Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9 Review: The Golden Child

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Things get very competitive on Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9 between the Santiago siblings.

The audience is introduced to Amy's least favorite brother David. Yup, it's time to meet Amy 2.0. 

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Of course, no one is as extraordinary as Amy Santiago, but there's no denying that the two have a lot more in common than they'd like to admit. 

Jake, Amy, and David - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9

But before we break things down, remember that if you missed the episode, you can watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine online right here at TV Fanatic!

As usual, Brooklyn Nine-Nine was full of comedic lines that help keep the show light even when dealing with more serious issues.

Terry: You said I should listen!
Boyle: Well listening doesn't always mean being quiet!

But Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9, focused mostly on Amy and what it was like always living in her brother's shadow.

Amy Santiago is a perfectionist in all areas of her life. 

Whether she's working at the NYPD, organizing binders, or planning her own wedding, she makes sure her work is nothing less than extraordinary. 

Everyone at the Nine-Nine has their own talents, but the people Amy surrounds herself with on a day to day basis is nowhere near as competitive and driven as she is. 

That's why putting Amy head to head with someone who is just as intense, was interesting to watch play out. 

When the audience is first introduced to Amy's brother he seems like an intelligent, but an arrogant guy.

Family Affair - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9

Amy's mother seems to only feed his ego with her constant praise of him, and it's his ego that makes him more unlikeable the more we get to know him.


Look I get it, you're jealous. I'd be jealous too if somebody was better than me at everything their whole life.


Jake always has Amy's back no matter the case, and this situation was no different. His plan to pretend to choke so his wife could come to the rescue was a bit ridiculous, but also insanely sweet.

It's too bad that it ended up backfiring and making David look even more like a hero. 

We were buying into his perfect act as much as the next person, which is why we were surprised when David was arrested in the middle of dinner for cocaine possession. 

While we weren't expecting that, the even more surprising aspect was Amy's response to her brother's arrest. 

Let's go bail him out. Oh, should I get my hair blown out first? I'm gonna have pictures of this day for the rest of my life.


Rather than being concerned, Amy was excited that her flawless brother wasn't as exemplary as he seemed. And who could blame her?

Selfie  - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9

Amy spent her entire life trying to be perfect yet constantly being told she wasn't good enough.

Her decision to bail David out of jail was mainly due to Jake's persuasion and not an actual desire to set him free. 

Amy's reaction when David spoke about feeling the need to always impress their parents almost made it seem like there might be a rekindling of sorts between the two. 

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However, the moment they were all out of earshot, David quickly told them to disregard what he said as he believes that he's being framed. 

It makes sense. After everything we've heard and seen about David, it was difficult to buy the "hardened-criminal" backstory.

But Amy's hesitation to help her brother with the case felt like it was validated.

Amy has been in tons of sticky situations herself over the past few years but David has never once shown up to bail her out. Why should she treat him any differently than he treats her?

David Santiago - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9

Despite this, Jake still thinks they should be the bigger people and convinces Amy to make the ethical choice. 

Amy: Come on. Let's go help the bastard.
Jake: Don't love how we got here, but we're going where I want!

Jake's giant heart and desire to do the right thing is a quality that is brushed past far too often.

In fact, it's usually Jake's conscience that gets the squad both in and out of sticky situations.

Who would have ever pictured the wacky carefree goofball to be the moral compass of the Nine-Nine?

The scene between Amy and David in the club provided enough laughs to sustain the entire episode. But the best part was when Amy put Jake's safety over her opportunity to be the "golden girl."

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When Amy saw Jake being taken by a dangerous group of men, there was nothing else she cared about in the world and even wanted her brother to step in. 

It showed where Amy's heart truly is and will always be -- with Jake. 

I spent my whole life trying to beat David at something. But when you were in danger I just didn't care anymore. All I wanted was for you to be okay. I may never have the mantel, but it doesn't matter. Because I have you.


At the end of the day, it was that moment that convinced Amy to let go of her feud with David once and for all. And we couldn't be more proud of her. 

Excuse You - Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9

To be fair, we also couldn't be more proud of Jake for telling David off.

Jake knows that Amy can fight her own battles, but it also doesn't stop him from defending his wife from the people who mistreat her. 

Charles was right. Jake and Amy really are America's dream couple.

Stray Thoughts

  • Both Terry's and Holt's acting was on point. We want more.
  • Can we pay someone to see Holt audition for an enthusiastic character? How would he go about that?
  • Boyle is much smarter than he's given credit for. And it's no surprise that Rosa was the one who saved the day. 
  • The Peraltiago was strong in this episode and we loved every second of it. 
  • Let's talk about the real highlight of tonight's episode...Amy Dancepants strikes again! 

What were your thoughts on Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9? Let us know in the comments down below!

Brooklyn Nine-Nine airs Thursdays at 9/8c on NBC! 

The Golden Child Review

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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Amy: Come on. Let's go help the bastard.
Jake: Don't love how we got here, but we're going where I want!

I spent my whole life trying to beat David at something. But when you were in danger I just didn't care anymore. All I wanted was for you to be okay. I may never have the mantel, but it doesn't matter. Because I have you.
