Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4 Review: Pick Your Poison

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The line has officially been crossed.

If you’re unclear as to what that means, then you must have missed THAT moment at the end of Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4

Beth and Rio have been dancing around their mutual attraction since the moment they met, but since this season began it’s become increasingly obvious that something was going to happen between these two. And boy did something happen.

Sizing Them Up - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4

Whether you ship these two characters together or not, there is no denying the connection.

They can stare at one another for minutes without saying a word, and it’s just as compelling as a scene chock full of dialogue.

On The Lot - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4

Rio’s decision to leave Beth with the storage unit full of fake cash seemed more like a test than a parting gift. No matter how much respect Rio has for Beth, it seemed odd for him to give her everything and not ask for something in return.

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Cleaning the money through the car dealership was a smart idea, minus the fact that Dean is terrible at his job.

The man has very little people skills and doesn’t take much stock in the thoughts and desires of women, whether he realizes he’s doing it or not.

Stressed Beth - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4

Beth brought valid ideas to the table, yet Dean couldn’t even hear them properly because they were coming from his wife, the woman who makes cute sandwiches and does copious amounts of laundry every day.

Rio: I think you could be something.
Beth: I don't want to be something.
Rio: No? What you want to be then? A fireman? Astronaut?
Beth: I don't know. A good person.
Rio: No, you're way more interesting than that.
Beth: You don't know me.
Rio: I think I do.

One of the things that makes Rio so appealing is the fact that he sees potential in Beth. He sees the brain and the power she possesses. And he surely sees more than a sandwich maker.

As Dean and Beth’s evening on the town drug on, it felt like something big was going to happen. But did anyone predict that bathroom encounter?

It was steamy, passionate, forbidden. It caught me off guard, especially the fact that Dean was literally a few hundred feet away.

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It was unclear whether Beth immediately regretted it or not, but she must have been feeling a slew of emotions when she opened up the storage unit and saw that all the money was gone.

Fixing His Tie - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4

Rio is a businessman first and foremost, and he saw an opportunity with the dealership that he couldn’t pass up. And perhaps that was the test all along.

But there’s no way things don’t change moving forward. Once the intimacy line has been breached, you’re now subjected to new feelings that will surely complicate their working relationship.

Let us not forget that Dean is now in on the scheme as well. The next staff meeting should be a doozy.

Beth's decision to keep the money hidden from the other women at first was a curious one, and it understandably upset Annie.

Gregg Pleads - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4

The sisters are able to patch things up fairly quickly, but it feels like this will be revisited in the future, especially as the relationship between Rio and Beth remains cloudy.

Speaking of Annie, she's decided to become Marion's caretaker now that Boomer is gone, while also dealing with that whole Gregg situation.

It's easy to understand why Annie doesn't want to try again with Gregg, they've done it before and by both of their accounts, it failed miserably. Plus, there's the whole Nancy factor.

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Gregg is following his heart, but it's hard to fully root for him and Annie when you consider there's a whole other person out there whose entire world is being upended right now.

Rio Smiles - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4

Even though Annie has decided to end it officially, there will continue to be ramifications from their actions. Here's hoping Sadie is spared from any future storms.

Much like Annie used her cut of the clean money to do some good, Ruby also decided to use her money to right a wrong, and it made for one of the funnier scenes of the hour.

Those same day loans will get you every time. They even got poor Stan! But it was Ruby to the rescue.

Ruby and Stan are by far the best couple on the show, and when things are clicking and in place for them, everything feels right in the Good Girls world.

House Call - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4

Odds and Ends

  • It's still unclear what Mary Pat's reason was for going to Agent Turner about Boomer's disappearance, but he's sniffing around now, and that's no good for anyone. 
  • Beth's sandwich making is a true thing of beauty, but there is no way they look that pristine by the time the kids sit down for lunch. 
  • Did Rio know Beth was going to the dealership or was he going to hang out in the sports car until he felt it was the right time to jump out and surprise Dean? 
  • Why didn't the ladies go out of state to make their purchases and return them? 
  • New Rio fact of the week; he has no problem getting a drink at 10 in the morning. 

So, this was the episode of all episodes for the Beth/Rio shippers and I would love to hear from you, as well as the ones who aren't sold on this pairing. 

How will their hookup complicate things moving forward?

How will the other ladies react to working for Rio again?

Will Agent Turner find out the truth?

Leave all your comments down below!

And watch Good Girls online right this instance so you can join us in the chat!

Pick Your Poison Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Good Girls Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Beth: We got this by killing a man.
Annie: We didn't kill anyone.
Ruby: No. We just threw him away. In a trash bin, like an old, dirty futon.

Rio: I think you could be something.
Beth: I don't want to be something.
Rio: No? What you want to be then? A fireman? Astronaut?
Beth: I don't know. A good person.
Rio: No, you're way more interesting than that.
Beth: You don't know me.
Rio: I think I do.