The Village Season 1 Episode 1 Review: It Feels Like Home

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Welcome to Brooklyn. And more importantly, welcome to the world of The Village. 

Thus far it seems like an interesting world, full of a host of different personalities.

There's the older couple, who seemingly takes everyone under their wings, and the young wannabe lawyer who's always on the go but continually getting pestered by his grandfather. 

Mother & Daughter - The Village Season 1 Episode 1

And of course, there's THAT twist at the end. Yes, The Village Season 1 Episode 1 took a cue from another NBC drama and gave us an ending we need a minute to wrap our heads around. 

An ensemble drama can be a tricky thing to navigate, as there will inevitably be characters and storylines that aren't as intriguing as others.

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The writing has to be concise and impactful, and when you have a cast that exceeds eight or so, it's difficult to give them all the same weighted storylines. 

One great thing about the pilot episode here is that there doesn't seem to be a singular lead. We get a taste of every character and a beat on where their stories may lead, without feeling like one or two people take precedence over anyone else. 

A New Resident - The Village Season 1 Episode 1

It's unclear how long each resident has resided in the apartment building, but it's evident that it's been long enough for these people to have invested interest in one another's lives. 

The arrival of Staff Sergeant Nick Porter is an opportunity for everyone to show just how much of a family they are in reality. 

Nick can't do much before he is met with a friendly smile, welcome, and thanks for his service in the military.

He is noticeably uncomfortable with the attention, but that doesn't stop Ron in particular from continuing to make sure he feels right at home. 

Construction Zone - The Village Season 1 Episode 1

There's a quiet reluctance on Nick's part to immerse himself in this new community, and it doesn't fully come into focus until you learn about the connection between him, Sarah, and Katie. 

While the 'Katie follows in Mom's footsteps and becomes a teenage mother' arc was a little predictable, finding out Nick is Katie's father was not. 

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Not much is said of Katie's father at all, so it's easy to assume that he is just out of the picture.

That's why it's such a shock to learn that her father is very much present, and now conveniently living in the same apartment building. 

Sarah Smiles - The Village Season 1 Episode 1

Considering the swell of hormones and emotions coursing through young Katie at this time, it makes sense for Sarah to be wary about introducing Nick at this time.

But what exactly was the plan supposed to be? 

There is plenty to be mined here with Nick and his PTSD struggles alone, but adding in the ex-factor with Sarah, and a daughter he doesn't know should make for a compelling viewing experience. 

Elsewhere in the complex, we have Gabe, who seems like a good guy deep down but is just running himself completely ragged. 

Cherished Moments - The Village Season 1 Episode 1

Gabe and Enzo's relationship was a highlight of the episode, as they were both combative and loving all at once. 

Enzo presents as a man in the later part of life, who has just lost his best friend and is looking to live and enjoy his days. And he doesn't want to do that at the VA hospital. 

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The two men living together is  upon this week, but you have to assume that it will be addressed again in the future. 

It looks like Gabe will have his hands full with Ava's case regardless. 

Ava in Trouble - The Village Season 1 Episode 1

Given the stories you see on the news and read in the papers, Ava's storyline feels like it's ripped right from the headlines. 

Watching her say goodbye to her son and having no idea when she would ever see him again was heartbreaking.

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From what little we discover, it doesn't sound like she will be leaving the ICE detention center anytime soon.

But knowing that Sammy is with Ben and the other inhabitants of the Village, must at least ease a fraction of her worry. 

A Helping Hand - The Village Season 1 Episode 1

There's a beautiful sentiment floating through the series that no matter who you are, where you came from or why you're here, you're family. 

And in a world that can feel so divided at times, it's always nice to remember the good.

And The Village is here to remind us how important the connections we forge with one another are, and how unique the bonds we create can be. 

There may be some bumps and bruises and tears along the way, but there will also be love. And the world could always use some more of that. 

Friends for Life - The Village Season 1 Episode 1

Everything Else 

  • Ron and Patricia are the silent heroes this episode, taking it upon themselves to help wherever they can.

    They have such a solid foundation that it was sad to see Patricia take on her cancer diagnosis by herself. There is no doubt she will turn to Ron when she feels ready, and Ron will be right by her side. 
  • Enzo and his friend's trip to the amusement park to honor their friend, who had just passed, was the moment I couldn't hold back the tears. There was just so much joy, and they seemed so free. 
  • How much do we think an apartment goes for in that building? The location is ideal, and that rooftop view is breathtaking. 

As far as pilots go, there was a lot to like, and the stage was set for a decent dramatic series. 

What did you guys think about the premiere?

Which characters did you connect with the most?

What are you looking forward to seeing this season?

Drop me a line down below and watch The Village online right so you can see what the buzz is all about! 

Pilot Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (18 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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The Village Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Gabe: It's kinda crazy you met all your best friends at an amusement park.
Enzo: Family is where you find it, kid.

Sarah: You know, most people don't have a lifelong friend.
Enzo: I guess I'm most people now.