Days of Our Lives Round Table: Should Brady Forgive Eve?

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Eric confronted Brady and then searched for Nicole, Brady learned Eve’s secret, and Ciara ditched Ben for Tripp on Days of Our Lives.

TV Fanatics Jack Ori and Christine Orlando are joined by UhSir and Kierstin from MyHourglass a Days of Our Lives fan forum to debate if Brady should forgive Eve, would they want Nicole to return to Salem, if Ciara is better with Ben or Tripp and if they’re enjoying this new Kristen Dimera.

Another Couple Implodes - Days of Our Lives

Should Brady forgive Eve or break up with her for good?

UhSir: Brady should forgive Eve. I actually like them as a couple. If they would just be completely honest with each they could be quite interesting, whether they are doing good or something sneaky and undermining.

I wish this show would spend some time developing couples. Days desperately needs a few solid couples to bring stability to the show. Brady/Eve could do that. I hesitate to care about any couple right now because they always get blown apart.

Kierstin: Brady needs to stay away from women for a while.

Jack: To my surprise, I was on Eve's side with this. She should have known better than to go to Victor and then try to cover this up, but she didn't actually tell Victor to plant drugs and equating her to Kristen is over the top.

Plus she's forgiven Brady for worse, though in all honesty, he's doing her a favor by freeing her from himself and his falling in and out of love at the drop of a hat.

Christine: I never expected to like Brady and Eve as a couple but I do. And as was said above, she didn’t plant the drugs or tell Victor to do it, she simply found out about it after the fact. Brady has done far worse. I know he’s upset but he should stop being a hypocrite and forgive her.

Will Reassures Paul - Days of Our Lives

Do you view Sonny as selfless and broken-hearted, or whiny and self-pitying for giving up on Will for Paul?

UhSir: Can I pick broken-hearted and self-pitying? He's not selfless, he clearly wants Will to be with him. He's not being whiny but he's doing a lot of moping.

Sonny allowed himself to believe that as soon as Will got his memories back, he would come running back. I love that he's chatting with his mom but it's all "woe is me." I'd like for him to talk to his dad about stepping back and focusing on other things for a while.

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Kierstin: I think Sonny is whiny and self-pitying right now. He's acting like he's doing a good thing, but he's definitely being a whiner about it.

Jack: I'm sure he is broken-hearted, but not selfless at all. He's been selfish through this whole thing and now he's sitting around showing off how "noble" he is by constantly whining that he and Will are over. Stop sulking and go do something!

Christine: Oh please stop the constant whining! I hated that Sonny expected Will to dump Paul the moment his memories came back and barely gave him a minute to come to terms with all he’d remembered.

Now Sonny can’t stop talking about how he’s doing the right thing by letting Will stay with Paul. This storyline has me wanting to change the channel on characters I used to love.

Eric Wants to Drink - Days of Our Lives

Do you want Nicole to return to Salem or stay away?

UhSir: I would love for Nicole to return. I loved Nicole. It would be great to have her come to visit a couple times a year, mingle with various characters, maybe get involved in a minor story. I like what they are doing with Sami this time around. Maybe they can do that with Nicole.

Kierstin: I would like for Nicole to return.

Jack: Nicole is one of my favorite characters so I'd love her back in Salem -- as long as she and Eric stay away from each other. They should have been over for good after the abusive way he treated her for over two years following the shreds debacle and we don't need any more abusive relationships in place of real romance on this show.

Christine: I’ve always loved Nicole and would love for her to return. I’d also like to see she and Eric find their way back to one another if they can be a real couple who doesn’t get torn apart at the drop of a hat.

Reunited for the Moment - Days of Our Lives

Ciara and Tripp? Ciara and Ben? Which couple would you prefer to see thrive?

UhSir: Ciara and Ben. I can't stay awake with Ciara and Tripp. He needs to move out of the loft and away from the teen scene. Maybe move him in with Kayla so she's not all alone. Have some scenes with her where they chat about Steve and he talks about his life before Steve found him. And have him fill in for Steve at Black Patch.

They need to keep working Ciara with Ben. Ciara doesn't have to default to some other guy just to stay away from Ben. Give her a solid backbone and let her stand on her own.

Kierstin: I would prefer to see Ciara and Ben thrive. Ciara and Ben have so much chemistry. Tripp is too easily manipulated by Claire.

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Jack: I prefer Ciara and Tripp, but it's obvious they're just filler. They were never really developed properly, while Ciara and Ben have a ton of obstacles in their way so it's clear they're end game.

Christine: I’ve loved the idea of Ciara and Tripp (Bo’s daughter with Steve’s son is legacy character magic!) but their romance has been usurped by the chemistry between Ciara and Ben.

I like Ciara and Ben, but I can’t imagine Ciara having a long-term relationship with a serial killer. The upside is that I enjoy both Tripp and Ben so there isn’t actually a downside.

Attacking the Wrong Woman - Days of Our Lives

Are you enjoying this latest incarnation of Kristen Dimera?

UhSir: I've only seen Kristen in her appearances since my return in 2011 and I haven't liked her too much. This recast seems the same to me.

Maybe she's a little more calculating. She's okay. My lack of enthusiasm is probably because I'm very bored with her obsession with John and Marlena. I might like her if she wasn't so one-note.

Kierstin: Yes. I've been enjoying Kristen DiMera.

Jack: I'm enjoying the actress, but I'm not a fan of this over the top craziness and violence. I'd love to see more of Susan though!

Christine: As crazy as Kristen has been, in the past she’s always felt like she had a human side but with this latest incarnation that seems to be missing. I can’t say I’m really enjoying the character this time around.

Poisoning Her Enemy - Days of Our Lives

What, if anything, disappointed you this week on Days of Our Lives?

UhSir: Hattie be so Hattie-like and zero Marlena-like yet Belle and Abe never said anything about how strange "Marlena" is behaving.

Kierstin: I’m disappointed in the Baby Bonnie storyline.

Jack: Why is JJ just wandering around town randomly comforting people? On top of the fact that he needs a better story than that (and I'm hoping him investigating Gabi will lead to one), he has an apartment.

There's no reason for Jen to talk to him in the alley by the Pub about how heartbroken she is or for him and Gabi to meet in the Square as if he's homeless.

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Speaking of Gabi, this story is making my skin crawl. Every time she's on-screen it takes all my will not to change the channel. Gabi drugging a pregnant woman and trying to make it appear that Abby's DID is back is making me sick, and I hope Stefan doesn't rape Abby a second time because of his delusional belief that Gabby is back.

And Eric is acting like an abusive jerk again. Jen is far better off without him and so is Nicole.

Christine: I was disappointed that Brady took no responsibility for his actions when Eric confronted him. He kept trying to justify blackmailing Nicole by pointing out how happy everyone now was. He really needed to apologize and beg for forgiveness.

Suspicious of Hope - Days of Our Lives

What was your favorite quote, scene, or storyline this week in Salem? 

UhSir: Maggie and Victor being so wonderfully Maggie and Victor again! I'm in heaven. As long as Days keeps feeding me smatterings of them together mixed with their adorable bickering I'll still have faith in this show.

Kierstin: My favorite scene from this week was when Susan said to Victor, "Oh you're just a pussycat! Meow Meow Meow!" Then when Susan walked away, Victor said, "Pussycat, my ass."

Jack: I've been waiting for Susan vs Victor forever and it didn't disappoint! I was also thrilled that we have proof that SOMEONE planted evidence and I'm hoping for some comeuppance for Hope. 

Christine: Apparently Victor and Maggie won the week for all of us. I love Victor when he’s snarky and he was in top form with Susan in this Days of Our Lives quote

Susan: You want to use my hair? You’ll see that it’s not a wig.
Victor: Good God, it’s not?

I also enjoyed Sami interacting with Harold int he Dimera mansion. It made me wonder if he missed her, EJ and the kids.

Begging the Butler - Days of Our Lives

Want to chat more about the happenings in Salem? Then check out Jack Ori’s Days of Our Lives review here at TV Fanatic.

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Days of Our Lives Quotes

I don't know how Rafe mansplained this to you, but I was upset over losing Will and he was upset over losing you and we were just two exes trying to comfort each other.


Abigail: You knew it was my alter. Gabi, I have apologized to you a thousand times. I never meant to hurt you.
Gabi: But I do want to hurt you, Abigail. I do. Because you, you just keep on leading this amazing, great life, and I'm the one who keeps getting screwed. You didn't even get punished for what you did, you didn't even get a slap on the wrist. You even told Chad you wanted to be punished. You're welcome. And yes, I did drug you, and yes I did put this wig on your head to make sure you were having a relapse. Hold the applause.
Abigail: Why are you confessing all this now?
Gabi: Because you can't do anything about it. I have you exactly where I want you.
Abigail: Well, you know I'm gonna tell everybody that you confessed.
Gabi: Oh like you told everybody about my last so-called confession at the courts? No one is gonna believe anything that you say, because what you said came out of a crazy person's mouth.