Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2 Review: Slow Down, Children At Play

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So, Rio has eyes on Beth all the time, huh?

Rio has his eyes on Beth all the time except the times she's supposed to be killing people in cold blood.

Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2 continues to move the storylines forward rather quickly. There has not been a minute wasted this season, and the series has been lifted as a result.

Smoldering Rio - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2

Taking care of Boomer was the number one priority for the ladies this week, and it was naturally not an easy thing for the women to do.

Well, it was hard for Beth and Ruby.

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Annie seemed more than ready to rid herself and the world of Boomer, but Beth wouldn’t let go of that gun.

Beth isn’t a killer. Ruby isn’t a killer.

Are You Kidding? - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2

It’s even hard to believe that Annie, as hardened as she appears to be, would have pulled that trigger.

Beth: Am I the only one who doesn't want to do this?
Ruby: No.
Annie: He's a racist.
Beth: He's a person.
Annie: Who rapes.
Ruby: Oh God. I can't have this conversation, I'm going to be sick.

Giving Boomer an out was always going to backfire because as hard as it is to admit, Boomer isn’t a dumb person.

He’s a bad person, but he is far from stupid. Once he found his reason to stay, he just needed a plan to protect himself.

And with Boomer still under the thumb of the FBI, it wasn’t looking good for Beth and company.

Scared Boomer - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2

But lucky for everyone, Rio has a soft spot for our red-headed lead.

At this point, there is no way to describe the relationship between Beth and Rio outside of the complex.

There is palpable chemistry between the two that we as viewers can feel, but what do Beth and Rio feel towards one another?

Long stares and a few caresses of the face hardly tell us the full story.

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After being lied to and not to mention set up at the end of Good Girls Season 1, Rio still seems keen on both keeping Beth around and teaching her.

Beth has shown flashes of badassery, but at the end of the day, she’s still a suburban mother and not a gang member.

So, what is it about Beth that has Rio so entranced? There are a lot of fun stories bouncing around right now, but the push and pull of these two are by far the most intriguing.

Annoyed Beth - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2

Elsewhere, both Ruby and Annie were struggling big time with their romantic counterparts.

The back and forth Stan and Ruby fighting was getting harder and harder to watch because these two are the real deal when it comes to relationship goals.

And they are both making very valid points. They lied to Stanley, and he has every right to be upset. But Ruby did everything she did for the betterment of her family.

Stan: You lied to my face!
Ruby: I saved her life. It wasn't God. Or the church. Or any of those thoughts and prayers. It was me.

She wasn’t lying or “cheating” to fulfill something she was missing in her marriage with Stan, she wanted to save her daughter's life.

It is something that could have easily been played out throughout the season, but I’m glad that, for now, the two seem to be back on the same page.

Not Impressed - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2

It may be short-lived, though, when Stan discovers that a Ruby is still lying.

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For Annie, Nancy’s pregnancy signaled that she and Gregg were not meant to reconcile.

Gregg came a long way from the early episodes when he wasn't the kind of guy you’d be expecting to end up with Annie. But there is a natural spark between them that always peeks it’s head out in the quiet moments the two share.

A Moment - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2

Nancy is a nice enough person who doesn’t deserve the cheating and lies, so good on Gregg for at least admitting that there was someone else, even though Nancy was the one who initiated the conversation.

Had he continued to lie to her and still pursued Annie, it would have been hard to have any respect for him whatsoever.

The minute Nancy showed up on Annie’s doorstep, you knew where things were heading. And what an awful way to find out your husband is cheating on you -- while you’re bonding with the other half of the betrayal.

Back at Work - Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2

Much like the problems between Stan and Ruby, they could have bled this well dry all season long. But Good Girls Season 2 doesn’t seem to want us to breathe.

Things are moving at a breakneck speed, and it’s making for one hell of a ride this far.

Odds and Ends

  • Who else was hoping we were getting rid of Boomer for awhile?
  • It appears as if the marriage between Beth and Dean is really over now, so what is Dean's role moving forward? 
  • The missing stop sign metaphor was a bit on the nose, but I loved Beth assaulting the sign and the ladies looking on in bewilderment. 

Now it's time to turn things over to you fanatics and see what you thought about "Slow Down, Children At Play." 

What's next for Beth and Rio?

Will Annie and Gregg get their happily ever after? 

Leave your comments down below!

Make sure you watch Good Girls online via TV Fanatic, so you're caught up on the action!

Slow Down, Children At Play Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (9 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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Good Girls Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Beth: You know what this is? A gang initiation.
Ruby: Son of a bitch.
Annie: Blood in, blood out.
Ruby: Son of a bitch.
Annie: It's a thing. Trust me.

Beth: Am I the only one who doesn't want to do this?
Ruby: No.
Annie: He's a racist.
Beth: He's a person.
Annie: Who rapes.
Ruby: Oh God. I can't have this conversation, I'm going to be sick.