see Rio disappear, but he was so laser-focused on getting rid of him, that he ignored the fact that the men he hired to do the job were pulling one over on him.

Dean gets left in the dark a lot, but he should realize at this point that Rio is not some low-level criminal. And the two young kids guzzling iced coffee, demanding he gets them their money that instance probably aren’t the men you want to hire to reach your ultimate goal.

Related: Good Girls Season 2 Episode 6 Review - Take Off Your Pants

As unsurprising as it was that they left Dean tied up and made off with all the cash from the backyard, it was even less surprising that Beth’s initial instinct was to check on her money and not her husband.

Working Through Lunch - Tall - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

Beth's new life utterly consumes her, something that pretty much everyone around her has pointed out at one time or another.

And while Dean has seen it firsthand and halfheartedly attempted to fight back against it, he has finally hit his breaking point. Taking the kids is the ultimate gesture of fighting back against Beth’s new world.

What this means moving forward is yet to be seen, but at the very least she has to take a step back and decide where her priorities lie. That all started as a way for her to help her family, but if her family is gone, what is she doing?

Beth On Display - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

At times the children get lost in all the shenanigans going on, with the woman not giving enough thought to the immense danger they continue to put them in.

Is there a criminal in town who doesn't know where the Boland's live at this point?

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Speaking of family, we were finally privy to a Good Girls flashback that gave us a glimpse into the origins of the dynamic between Ruby, Beth, and Annie.

Concerned Annie - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

We know Ruby has been in the lives of Beth and Annie for a very long time, but it was sweet to see just how the three became best friends.

It was a nice way to give us context for what was happening in the present, and the monumentally difficult position Ruby has found herself in.

As many predicted, Ruby’s phone call at the end of Good Girls Season 2 Episode 7 was indeed to Beth. Instead of rushing the calendar over to Agent Turner, Ruby enlisted Beth’s help in figuring out a way to get out of the mess she was in together.

There For Each Other - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

But it was too little, too late as far as Beth was concerned.

Annie: Have you called her yet?
Beth: No.
Annie: Are you gonna?
Beth: She's talking to the F.B.I.
Annie: Yeah, they were gonna lock Stan up. They were gonna take her kids. I mean, she's obviously, like, sick about it.
Beth: Yeah. She should be. She almost turned us in.
Annie: Yeah, almost.
Beth: So, you're just gonna trust her?
Annie: I've known her for like ten thousand years.
Beth: Exactly.
Annie: Well, you don't just throw that away over almost.

Annie made a lot of sense when trying to reason with Beth, as from Ruby’s perspective, she was stuck in a place of having to choose between the two most important things her life: Beth and her family.

But then again, Beth made some valid points in her defense. Although, it’s very easy to claim that you would never do the same thing as someone else when you’re not in their shoes.

Agent Turner Makes A Collar - Tall - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

Teaming up to get the money back was a way for them to heal the fractures in their friendship slowly, but I think it will take more time for Beth to trust Ruby completely.

You know who Annie shouldn’t trust? NOAH!

Because you know what they say about things being too good to be true.

Picnic Table Meet Up - Tall - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

Noah's reveal as a cop wasn't the most shocking thing in the world, but it was disappointing. Annie seems to get the short end of the stick a lot, and eventually discovering she's been duped will be devastating. 

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It's very cliche to have the undercover cop fall for the person they're supposed to be investigating, but I don't think it's out of the question here because Noah really clicks with Annie. 

There is a natural vibe between the two, and perhaps it's only acting on his part, but if it's genuine, their relationship will only get more challenging moving forward. 

While Turner may be off their scent at the moment, Noah doesn't seem to be going anywhere. 

Cash Grab - Tall - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8

Odd and Ends

  • It looked like Stan was going to kill that lie detector test. But we were fooled! Though he was able to keep the shaky leg in check. 
  • The flashbacks were sweet, but I wanted more! It's always interesting to get more background information on the ladies, but I wouldn't mind seeing more from 10 years ago or so. Or even when Ruby met Stan and Annie met Gregg!
  • Sadie's admission to her mom that she was a boy just like her new little brother was beautiful. Seeing them in a happy place, if even for a moment, was wonderful. 
  • Nancy is annoying, but it's incredibly sad that she was preparing for the birth of her first child all alone. Was it disgusting when Annie jumped in that pool? Yes. But it was also incredibly endearing. 
  • Beth and Rio's picnic table chat felt more like two friends cathcing up than a business meeting. 
  • The Beyonce/Jay Z analogy Ruby and Beth used to dissect what Ruby did was amazing. In that scenario, Ruby has to choose Stan, right? 

All of the ladies are in trouble right now, and it doesn't look like things are going to get any easier for them!

Did Ruby make the right decision in going to Beth?

Was Dean right to leave Beth? 

Will Noah fall for Annie? 

Make sure you leave your comments down below! And watch Good Girls online via TV Fanatic so you're all caught up!

Thelma and Louise Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Good Girls Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Rio: They put your panties in his mouth?
Beth: Don't say panties.
Rio: Oh please don't tell me you call them underwear, don't be that lady.
Beth: None of this is funny.

So. I love you, I mean obvs. Whatever's not half as bad as I feel, okay? I'm as low as it gets. I'm disgusting. I'm sewage. You know how they drain it for fertilizer or whatever, I'm what they can't use. I'm the sewage so rancid they have to bury it a hundred miles in the earth and hope that no one ever finds it. I'm that garbage.

Ruby [to Beth]