How to Get Away with Murder Season 5 Episode 6 Review: We Can Find Him

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This was not the way this story was supposed to end. 

Things felt off the whole hour, as How to Get Away with Murder Season 5 Episode 6 introduced us to the often mentioned but rarely seen Governor Birkhead who came bearing gifts. 

When something seems too good to be true in life, it usually is -- a fact that Annalise learned the hard way. 

Governor Birkhead - How To Get Away With Murder Season 5 Episode 6

Annalise is cunning and ruthless, but she got bested by a woman who may play that role even better than she does. Governor Birkhead was concise and forthright with her pitch. She had me buying it at first!

She was complimentary toward Annalise and set her up perfectly to make her feel appreciated and valued. When you're offering someone who perceives you to be the enemy an opportunity, before all else you have to get them on your side. You must get them believing the opportunity is what's best for both of you. 

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Birkhead did that and then some. Annalise would have unprecedented power and authority. She could enact real change if that's what the governor wanted her to do. 

We don't get a ton from Emmett all the time, but his opposing pitches to Annalise were pretty compelling. Unlike Birkhead, he hasn't been an enemy to Annalise. And sure, he has his own agenda, but I believed him when he said he would fight for her. 

Tegan: What's going on? Did Keating accept the Governor's offer?
Emmett: She told you about that?
Tegan: I know everything that happens in this building. I also know what she wants. Just what we all want, to be wanted. Cuz we can't afford to lose her right now, especially when I'm out whoring myself for diet pill money. So beg her to stay, even if that means getting down on your hands and knees, cuz that woman's not gonna stand for anything else. And honestly, I kind of love her for that.

And I think Annalise believed him too. But Nate Senior's pardon was something that she just couldn't pass up. 

It's understandable why she would push for that, and it's also understandable why the governor would use that to trap her. And in this game of chess, the person who loses is the elder Lahey. 

A Meeting of the Minds - How To Get Away With Murder Season 5 Episode 6

As soon as he started that letter, the writing was on the wall. He was never going to be able to make those amends. And Nate was never going to be able to see his father again. 

It will be a pretty defining moment for Annalise as she's now in bed with the woman who beat her at her own game. Now the question becomes: does this betrayal play into the events of the murder at the wedding?

Speaking of the wedding, there was a nice subplot revolving around Oliver and his mother which officially has me worried about Oliver's survival. When you get sweeping monologues and full story plots, it could mean that you're on your way out the door. 

Related: How To Get Away With Murder Season 5 Episode 5 Review - It Was the Worst Day of My Life

Oliver had some beautiful moments with both Connor and his mother, especially when he told her about the meaning behind his distance. Joanna was a pistol, and all she wanted was for her son to have the perfect day. 

We already know that the Coliver wedding looks awfully nice, so it appears as though Connor's dad may end up coming through with some cash. But at what cost?

Excited Frank - How To Get Away With Murder Season 5 Episode

The closer and closer we get to the wedding the questions keep piling up. 

And now that we got some more background into Julie, it seems plausible that she could be involved somehow. 

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Does everyone firmly believe Julie's latest version of events? I can't say that I do. She seems to want to protect Bonnie in her own, twisted way. And in her mind, if she did kill Bonnie's son, that's what she was doing. She was saving both Bonnie and the child from the life she was forced to live. 

With that revelation, the 'Gabriel is Bonnie's son' debate can be put to bed. That doesn't mean the 'who the hell is Gabriel' question is any closer to being solved though. 

Gabriel continues his shadiness by revealing to Laurel that he knows about her relationship with Wes. It's not exactly earth-shattering news here, but it does appear that as Frank's keeping tabs on him, he's been keeping tabs on everyone else. For what though?

That seems to be the million dollar question. More than I want to know who Bonnie snuffed out in the snow and why Asher and Pam were having relations at the wedding, I want to know who Gabriel Maddox is. 

If played correctly, this could end up being the biggest twist this show has ever produced. 

A Call From the Governor - How to Get Away with Murder

Everything Else You Need To Know

  • I've had my difficulties with Nate's character over the years, but man do I feel sorry for him. To go from sheer happiness to heartbreak in the span of a few minutes is just devastating. But the fact that he was able to use the last few months to reconnect with his father was a miracle in itself. RIP Nate Leahy Senior. 
  • Tegan is a boss, and she should never forget it. 
  • Emmett's misconduct wasn't nearly as salacious as I thought it would be. We saw more passion and gumption from him tonight then we've seen all season, and I would hope he changes his mind and helps Annalise moving forward. But that phone call to security was cold-blooded. 
  • Miller is so into Bonnie that it's making me believe he's up to no good. He's now accounted for as being at the wedding, but we don't know when he rolled up and what happened afterward. And due to that caveat, I'm still sticking with my prediction. Miller is a goner. 

This episode was a real doozy, and I really want to know what you guys thought about the hour and where you see things headed next! Were you surprised by Nate Seniors death? What should Annalise do now? Any guesses on Gabriel's real identity? And who dies at the wedding?

We are so close to the midseason finale, so make sure you watch How to Get Away with Murder online right now, so you're ready for the fireworks!

We Can Find Him Review

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Whitney Evans is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on X.

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How to Get Away with Murder Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

You work with Annalise every day. You can easily handle my mother.

Oliver [to Connor]

Your family almost destroyed this firm. That's why we have to take low rent accounts like Gut Suckers. It's about time you paid us all back.

Tegan [to Laurel]